
牛津英语5b unit 1 单元练习


一、  听问句,选答句。 
(   ) 1. a. it’s helen’s.      b. it’s su hai’s.  c. it’s liu tao’s. 
(   ) 2. a. i’m helen.    b. my name is helen.      c. this is  helen speaking.  (   ) 3. a. yes, they are.    b. yes, there are.     c. yes, there  is.  (   ) 4. a. i can see some balls.    b. i can see three.    c. i can  see tom.  (   ) 5. a. it’s a yellow.      b. it’s yellow.       c. it’s a  yellow bike.  (   ) 6. a. i’d like some milk to eat.      b. i’d like some rice to drink.         c. i’d like some apples to eat. 
(   ) 7. a. yes, there re.       b. no, there aren’t.      c. yes,  they are. 
(   ) 8. a. glad to see you, too.    b. how are you?     c. i’m ok. 
(   ) 1. it’s saturday. 
(   ) 2. they are yang ling and mike. 
(   ) 3. they have maths and english in the morning.  
(   )4. it’s time to go home.    
a: what ______ is it today? 
b: it’s _____. 
a: what ______ do you ______ in the afternoon? 
b: we have _______, chinese, _______ and maths. 
a: what subject do you like? 
b: i like ______ very much. i hope we have more. ______ ______ you? 
a: i like ______. 

1. clock   mother (    ) 2. box  monday (    )     
3. subject   tuesday    (    )     4. friday  like    (    )     
5. to   hot     (    )  6.   tuesday  thursday  (    ) 
7. have   about  (    ) 8. come  some  (    )    
9. morning  today     (    )  2页,当前第112
1、六门学科_____________2、星期三下午_____________________         3. 一周里____________4. 一节有趣的语文课_________________   5. 告诉我___________6.  在早上__________________________  7. 多少节课__________8. 什么科目________________________  9. 欢迎返回学校______10. 上一节数学课____________________ 
(    ) 1. what ______ is it today?  it’s monday.
a. dateb. dayc. week 
(    ) 2. what lessons do you have ______ the afternoon?
a. in  b. on  c. at
(    ) 3. how ______ lessons do you have on monday?
a. much         b. manyc. any 
(    ) 4. what ______ do you like?
a. lesson        b. subject        c. lesson 
(    ) 5. i like chinese. _______ you?
a. who are       b. how about        c. where are 
(    ) 6. what’ s 321 ______ 123? it’s 198.
a. minus         b. plus         c. and 
(    ) 7. mr li and his students are ______ a lessons.
a. have         b. havingc. going 
(    ) 8. _____ i help you?
a. could         b. would         c. can  

上一篇:牛津小学五年级英语下册Unit6 A PE lesson 教学设计 下一篇:Unit2 My days of the week(A)第二课时教案