
Unit5 My new room教案


(人教pep)五年级英语上册教案 unit5

课 题:

unit5 my new room 第二课时教学内容:a: let’s try. let’s talk. talk and draw. c: good to know. 教学目标:1、能够听懂、会说本课对话,并能做替换练习。
2、能够听、说、认读句型there is a…/there are…并能在情景中正确运用。
3、了解good to know内容。  重点难点:important point: there is…  there are…difficult point: i have my own room now. what’s it like?  教具准备:word cards, recorder, tape, some paper. 理论依据教

程 step1.warm-up
1、daily talk.
2、let’s sing and let’s chant in last lesson.
3、review the four-skills words.step2.preview
  1、let’s try: listen and do.
  2、ss practise the structures: “i can see a … in picture 1/2.”。 step3. presentation
  1、出示一个房间,然后在房间里出教师本人,然后介绍说:“look,this is me. i have my own room now.”, 强调“my own room”的发音,让学生跟说。教师继续出示自己的书本等物品,并介绍说:“my own book/pen…”,引导学生出示他们的物品说出:“my own … ”,最后让学生拿出纸,画上一个房间,对周围的同学说:“look! i have my own room now.”
  2、教师出示mirror,并向学生介绍说:“in my room there is a mirror.”,让学生跟说。教师再重复说:“in my room there is a new mirror.”,再让学生跟说。然后是air-conditioner,与mirror相同,再连起来说:“in my room there is a new air-conditioner and a new mirror.”,再是导出closet,先说:“in my room there is a closet.”,然后说:“in my room there is a big closet. ”,最后说:“there is a big closet,a new air-conditioner and a new mirror.”。教师让学生把这几样东西画在房间里,同桌之间进行相互练习说一说。出示blue curtains,教师介绍说:“there are blue curtains.”,并通过教师动作手势与there is 句型进行比较,并且教师可以多给学生一些比较,例如:there is a desk. there are 3 desks.等等。总之,让学生明白there is 和there are句型的不同,然后让学生把blue curtains画上去,让学生根据自己的画把三个句子连起来说,教师可给学生一些鼓励。
3、在学生说说自己画的房间时,教师可以穿插问:“what’s it like?”,通过模仿后,让一名学生a上来,背对屏幕,课件出示一个新房间的图片,教师重新布置房间,每次选两至三幅图片贴入房内。教师引导学生提问:“what’s it like?”,根据学生情况确实活动次数。
5、做替换练习:让学生两人一组用自己画的图片做替换step4.consolidation and extension
1、talk and draw。
2、教师介绍good to know部分的知识。
3、做活动手册a let’s talk 部分的配套练习。 教

思虽然以前已经接触过there is a…/there are…的句型,但仍是本课学习的难点,要注意相似句型的比较。 

上一篇:北师大版五年级英语下册教案第四单元教学计划 下一篇:Unit5 My New Room (第二课时)