
牛津5b英语全册Unit 4 An English friend教案


unit 4 an english friend
一、 教学要求
1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词an-email, busy, a town, usually, well, fast, high, from.
2. 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语i’m busy. i go to school from monday to friday.
3. 能听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写句型does he/she …?yes, he/she does. no, he/she doesn’t. what does he/she usually do…? he/she usually … .
4. 了解字母u在单词中的读音。
5. 会诵读歌谣a letter for me.
七、 单元教材分析
本单元的主要教学内容是通过发电子邮件的情景介绍朋友。同时重点引出了主语是第三人称单数的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句及其答语does he/she…? yes, he/she does. no, he/she doesn’t. what does he/she … usually do…? he/she usually… .

unit 4 第1课时
1. four skills: fast, high, does he/she…? yes, he does. no, he doesn’t.
2. three skills: speak loudly, run fast, jump high, dance beautifully, walk carefully, sit quietly
1. require the ss to use v. and adv. properly in a certain situation
1. four skills: fast, high, does he/she…? yes, he does. no, he doesn’t.
2. three skills: speak loudly, run fast, jump high, dance beautifully, walk carefully, sit quietly
1. require the ss to use v. and adv. properly in a certain situation
1. 单词卡片。
2. 录音机和磁带。

step1 free talk
1. sing a song. ”hobbies”
2. free talk (因为本节课要谈论的是关于经常会做的事, 所以整个话题都围绕着do you like … ? does he /she like …. ?之类的来讨论)
t: do you have any hobbies?
s: yes, i do.
t: do you like collecting stamps?
s: yes, i do./ no, i don’t.
t:(对作否定回答的同学问)what’s your hobby?
s: i like … .
1. t: ask the students to ask and answer in pairs.
step2. presentation
1、 学习 speak loudly
师带领学生唱歌,一半时示意学生停下要求sing loudly然后继续大声唱完。
显示sing loudly  读 loud loudly (两调) 开火车说读准后
t: does he speak loudly?帮助回答:yes, he/ she does .no, he/ she doesn't
显示speak loudly 要求学生read loudly.相机询问  does she /he read loudly?
2、 学习 dance beautifully
显示图:what is she doing ? she is dancing. she is dancing beautifully.
读:beautifully (两调)开火车读
t: let's dance. dance beautifully.(边跳边说,重复)请个别学生跳
相机t:does she/he dance beautifully?
s: yes, he/ she does .no, he/ she doesn't
出示板书:does he/ she/ ……?
yes, he/ she/ does . no, he/ she/ doesn't
指图::does she/he dance beautifully?
s: yes, he/ she does .(同桌操练,抽4组练习)
t: let's dance. dance beautifully. speak speak loudly.6页,当前第1123456
3、 学习 run fast
显示图:who are they? what are they doing? who runs fast? who runs slowly?
the rabbit runs fast. 学说fast (两调) 请学生当老师教大家读。口拼单词
t: ( 做兔子样)does it run fast? 出示 it.
指名两两说。指乌龟 does it run fast?
t: let's dance dance beautifully. speak speak loudly. run run fast.
4、 学习jump high
接上小兔子jump  high  学说high(两调)
请学生jump high   后请一男生和一女生比 who jumps high? who jumps low?
t: does he jump high? s:  s1-s2-……
t: each group ask and answer one by one.后检查一排。口拼单词
t: let's dance dance beautifully. speak speak loudly. run run fast. jump jump high
5、 学习sit quietly
接上示意学生silence, you are sitting quietly 反复说学生听清后跟读。(两调)
同桌对读 t: does he sit quietly? 后全班问个别 一排
t: do you sit quietly? do they sit quietly?
t: now please stand up quietly. sit down quietly  sleep quietly
6、 学习 walk carefully
请学生在长凳上走,引入, t: she is walking carefully.  it's very danger. or she'll fall down. 听懂后学说 出示图 does she walk carefully? 个别问全班答。
t: let's dance dance beautifully. speak speak loudly. run run fast. jump jump high,sit sit quietly ,walk walk carefully
7、 listen and repeat
8、 介绍动词和副词
9、 read and match.
10、 出示图片改编歌词
step3. consolidation
1、look and say
2、t: this class we've learned six phrases and these sentences constructions. let's talk about "i have a new friend. 师显示句型及示范,学生准备 交流 表扬。
step4. homework
1、 copy
2、 talk about your new friend with your parents.
                      unit 4 an english friend (b&c)    date
jump  high          run fast            speak loudly
walk  carefully     sit quietly        dance carefully
a: does …?
b:yes, he/she does. / no, he/she doesn’t.


unit 4第2课时
1. four skills: an e-mail, busy, town, usually, what does she usually do? he/she usually …
2. three skills: i’m busy.
3. require the students to read and act the dialogue
1. four skills: an e-mail, busy, town, usually, what does she usually do? he/she usually…
2. three skills: i’m busy.
1. require the students to read and act the dialogue
1. 教学挂图。6页,当前第2123456
2. 录音机和磁带。
3. 单词卡片和小黑板。
step 1. free talk
1. t(对话某男生):what do you usually do on sundays?
s1: i usually play basketball.
t: do you know yao ming? (课件中播放一小段姚明打篮球的视频)
t(转向全体学生):do you like him?/does he play basketball well?
引导ss: yes, i do. / yes, he does.
同法t再播放一段游泳运动员田亮游泳的视频,重复刚才的问题,从而来导入新授单词: well.
t带领学生: well, well w-e-l-l, swim well, play basketball/football well.(引导学生边说边做动作),让学生举例与well搭配的词组
2. t: let's read the phrases of part b.
 walk  walk  walk carefully
 sit   sit    sit  quietly
 dance  dance  dance beautifully
 speak  speak  speak loudly
 run    run     run fast
 jump  jump    jump high
t: does mike jump high?
s: yes, he does.
t: does yang ling dance beautifully?
s: yes, she does.
t: does nancy run fast?
s: no, she doesn’t.
t: now ask and answer in pairs.
step 2 presentation and practice
t:i usually watch tv, go shopping ,water flowers and do housework on sundays. i’m busy. i’m not free.
are you busy on sundays? are you free on sundays?
引导学生:yes … /no …
t: but are you free now? (以旧知导新知,以助学生更好的理解)
what are we doing now?
ss: we are having an english lesson. we are not free now.
t: yes, we are busy now. we are not free.
出示小黑板:busy [i] [i] busy, be busy (告知学生形容词与be动词连用)
学生开火车式:busy, b-u-s-y ,i’m busy .we are busy.(让学生感知be busy 的用法)
1.t: (用学生带的生活照)does … usually …?
s: 回答
t: 新授usually
t: (用另一张照片)does … usually…?
s: no, he/she doesn’t.
t: what does he/she usually do?
s: (引导)he/she usually … .
t: (板书新句型)what does he/she usually do …?
he/she usually … .
s: read the sentences
t: (出示d部分的图)what does mike usually do on sundays?
s: he usually takes photos on sundays.
t: ask the students to practice the other three pictures.
s1: what does yang ling usually do on saturdays?
s2: she usually makes clothes on saturdays.
s3:s4:  picture 3   water flowers
s5s6:   picture4   read magazines
2. look at the picture and talk about it.
t: now look at the picture of part a and listen to the tape and then answer:
q1: what is wang bing doing?
q2: what does gao shan want?
s: listen and answer.
t: ask the students to read the three sentences.
3.t: what’s wang bing doing? is he surfing the internet? 6页,当前第3123456
s: he’s writing an e-mail to … .
  yes, he is.
t: is he free?
s: no, he’s busy.
引导 e-mail, surf the internet, busy (对于这些单词和词组的教授,要慢慢过渡,而且这些单词都是学生们比较感兴趣的,因此在学起来还是比较容易的。)
s: read the words and phrases.
4. town
t: does his friend live in a city or in a town?(教师要适当的解释town这个单词的中文意思。)
5. listen to the tape, answer the question.(可以适当增加听的遍数,也可以拿笔记下重要的句子)
d. does wang bing’s friend live in london?
e. how old is his friend?
f. does he usually play football?
g. does he play well?
6. t: now read the text after the tape.
read it after the teacher.
read it in pairs.
7. t: now it’s your turn to practice the text in pairs.
s1s2: act the text. (1—3groups)
d. consolidation
1. act the dialogue.
2. talk about your own friends.
e. assign homework:
1. listen to the tape and read after the tape.
2. copy the dialogues of part a.
                     unit 4 (a&d)           date
a:what does… usually do …?
b:he/she usually…

unit 4 an english friend
一、教学内容:unit 4第3课时
2.进一步掌握句型“what does…usually do…?” “he/she usually…”
3.通过本课学习能灵活区别运用do …? yes, … do./no, … don’t.
              does …? yes, … does./no, … doesn’t.
1. 进一步掌握本单元所学的动词词组
2. 进一步掌握句型“what does … usually do …?” “he/she usually …”
1. 通过本课学习能灵活区别运用do …? yes, … do./no, … don’t.
              does …? yes, … does./no, … doesn’t.
1. 教学挂图。
2. 录音机和磁带。
3. 单词卡片和小黑板。
step 1 say a rhyme ”a letter for me”
1. listen to the tape.(投影呈现) (教师先教授并且要解释其含义)
2. read after the tape.
3. let’s say together.(可以适当的加上一些动作来增加学生学习的积极性)
step 2 revision
1. 图片闪现,生说本单元所学的词组
2. introduction
t: i usually read english books and watch tv on sundays.
my brother usually does his homework…
my parents usually… (教师在说的时候要特别强调第三人称单数后动词的变化情况)
3. do a survey in group.
s1: what do you usually…?
s2: i usually…
s1: what does your father/… usually do …
s2: he/she usually … .   (可以是以横排或竖排开火车的形式出现,也可以是同学之间随意的请人站起来说)6页,当前第4123456
4. 从他人口中了解你的同学
e.g. sa: excuse me, b.  what does c usually do …
    sb: she usually… (这个句子可在老师的帮助下完成,再请别的同学多说几次,增加印象)
sa: does d…?
sb: yes,…/no,…(此环节一定要多练习几组)
step 3. look and read
s1: i go to school from monday to friday.
t: what does he do from monday to friday?
s: he goes to school from monday to friday.
s2: i have seven lessons every day.
t: what does he do every day?
s: he has seven lessons every day.
4. describe
use: he goes to school…
he has…
he likes…(请同学用第三人称单数描述这个男生)
5. 师提供类似的图片,出示关键词,生试说(同桌),比比谁说得既流利又正确。
e. assign homework
1. 回顾本单元所学的词组、单词,试默
2. 用所学的句型描述你同学的日常生活和兴趣爱好:(注意:教师要给出范例,对不同层次的学生也要明确写的句数)
                      unit 4  (e)         date
i go to school from monday to friday.
he goes to school from monday to friday.


unit 4 an english friend
unit 4第4课时
1. 通过复习,要求学生能熟练地掌握本单元所学的动词词组
2. 能熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型及日常交际用语
1 能进一步掌握句型does…? yes,…does./no,… doesn’t.并能用what does … usually do …?询问他人日常生活规律
2 能初步了解字母u在单词中的读音
1 能熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型及日常交际用语
1. 能进一步掌握句型does …? yes, … does./no, … doesn’t.并能用what does … usually do …?询问他人日常生活规律
1. 教学挂图。
2. 录音机和磁带。
3. 单词卡片和小黑板。

step1 free talk and revision
t: i usually go shopping on saturdays and sundays. do you usually …?
s1: yes, i do. / no, i don’t. i usually play chess on saturdays.
t: does your mother work on saturdays and sundays?
s1: yes, she does.
t: what does your father usually do in the evening?
s1: he usually watches tv and reads newspapers …
step2 say the rhyme
ask the students to read the rhyme together.
t: let’s read the rhyme “a letter for me”
s: ok.
step 3 play a game
t: cry
s: do the action.
t: laugh
s: do the action.
t: sing
s: do the action.
t: you’re right. /great!6页,当前第5123456
做错的:you’re wrong.
s: i’m sorry.
step 4 read and act.
1. t: first let’s read the text together.
s: read it together.
t: now let’s act the text.
s: act it in pairs.
2. try to ask and answer (don’t look at your books.)
step 5 listen and repeat
1. t writes some words on the blackboard or use some cards with the words.
2. read together or ask someone to read.
3. 将单词按读音归类
 [ju:] student   use  …
[^] puppet  jump  puzzle …
4. look at the picture, describe it then say “the puppet jumps and runs in the bus”
e.g. t: what’s this?
ss: it’s a puppet.
t: where is it?
is it in the box?
is it in the box?
f. assign homework
1. 能熟练表演本课对话
2. 模仿part a并结合重点句型自编对话(分小组进行)
try to write a small passage (about your family member or your classmate)
板书                       unit   4   date
u[^]  bus    jump     puppet       run


上一篇:五年级上册英语Lesson 1 Fathers、Mothers … 导学案 下一篇:牛津英语5A英语语法(五)代词