
牛津小学五年级英语下册Unit1 A new term 教学设计


课题:unit1 a new term     总课时:5课时     本课时:第1课时
知识:能听说读写四会单词monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday
技能:能听说读日常交际用语welcome back to school. nice to see you.
能力:重点学习并操练句型what day is it today?及其正确回答
1、 能听说读日常交际用语welcome back to school. nice to see you.
2、 重点学习并操练句型what day is it today?及其正确回答
1. free talk,为学生创设一个良好的学习氛围。如:today is the first day of the new term. welcome back to school, boys and girls. nice to see you again.之后教师可与多位学生进行简单的交谈,增进师生情感。
2. ask the students to say something about the things done during the winter holiday and then ask some students to come to the front to say something about it and see who does a better job.
3. 教师出示收集的歌谣,激发学生的学习兴趣,然后再导入句型和词汇教学。
歌谣:how many days has my baby to play?
how many days has my baby to play?
saturday, sunday, monday,
tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday.
saturday, sunday, monday,
hop away, skip away.
my baby wants to play.
my baby wants to play every day.
4. 教师出示挂历,引导学生复习saturday, sunday (让随读生朗读)
5. 学习monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday.从读音和拼写两方面记忆单词。并告诉学生七天就组成了一个星期,即a week。
6. 教师用醒目的颜色把挂历上当天的日期和星期圈出来,自问自答:what day is it today? it’s monday.并板书。让学生尽量明白问句的意思,学生可尝试回答。然后,学生看板书读句子。其间,教师可提醒学生注意day和today中ay的发音是相同的,书写句子时,注意星期的首字母永远大写。
7. ask the students to do a pair work to practice the dialogues of “ what day is it today?” and the answer “ it’s …” and check to see if they have well master the sentence pattern.
8. 学生出示自带的小台历,同桌之间用what day is it today? it’s…进行问答练习。一个同学任意翻到一天,问另一个学生“今天是星期几”,另一个学生很快地作出回答,答对才能反问对方。在熟练问答的基础上,老师可从每组中选出一位学生到讲台前比赛,问得熟答的快的为胜。
9. do some exercise:
1)在星期一____________________ 2)在星期二上午_____________________
10. 作业:1) copy the five new word six times each7页,当前第11234567
           2) practice the dialogues of “ what day is it today” it’s …”

板书:                  unit1 a new term
               week      saturday       sunday
               what day is it today?
               it’s …

课题:unit1 a new term     总课时:5课时     本课时:第2课时
知识:能听说读写四会单词subject, chinese, science, computer studies, interesting
技能:能听说读三会单词social science, pe
能力:学习句型what lessons do you have in the…?  we have…and…
what subject do you like? i like…
1、 能听说读写四会单词subject, chinese, science, computer studies, interesting
2、学习句型what lessons do you have in the…?  we have…and… 
what subject do you like? i like…
1、 师生问候,问答练习:what day is it today? it’s…(与随读生进行对话)
2、 用开火车的方法检查学生对上节课中所学单词的掌握情况。
3、 教师出示本学期的课表(放大),告诉学生课表的英语表述timetable(因为本单元f部分会涉及这个单词),学生学说。
4、 教师向学生介绍本学期将提供给大家的科目——we have _____subjects this term. they are…教学subject,引出学科类单词:chinese, english, maths, science, social science, art, computer studies and pe.其中,english, maths, art等已经学过。教师可通过出示单词卡片和学生共同学习本课的四会单词:chinese, science, computer studies.给学生部分时间自由记忆。听录音,跟读学科类单词;在熟读的基础上,教师予以检查:教师说单词,学生很快拿出本学科的课本,或者由同桌互相出示课本,对方说出单词。7页,当前第21234567
5、 观察课表上当天的课程(教师可用醒目的颜色作标记)。教师板书呈现本节课应操练的第一个句型:what lessons do you have in the morning?请学生根据课表的实际情况给出回答——we have…and…在熟读问答句的基础上,由同桌讨论完成what lessons do you have in the afternoon?的问答练习。
6、 与学生讨论他们最喜欢的课程及其原因。由此引出what subject do you like? i like… it’s interesting.两个学生之间的过渡可用how about you?
7、 给学生部分时间归纳本课所学的重点:五个四会单词和两个重要句型。学生可根据自身需要进行复习巩固。
8、 ask the students to practice the dialogues in part d with their deskmates and then ask pairs to come to the front to try to read out the dialogues and check to see if they have been well mastered.
9、 ask them to try to write down the sentences and see if they can be written correctly.
10、 do exercise:
1) 这是新学期的第一节课。
this is _________ _________ _________ of the __________ __________.
2) 星期二你们有什么课?
what __________ __________ you have _________ ___________?
3) 我喜欢数学,它很有趣。
i __________ ___________. it’s ____________.

板书:                    unit1 a new term
            subject        chinese    maths    english
                          art        pe       science
                          computer studies
                          social science
              what lessons do you have in the morning / afternoon?
              what subject do you like?
课题:unit1 a new term     总课时:5课时     本课时:第3课时
能力:能听说读日常交际用语how many english lessons do we have in a week?7页,当前第31234567
2、能听说读日常交际用语how many english lessons do we have in a week?
1、 free talk
what day is it today?    it’s …
what lessons do you have in the morning/afternoon?     we have …
what subject do you like? why?
2、 ask the students to do a group work to think for a while about the things interesting or unforgettable that happened before and try to tell them out in english and then ask groups to come to the front to try to tell their stories and see who does a better job to tell the better stories.
3、 ask the students a question “ what subject do you like?” again and “ why?”
4、 由最后一个问题引出今天的三会句型。当有学生说他最喜欢的科目是英语时,教师可适时问:how many english lessons do we have in a week?如果学生还不明白教师的意思,教师可出示课表和学生一起数,然后一起回答we have four.并且板书、领读、帮助理解单词及句子的意思。
5、 play the tape of the dialogue in part a and ask the students to listen to the tape carefully and try to read the dialogue after the tape.
6、 put the picture of this part on the blackboard and ask the student to try to say something about the picture.
7、 ask individual students to read the dialogue sentence by sentence and try to explain the meaning of them and give certain explanation to the students to help them to understand it well.
8、 play the tape again and ask the students to read the whole dialogue after the tape sentence by sentence and then ask them to do a group work to practice the dialogue and then ask several group to come to the front to present their dialogues and see which group does a better job.
9、 do some exercises about the dialogue in part a
1) these are apples trees.
     a   b   c   d
2) what’s the name of george sister?
     a       b       c    d
3) how are you today?   good, thanks.
a    b              c     d
4) we have four lesson in the morning.
       a        b  c      d7页,当前第41234567
5) i like pe. how much you?
     a      b    c  d
6) is there any music lessons in a week?
a      b      c           d

板书:                    unit1 a new term
               a new term            monday morning
               have a lesson          the first lesson
               welcome back to school
               nice to see you. = nice to meet you.
               how about you? = what about you?

课题:unit1 a new term     总课时:5课时     本课时:第4课时
1、 warming-up
1) ask the students several questions about their daily life and ask them to try to give the correct answers:
what day is it today? it’s …
   what lessons do you have in the morning / afternoon? we have…
   what subject do you like? i like …
2) ask the students to do a group work to think for a while about the happy or unforgettable thing happened before and try to tell their stories in english and then ask groups to come to the front to try to tell their stories and see who does a better job to tell the better stories.
2、 revision
1) ask the students to read and spell the words in part b together and then give the chinese meanings of them and ask the students to try to speak out the correctly english versions and check to see if they have been well mastered.
2) ask them to do a group work to read the dialogue in part a and try to act it out and compete to see who is the best actor or actress.7页,当前第51234567
3、 presentation
1) ask the students to inspect the sentences and the pictures of part c and then ask them to do a pair work to read and practice the dialogues first and see if they can well done this job.
2) ask pairs to stand up and to practice the dialogue and see which pair does a better job and see if the students can read the sentences well.
3) ask them to try to write down the sentences of this part and pay attention to the words’ spelling and pronunciation.
4、 c部分图1:
a: what day is it today?
b: it’s monday.
a: what lessons do you have in the morning?
b: we have chinese, maths, english and social science.
a: what subject do you like?
b:i like english. how about you?
a:i like maths.
作业:1) review the learnt parts in this unit
      2) write down the sentences of part c and part d

板书:                    unit1 a new term
                   what day is it today?
                   it’s …
                   what lessons do you have in the morning / afternoon?
                   what subject do you like?

课题:unit1 a new term     总课时:5课时     本课时:第5课时
知识:能听说读三会单词minus, tell, at once, er, trick
能力:了解元音字母o在开音节单词中的读音,会唱本单元的歌曲wish you happy every day
1、能听说读三会单词minus, tell, at once, er, trick
3、了解元音字母o在开音节单词中的读音,会唱本单元的歌曲wish you happy every day
1) ask the students several questions about their daily life and ask them to try to give the correct answers and see if they can be well mastered.
2) give the students a topic about the job they will do in the future and ask them to do a group to discuss and try to say something about it and them ask several students to come to the front to try to speak out their dream and see who does a better job.7页,当前第61234567
1) ask the students to read and review the learnt parts in this unit and then do a dictation of the learnt words and sentences and check to see if they have been well mastered.
2) ask the students to read and practice the dialogue in part a in groups and ask them to try to act out the whole dialogue and then ask groups to come to the front to try to present their dialogues and see who does a better job.
1) ask the students questions:
2) 先让学生用不同数字做加减题,然后举出两组特殊的题目:321-123=?543-345=?首先让学生观察题目本身的特点,然后口算第一题,肯定用了不少时间。教师则很快说出第二题的答案198。当学生发现两题的答案相同时可能就能明白做这类题的窍门了。
3) 自由读e部分对话,教读tell, at once, er, trick等三会单词。同桌分角色读。
4) 语音训练。学生听录音跟读clock, coffee, doctor, hot,体会元音字母o在这些单词中的读音;然后还可以归纳已学过的单词dog, copy, not, shop, sock, box, job等,以加深学生对字母o发音规则的理解;最后借助图片理解并朗读句子the hot coffee near the clock is for the doctor,朗读时应注意句子的节奏。
5) 学唱歌曲wish you are happy every day.
a) play the tape of the song in this unit and ask the students listen to the tape carefully and try to sing the song after the tape.
b) teach to sing the song.
c) ask the students to sing the song in groups and check to see which group does a better job to sing the song well.
作业:do exercises presented.

板书:                    unit1 a new term
(    )1、a. home        b. coffee        c. clothes      d. over
(    )2、a. shape        b. stand         c. paper       d. table
(    )3、a. milk         b. with         c. kitchen      d. ride
(    )4、a. there         b. three         c. these       d. their

上一篇:Last Weekend 第三课时 下一篇:五年级英语Unit 2 It’s in the north of China教学设计