


英语教案 五年级下册
module 1 our life
unit 1 what does sue do on weekdays?
unit 2 what should jiamin do?
unit 3 let’s go further
module 1 revision
module 2 seeing a doctor
unit 4 janet feels ill
unit 4 janet feels ill
module 2 seeing a doctor
unit 5 janet goes to the doctor’s
unit 6 let’s go further
module 3 our school and our class
unit 7 is yongxian’s new school larger?
unit 8 what time do yongxian’s classes begin?
unit 9 let’s go further
module 4 wild animals
unit 10 what are the biggest animals in the world?
unit 11 what animals run fastest?
unit 12 let’s go further
module 5  eating habits
unit 14     which food do you preper?
unit 15 let’s go further
unit 16    what’s the weather like?
unit 17   what season do you like best?
unit 18 let’s go further
module 7 revision

module 1 our life
1. language skill
(1) can talk about one’s daily routines.
(2) can give advice to friends.
(3) can make a phone call.

2. language knowledge
(1) vocabulary
4 skills:
study, early, subject, hour, practise, piano, than, pen friend, glad, i’d be glad to. may, e-mail, each, other, each other, noon, begin, teach, soon
3 skills:
former, leeds

(2) drills
he looks thinner now than before.
how does she go to school?
what time does she get up?
where does he study?
whose former pupil studies in leeds?

(3) daily expressions in communications
could you help me?
i’d love/ be glad to.
may i speak to mr. li?
this is ben speaking.

(4) to reinforce the simple present tense.

(5) to raise the awareness of the letter-sound correspondence.

(6) sub-topic
unit 1: what does sue do on weekdays?
unit 2: what should jiamin do?
unit 3: let’s go further

3. affects
(1) to reinforce the idea of being a good student.
(2) to develop the confidence in decoding new words, and to provide sense of success of extensive reading.
(3) to encourage pupils to think.
(4) to challenge more able learners.

4. learning strategy
(1) cognitive strategy.
(2) regulating strategy.
(3) communicative resource strategy.

5. cultural consciousness
(1) to raise the pupils, awareness of cultural differences between countries.
(2) to provide pupils with more information about british culture.
(3) to prepare pupils for appropriate behavior when meeting british people.

ⅱ.difficult points
1. he looks thinner now than before.
2. he should get up early.
3. she shouldn’t play computer games too much.35页,当前第11234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435

ⅲ.schedule: 6 long-periods

textbook, activity book, tape, teacher’s book, cards, computer, tv

unit 1 what does sue do on weekdays?

一、 教学目标

二、 教学重点和难点
1. 重点:
1. 询问别人生活习惯的句子;介绍自己生活习惯的句子。
2. 四会单词的记忆
2. 难点:用第三人称单数讲出他人的生活习惯。

三、 教学策略

四、 教学媒体

1. 组织教学
a. 教师导入语(talk about the routine)
b. 热身运动的带动唱《i will rock you》、《come on in and join the fun》
c. 投影图片,快速说出图片内容tpr(go to school、go to bed、get up、go to the park等)
d. 团康活动(同桌用what do you usually do…?和do you usually …?)体现学习乐趣和团结合作精神。

2. 呈现和学习阶段
①电脑出示文章第一幅图片和关键词:homework,after dinner
t: look at this picture .what is in the picture?
s1: there is a boy.
s2: a clock.
s3: a desk.
t: ok, now use your own words to talk about the picture.(小组探究学习)
what time is it ?
he is doing his homework.
he does his homework after dinner.
最后老师说出完整的句子he does his homework
after dinner.并教授新单词hour
连起来读he does his homework for an hour after dinner.
he always does his homework for an hour after dinner.
t:now let’s make a dialogue,what does he usually do after dinner?
s:he always does his homework for an hour after dinner.
t:now,use “go to school”,“by bus”to make a sentence.
s:she go to school by bus.
替换练习把by bus 换成by underground
老师出示“what does he do on weekdays?”
“he always does his homework for an hour after dinner.”
“what does she do on weekdays?”
“she goes to school by underground .”四个句子,
what does he do on weekdays?
he always does his homework for an hour after dinner,after dinner.
what does she do on weekdays?
she goes to school by underground,by underground.
t: students,look at the screen,and try to make a sentence.35页,当前第21234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435
s: he gets up at six o’clock.
he gets up early.
t:now,let’s play a game.(看谁反应快)
④use the cai to present the story.
学习he studies at rose school in leeds.
what does he do on weekdays?
he always does his homework for an hour after dinner,after dinner.
what does she do on weekdays?
she goes to school by underground,by underground.
what does he do on weekdays?
he gets up early, gets up early.
what does he do on weekdays?
he studies at rose school in leeds, n leeds.

3. 巩固发展
1. 全班读chant。
2. play a game.
3. 拓展
4. 归纳总结
5. 作业布置
预习unit one。

板书                    module 1  our life
what do you usually do…?            homework
do you usually …?                   after dinner
                                    hour        our

unit 1 what does sue do on weekdays?
一、 教学目标35页,当前第31234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435
(1) 能与人谈论平日所做的事情。
(2) 单词:former, practice, piano, older, e-mail
(3) 句子:she’s one year older than me.(比较级)

二、 教学重难点:
1. 对课文的理解。
2. 对比教级的初步理解。
3. 本课生词的学习。
三、 教学媒体:

四. 教学过程
一、 热身与复习(warming up & revision)
一、 小诗:
通过看电脑软件复习小诗, 复习有关的单词及句子。
二、 游戏:
pretty, ugly, old, young,  slim, strong
二、   准备任务(pre-task)
(--)  学习课文第一段对话 。
1.利用图片,情境呈现课文第一段对话 。
        who’s the pretty girl in this photo?
        it’s my former pupil, sue.
        she studies at rose school in leeds, england now。
last year, sue was my pupil, but now she isn’t my pupil. so, sue is my former pupil.

         a;is sue’s school near her home?
         b:does she go to school by underground?
         c:how does she go to school?

     a:does sue study chinese at school?
     b:does she have lunch at school?
     c:does she need to do her homework after school?
4. 利用图片,学习句子
she practises the piano for half an hour like you.
及生词practise, piano

5. 四人小组边做动作边进行对话。

1.通过图显示出sue12岁,全体同学扮演misswhite,师扮演xiao ling.
2.学习句子she’s one year older than me.
   she’s twelve, i’m eleven.
she’s one year older than me.
i’m one year younger than her.
3.练习句子she’s one year older than me.。





三while-task &post-task:
game: ask questions about sue and her school.
the answers to the questions can’t be found in the dialogue.(课本第三页第二题)
四 布置作业 (homework)

1. 听录音  读熟 unit 1 dialogue
2. 抄本课生词。

版书:unit1   what does sue do on weekdays?
     is…?    no…
     does…?  no…
     does…?  no…
     does…?  yes…
     does…?  yes…she practises the piano for half an hour like you.
how old…?she’s…she’s one year older than me.

unit 1 what does sue do on weekdays?
1. unit 1 work with language
2. unit 2 work with language
3. 单词: seldom, should, shouldn’t
4. 重难点: the girl shouldn’t watch tv too long. she should go to bed now.
5. 情感目标:tell the pupils that we shouldn’t watch tv too long. that’s bad for our eyes.

1. 热身
(1) 歌曲: janet gets up early every day

(2) 小诗: mind the clock
          and keep the rule.
          try to come
          in time to school.

(3) 游戏:show the clock.
6.00a.m. 8.30a.m. 7.05a.m. 10.15a.m. 12.00  4.40p.m. 8.25p.m. 9.45p.m.
这时引出a.m. 和p.m.的表达法,a.m. : in the morning  p.m. : in the afternoon
提醒: 12.00(p.m.) : twelve at noon   12.00(a.m.) : twelve mid-night

2. 准备任务:
(1) guessing game:
如:she gets up at 7.00a.m.
she practises the piano at 5.30p.m. (复习practise the piano)
   这些句子来自unit 1 work with language part i.

(2) 看图听问题,根据问题把句子连线。图片及短语来自unit 2 work with language part i

         the old man          sometimes        late for school.

         the young man        always            goes to work by bus at eight.35页,当前第51234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435

         the lady              never             cooks dinner.

         the boy is            usually             gets up at seven five.

         the girl               often             goes to bed at half past ten.

         the child             seldom             has lunch at twelve o’clock.

         the girl               always              watches tv too long.

1) what does the old man always do?
2) what does the young man sometimes do?
3) what does the lady usually do?
4) what does the boy never do?
5) what does the girl seldom do?  (引出词seldom)
6) what does the child often do?
7) what does the girl always do?

(3) 根据上一步的第七幅图,t: the girl always watches tv too long. she shouldn’t watch tv too long. it’s bad for her eyes. it’s twelve in the evening. she should go to bed now.引出should和shouldn’t。教新词并根据unit 2 work with language ii的图片进行操练。再检查操练情况。

(4) 小结:
程度副词,两种时间表达法,表示生活规律的短语和should, shouldn’t的用法。

3. 做任务和检查任务
(1) 让学生运用所学的知识按实际情况用shouldn’t, should说话。
for example,
you shouldn’t play football. you should have english class now.

(2) game:选用所给的短语,根据一天的生活规律与好友编一个对话。
get up, wash one’s face, brush one’s teeth, go to school, begin classes, play football, play games, go swimming, have lunch, go back home, do one’s homework, practise the piano, have dinner, watch tv, play computer games, go to bed…

4. 作业:
(1) write your time table on weekdays in english.(用英文写一个你自己工作日的时间表)
(2) draw two or three pictures and give advice according to the pictures.35页,当前第61234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435
for example,
you shouldn’t play computer games. you should go to the children’s palace now.
(3)第5页work with language ex.3

                     module 1    our life

                        a.m.  in the morning
                        p.m.  in the afternoon
                    *12.00   twelve at noon
                                        seldom /    /
                the girl shouldn’t watch tv too long.          shouldn’t=should not
                she should go to bed now.                    should /    /

unit 2 what should jiamin do?
1  语言知识(language knowledge)能在老师的指导下正确理解所学的知识和句子。
1. 拓展相关的句型  jiamin looks thinner now than before.
2. 学习句子:sometimes jiamin can’t hand in his homework on time and he can’t do well in class.
2  语言技能(language skill)
1. 能正确的运用本节课所学的比较级。
2. 能运用本节课的句型进行交流。
3情感态度:(emotional attitude)
4学习策略(learning strategies)

steps teacher’s activities pupils’activities
2.tell the objectives.
2.know the objectives.
presentation 35页,当前第71234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435
and learn 1.telephone.(make a dialogue)a and b are telephoning .引出电话用语。板书电话用语。
2.show  jiamin’s pictures.(one is thin, the other is thinner, why?
and practice the sentences: jiamin looks thinner now than before.用比较级造句子。
3.make a dialogue. show the reason: jiamin has a computer. and he plays the piano too much.
 1.make a dialogue with the teacher.
2.guess why jiamin looks thinner?
3.make the sentences.
4.they know the reason: don’t play computer too much.
development 1.play the tape ,say sth. about the story.
2llisten to the children’s ideas.
3t:what should jiamin do?(give jiamin some advices.) 1.listen to the tape, read the text ,understand the text.
2.read the text in pairs.
3give jiamin some advices.
homework  assign the homework read text and understand it.

layout               unit 2 what should jiamin do?
----may i speak to…?                              worry
----this is … speaking. who’s that, please?                   worried
----it’s…                              tired
jiamin looks thinner now than before.                     sleep
sometimes jiamin can’t hand in his homework             catch up with
on time and he can’t do well in class.                         together

unit 2 what should jiamin do?
一、warm up.
one little monkey swinging in a tree.
two little monkeys splashing in the sea.
three little monkeys playing on a swing.
four little monkeys dancing in a ring.
five little monkeys eating favourite cheese.
six little monkeys chasing naughty pigs.
seven little monkeys wearing funny things.
eight little monkeys sleeping in their pit.
(一) 1. 把chant 里的最后一个单词用红笔标出来。
tree  sea  cheese  swing  ring  pigs  things  pit35页,当前第81234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435
2. 边读这些词,边做长短音的手势,让学生自己说出/i:/ /i/音。
3. 读下列音标:
  /i:t/     /pi:/     /ti:/     /di:p/     /li:v/
  /kik/   /kid/    /big/     /bit/      /pik/
4. 根据/i:/音编:
   me, me, let me see.
   he, he, show the key.
   she, she, go to the street.
  big, big, it’s a big ball.
  hit, hit, hit the ball.
  pick, pick, pick up the ball.
5. 简单地学四个辅音:/p/  /b/  /t/  /d/
6. 根据音标学单词。
  bee /bi:/     bead /bid/      pit /pit/
(二) game: 摘苹果
(可用课件也可用图片贴在黑板上) 苹果树上挂着一些写有单词的苹果:fifth, in, tea, still, meet, city, kill, leave, live, hill.  两个小朋友各拿一个篮子,一个篮子边写上音标/i:/, 另一个篮子边写/i/, 看看哪个单词苹果属于哪个篮子。
   1. 读课文所给单词,归纳出/s/ /z/ /ts/ /dz/ /iz/ 的音。
   2. 在黑板上贴音标/s/ /z/ /iz/,学生每人手中有一张单词卡,上黑板来把单词贴在相应的音标下。e.g. looks  opens   drinks  uses  washes  leaves  travels  throws  calls …
   3. game. 老师念很多学过的单词,学生认为这个词尾发/s/时就坐着不动,认为这个词是发/z/时就站起来。
   1. 按规则读下列单词:
meet    meat    tea   please    cheese
kid     baby     hit   mid      ready
   2. 填上所缺字母:
   japan_ se      f _ t     b _ t      _ _ t       lad _
五、happy time. (tongue twister)
silly sheep weep and sleep.
six sharp smart sharks.
she said she should sit.
she sees cheese
1. read p9.
2. try to write more words which have the /i:/ /i/ sounds.

unit 3 let’s go further


1. it’s …/it’s time to ….35页,当前第91234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435
2. it’…. i like it.
it’s …. i don’t like it.


step one (warming up)
1.     chant: it’s time to ….
2.     sing a song: tick tock tick

step two (pre-task leading in)
复习关于时间的句型: what time is it? it’s ….
t: look! what time is it?(教师问学生当时的时间)
ps: it’s ….
t: right! it’s time to have our class. good …,class.
   now, what time is it? (教师出示教具钟,时间显示为八点半。)
p1: it’s ….
t: it’s in the evening. is it time to have lunch?
ps: no,…
t: right, if you are good boys or girls, you can watch tv at that time. 

2. 谈论电视节目并填写表格。
t: do you often watch tv?
p1: yes, i do.
t: what programmes do you like?
p2: i like cartoons.
t: i like cartoons, too. because it’s interesting.
i don’t like news, because it’s boring. (教师将表达情绪的词填入下面表格作为子。)

programmes news tv 
plays  cartoons sport
programmes music

boring  interesting  


3. 听看录象,并回答问题。(隐藏故事结局)
t: our friends piggy and poggy often watch tv too. now they are
watching tv. what time is it now? are the programmes
do they like them? listen and watch carefully and then answer,
t: piggy and poggy don’t like the programmes. so what are they going to do? can you guess?
it’s ________ o’clock. piggy and poggy want to ________ _______.
but the programmes are not ____________. they are not for __________.so they’re both ___________ at last.

step three (while-task)
2. 对学生的表演给予适当的评价。

step five (homework)

module 1 revision
should 和 shouldn’t的使用
practise doing的运用
module 1 sound families

game: what can get more apples from the apple tree?
group work: look at the words and read.
cooks, drinks, jumps, skips, drives, leaves, swims, calls, sees, stays, enjoys, borrows, gets, puts, skates, starts, ends, needs, reads, understands, closes, fishes, washes, catches, watches, flies, studies, goes, does
present a boy. he’s climbing the apple tree. please give advice to the boy.
you shouldn’t climb the tree. you should water the tree.
show two more pictures and give advice. … shouldn’t…  … should…35页,当前第101234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435
activity book p8 ex. 5
summing up
should+v.  should+v.(动词原形)  should/shouldn’t do
can/can’t do, must/mustn’t do, will do, shall do, may do
look at the picture. jiamin shouldn’t swim in the river, he should swim in the swimming pool. let’s call his mother.
t: good morning. may i speak to mrs chen?
ps: this is mrs chen speaking. who’s that, please?
t: it’s miss zhou. jiamin swims in the river. i’m worried about him.
ps: really? he shouldn’t swim in the river. he should swim in the swimming pool.
thank you for telling me, miss zhou.
t: you’re welcome. let’s help him together. bye.
ps: bye.
make this dialogue in pairs according to the key words.
jiamin is naughty, but sally is a good girl. she likes singing. she enjoys listening to the music, and she practises dancing for an hour everyday.
summing up:
be doing
like doing
enjoy doing
practise doing
(activity book p10 ex.3 (3))
exercise: activity book p2 ex.4
listening exercise:
activity book: p9 ex.1-2

activity book p10-12 ex. 3-5
listen to the tape and read module 1.
review the new words.

layout                     module 1 our life
should/ shouldn’t do                  practise doing
can/ can’t do                         be doing
must/ mustn’t do                     like doing
will do                              enjoy doing
shall do
may do

比较级       adj.+er  than

module 2 seeing a doctor
language skill
can talk about the names of common illness in english.
can express different feelings and symptoms when being ill, and ways of talking to a doctor.

language knowledge
4 skills:
feel, wake, wake up, ill, matter, what’s the matter? quickly, get dress, bad, hot, cold, have a cold, sweet, bath, have a bath, pale, first, medicine, take medicine, time, headache, tooth-ache, fever, pain, you’d better= you had better

3 skills:
plenty, plenty of, checkup, stomachache35页,当前第111234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435

上一篇:PEP五年级英语下册期末复习提纲 下一篇:5A Unit 5 Review and check