
Unit1 A new term第四课时

unit1 a new term第四课时  
教材类型:牛津版    所属学科:英语>>5b(五下)    
 二、教学内容:a: read and say.
 step1:free talk and revise.
 1.greetings .
 2.say the chant
 3. revise the sentences and words we’ve learned.
 1.t:(出示a部分挂图和小黑板)boys and girls, please look at the pictures, then listen to the tape and answer the questions on the small blackboard.
 ( 学生静听录音 )
 2.ask and answer.
 t: what day is it today?
 s1:it’s monday. (spell the word.)
 t: what are they doing?
 s2:they’re having an english lesson.
 t: how many subjects do they have this term?
 s3: eight.
 t: what are they?
 s3: they’re chinese, science, social science, computer studies, , english, and maths .
 t: please look at p2,what subject does su hai like?
 s4:she likes maths.
 t: how about su yang?
 s4: she likes english.
 t:(自问自答) why? because it’s interesting.
 3.(安排学生先静听录音模仿说, 然后六人一组分角色朗读.)
 1. when: on wednesday afternoon
 place: in the classroom
 person: ken and nancy
 topic: the timetable of this term
 2. when: after school
 place: on the playground
 person: two good friends
 topic: subjects of the new term
 step4: homework
 1. read and recite part a.
 2. finish the exercise-book (f: read and fill in the form.)
 板书 unit  new term
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