
牛津英语5BUnit3 Hobbies教案


unit3 hobbies
 本单元通过mike 和yang ling 到ben家做客,引出话题,谈论"兴趣爱好"。主要学习一般疑问句do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes,i do. no,i don't. 和主语为第三人称单数时动词的用法。
1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词collect, a stamp, beautiful, a classmate, a ship, an animal, take photos, go shopping和a coin。
2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型do you have any hobbies? do you like …? yes, i do. /no, i don’t. he/she likes… he/she doesn’t.
3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型show us…, please. here they are. can you …?
5、会唱歌曲do you have any hobbies?
2、能正确地听、说、读、写do you have any hobbies?句型及其回答。
read and say(page 22--23)
1. 能正确地听、说、读、写单词collect, a stamp, many, a ship, go shopping, every ,aunt,uncle.
2. 能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和词组take photos, show us his stamps, please.here they are.
3. 能正确得理解并运用句型do you have any hobbies? do you like…?yes, i do.
no, i don’t. he/she likes…
4. 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。
5. 能初步理解主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式。
6. 能初步熟悉英语歌曲《hobbies》
1. 能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能在掌握对话的基础上分角色表演对话。
2. 能初步理解主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式。
1. 一本邮册,船类和动物类邮票
3. 照相机
4. 录音机和磁带
step1.warm up
1. free talk
t: good morning! how are you?
s: fine, thank you, and you?
t: not so good. i’ve got a cold ? what would you like to say to me?
s1: miss zhou, take some medicine, please.
s2: drink some water.
s3: have a lot of rest.
s4: why don’t you go to see the doctor?
2. listen and do
t: i like sports. i like playing table tennis. i like climbing the hill. do you like sports?
ss: yes, we do.
t: now let’s do some exercise. please listen and do.
step2.presentation and practice
1. 学习:go shopping, hobby
t: i like playing table tennis. i like reading books, too. i also like going shopping.(出示图片,学说go shopping)
t: going shopping is my hobby.(学说hobby)
t: going shopping is my hobby. reading books is my hobby. they are my hobbies.(理解学说hobbies)5页,当前第112345
2. 学习练说句型a: do you have any hobbies?  b: yes, i do. i like…
t: do you have any hobbies? (逐一问)
ss: yes, i do. i like…
师逐一向全班报告:oh! he/she likes…
3. a. 师出示课前准备好的邮册介绍引出what’s this? it’s a stamp.(教读a stamp, 生带读)look! there are many stamps in my book.引出many.
拿出动物邮票:there’s a lion on this stamp. the lion is an animal. this is an animal stamp.让学生理解animal的意思
出示一张船图案的邮票:there’s a ship on the stamp. it’s very nice. it’s beautiful.
学习a ship 一词。  领读单词a stamp, many, a ship, 生跟读。
b. 师继续出示邮册,一边给学生看里面的邮票一边介绍说 i like collecting stamps. look at my stamps. they are beautiful. 出示课前准备的布偶说i like collecting dolls ,too         学习单词collect。
c. 师把布偶放在桌子上,一边拍照一边说i like collecting dolls. i like taking photos. 让学生领会a photo和take a photo的意思,再让学生边说边做take a photo.
step3 read and say
出示read and say部分的挂图并进行句型介绍this is yang ling. she likes making clothes. helen likes cooking and growing flowers.学生理解图片意思后模仿学说this is yang ling. she likes making clothes. helen likes cooking and growing flowers.
师生利用挂图进行问答练习:does yang ling like making clothes? yes, she does. does helen like taking photos? no, she doesn’t.领说句型。
1. look at the pictures, listen to the tape, and try to understand the dialogue.
2. listen to he tape and repeat.
3. read the dialogue by themselves.
4. act out the dialogue in groups.
step4 enjoy a song -----《hobbies》
step5 homework
1. copy the words: collect, a stamp, many, a ship, go shopping, every ,aunt, uncle.
2. 听录音,朗读并表演对话。
            unit3  hobbies
he likes…                  a stamp   many
she likes…                 a ship  collect
do you like…?              go  shopping
do you have any…?          take a photo

1. look, read and write(page24)
2. sing a song(page29)
1. 能正确地听、说、读、写词组take photos, go shopping。
2. 能正确德听、说、读词组make model ships, collect stamps, grow flowers, make clothes.5页,当前第212345
3. 会唱歌曲——《hobbies》
1.  能正确地听、说、读、写词组take photos, go shopping。
3. 能正确地听、说、读词组make model ships, collect stamps, grow flowers, make clothes.
1. 能正确地听、说、读、写词组take photos, go shopping。
2. 能熟练运用本课所学的词组。
1. 画有b部分词组的动作图片和挂图
2. 录音机和磁带
step1.free talk and motivation
1. 用good morning! how are you? nice to see you. do you like …? does he/she like…?等日常生活用语及句型与学生交谈。
2. sing a song----《hobbies》
a. read 《hobbies》, and try to know the meaning.
b. listen to the tape twice.
c. listen and follow it.
d. sing it together and let some ss sing it.
step2.presentation and practice
1. 当歌曲结束时,师问: do you have any hobbies? 复现词组take photos, make clothes collect stamps。学生跟读、自由读。
2. 师做动作让学生猜测:what am i doing? guess!
ss: are you taking photos/making clothes /collecting stamps?
t: yes/no. i’m going shopping/making model ships/growing flowers/making clothes?引出go shopping/make model ships/grow flowers/make clothes?等其他词组。
3. listen to the tape and follow (模仿跟读)
step3 consolidation
1. what’s missing?
  师出示本单元所学的所有动词词组的图片,以最快的速度抽出一张,问学生:what’s missing? 学生快速说出被抽的词组。
2. look and say
do the actions, and then ss say the phrases as soon as possible.
3. what’s your hobby?
do you like going shopping? yes, i do.
do you like making clothes? no, i don’t.
4. 学生抄写四会词组:take photos, go shopping, collects stamps.
1.  copy the phrases: take photos, go shopping, collects stamps.
2.  make a dialogue in pairs.
                    unit3  hobbies
  take  photos       go  shopping        make model ships
 collect stamps        grow  flowers       make clothes

1.  ask and answer
2.  look, read and complete
1. 能进一步掌握本单元所学的有关兴趣爱好的词组。
2. 能进一步掌握句型do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes, i do.
3. 能用i like…和he/she likes…,too.句型描述自己或他人的爱好和活动。5页,当前第312345
4. 能用所学句型进行情景会话和交流。
5. 能演唱英语歌曲《hobbies》
能正确地听、说、读、写句子do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes, i do.和 i like…及he/she likes…,too.句型
能正确运用do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes, i do.并能在具体情景中以口头或书面的形式进行交流
1.  课前准备有关活动等方面的多媒体课件或图片(如make model ships, collect stamps, grow flowers, make clothes等)
2.  一个话筒
3. 录音机和磁带
step1. warm up
1. sing a song----- 《hobbies》
2. a. 快速呈示图片,复习本单元动作类的词语
b. make sentences: i like…
t: do you have any hobbies?
s1: yes, i do. i like… 选择自己喜欢的活动
step2.ask and answer
s: do you have any hobbies?
t: yes, i do. i like collecting stamps.
教师手指着一男生说he likes collecting stamps, too.
2.practise in groups
a: do you have any hobbies?
b: yes, i do. i like collecting stamps. he likes collecting stamps, too.
do you have any hobbies? yes, i do. i like…he/she likes…, too.(看谁造的句子多)
a: do you have any hobbies?
b: yes, i do. i like making model ships.
a: (指着另一个男学生)he likes making model ships, too. right?
b: no, he doesn’t. he likes taking photos.
step3. look, read and complete
1. 教师出示d部分的多媒体课件或图片,创设情境,引出话题 this is a picture of su hai’s family. su hai and her family have some hobbies.
2. look at the picture carefully , and then fill the blanks.(学生填空时,教师边巡视边提醒学生注意主语为第三人称单数时动词的用法。)
3.ask and answer(进一步理解图片内容)
t: do su hai and her family have any hobbies?
ss: yes, they do.
t: su hai likes growing flowers. su yang likes growing flowers, too. right?
ss: no, she doesn’t. she likes making model ships.
t: their mother likes going shopping and their father likes collecting stamps. right?
b: yes. and they all like listening to music and taking photos.
                  unit 3  hobbies
  do you have any hobbies?  i like…
  yes, i do.                he/she likes…,too.

1. read and act          2. do a survey
3. listen and repeat
1. 通过复习,要求学生能熟练地掌握本单元所学的有关活动类词汇。5页,当前第412345
2. 能熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。
3. 能进一步掌握句型do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes, i do. 和 i like…及he/she likes…,too.句型描述自己或他人喜欢的活动。
4. 能初步了解字母u 在单词中的读音。
能正确地听、说、读、写句型do you have any hobbies?及其答语yes, i do.和i like…及he/she likes…,too句式。
1. 有关活动方面的多媒体课件或图片。
2. 空白表格
3. 录音机和录音带
step1.free talk and revision
t: good morning, class. nice to see you again.
ss: nice to see you.
t: i like growing flowers. do you have any hobbies?
s1: yes, i do. i like making model ships.
t: he likes taking photos. right?
s2: no, he doesn’t. he likes collecting stamps.
t: do you like playing the piano?
s3: yes, i do.
s4; i like playing the piano, too.
step2. do a survey
s5: i like…….
t: what do you like?
s6: i like….
t: your hobbies are different. look, i have a table. let’s do a survey. ask your friend like this. (示范,做记录)
t: do you have any hobbies?
s: yes, i do. i like……
t: do you understand?
s: yes.
t: please do the survey in groups.
s: (六人一组,一人为组长询问,填表格,其余学生回答)
t: ok, can you tell me about your survey?(统计调查结果)
s: yes. five students like taking photos. one student likes making model ships.
step3.read and act
1.t:let’s listen to a song. ok?
s: ok. ( listen to the song “hobbies”)
t: (出示e部分的图片)look, who are they?
ss; they are liu tao and wang bing.
t: now, let’s listen to the tape and see: what are wang bing and liu tao’s hobbies?
s: (listen to the dialogue)
t: does liu tao have any hobbies?
s: yes, he does. he likes growing flowers.
t: great! what is he doing?
s: he is watering the trees and flowers.
teach: water 浇水
t: who likes grows flowers, too?
s: wang bing’s aunt.
t: oh, they have the same hobby.
teach: same 相同的
2.read the dialogue after the tape.
3.read the dialogue by themselves
4.read in pairs and act out the dialogue.
step4.listen and repeat
1.t: ok,well down. let’s play a game.(出示图片)
computer  music  student (快速展示,抽掉一张)
what is missing?
2.let the students read the words together.
3.t: please try to find out the same pronunciation .   s: /ju:/
4.show the phonetic symbol
5.read the words again
6. read the sentence
2.能够熟练并表演read and act.
               unit 3  hobbies
 图片(活动类)         read and act 图片

上一篇:5B Unit 4 An English friend 下一篇:牛津小学五年级英语下册全册教案1