
Unit 8 A camping trip Period 5

teaching aims:
1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a telescope, a tin-opener, a pot, a stove, a blanket, a towel, a hill, show, children.
2. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型i have…we have… what do you have? you have…and i/we have…what do they have? they have… what does he/she have? he/ she has… we have… and they have…
3. 能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型 we all like our… look, …and …are coming. great!
important and difficult points:
    the usage of have and has
teaching aids:
    pictures, the tape and the tape recorder.
teaching steps:
step 1: greetings
step 2: warming up
listen to the song and sing the song after the tape.
step 3: revision
  read part c and part d after teacher.
  perform part c and part d
  read part a together.
  translate part a.
  recite part a.
step 4: presentation and practice
part f
  look and read.
  listen and point: nose, head, hair, ears, eyes, mouth…
  look and say.
  show their own mask and introduce the mask.
part g
  read the words.
  say the similar words.
part e
  look and say: what’s in the picture.
  read the story themselves and answer the questions: what does my brother/ sister/tom/ tom’s brother have?
  read the story together.
step 5: do the exercises;
靠近小山, 在野营营地, 互相,一次野营旅行, 一罐鸡,在那儿,一盒巧克力, 一些水果
2.用have,has或 there be的适当形式填空。
a. look, __________ some students in the classroom.
b.i’m hungry. ______ you ______ any cakes?
c. __________ any water in the bottle.
d.how many students __________in your school?
e. the girl in red______many sweets.
f. my father and mother _____ two dogs.
g._______ your brother______any books?
step 6: homework
teaching notes:
上一篇:新版小学英语五年级下册Unit5 How much is it?教案 下一篇:五年级下册uint2 Part B The fifth Period集体备课