
小学英语5B教材《Unit 6 , Smells 》

送课下乡教案及说课稿b5 unit 6  smells
teaching aims:
1、 four-skill words:wine, vinegar, onion, garlic
2、master the basic sentences:    do you like the smell of  wine?
                                                   yes, i love it ./  no,i hate it.
3、train students to learn and use language in life.
important and difficult points:
1、the pronunciation of words : vinegar and onion
2 、the practice of drills :  do you like the smell of  wine?
                                        yes, i love it ./  no,i hate it.
pictures , real objects, word-cards, dialog-cards ,  forms, slide, video
steps of teaching:
step 1:greeting:
t: hello, boys and  girls.my name's wang kai. you can call me mr wang. this class i'll be your new english teacher. hi,nice to meet you ,ok,.now look, i have many many gifts in my pockets.  you can come here, touch and guess what it  is.you please.what's it ?
s1:it's a  candy.
t:let's see, yeah,you're right! it's a  candy , i love it, do you like it ?
s1:yes, i love it .(师引导)
t:very good, here you are !
   and this ?(point to my back ),come here,please!
s2:a monkey  .
t:clever boy/girl. do you like it ?
s2:yes, i love it .
t: show a word card "love ". let the students read "yes, i love it " after me, then write this sentence on the blackboard. check up reading.
t:look, a gift here, this boy ,can you guess ?
s3: no.
t: you don't know, let's see, it's a snake. oh, i hate it .do you like it ?
s3: no, i hate it .(师引导)
t: show a word card "hate". let the students read  " no, i hate it  " after me, then write this sentence ton the blackboard. check up reading.
step 2:new teaching:
1 、learn new words
t:now class, look! there're two kinds of liquids. can you guess what it is ?
    we can smell it ( action) . show the word-card "smell", lead to read and  
    let s guess the meaning of it.
t: ok, this boy , smell this, what's it ?( wine )
s1: it's"葡萄酒".
t:clever, it's wine. ( do the action of drunk .)4页,当前第11234
   show the picture of wine , lead to read  ,check up reading and stick it on
   the blackboard.
  learn the word  "vinegar" the same way as "wine".
t: now look, what's in this bag ?can you smell and guess ?
    this girl, smell this, what's it ?
s2:it's "大蒜".
t: great! it's garlic .show the real object , lead to read , check up reading
    and stick it.and this time, i'll cover your eyes, smell and guess,please.
    (show the object and let s guess)
t:cool! show the picture ,lead to read , check up and stick it.
2、t:now class, read these words together,please.
      very good, i think these words have become your old friends, so i 'll
      introduce two new friends to you. let's see , "blue cat" and "vini bear".
     then let's have a match between boys and girls  .( draw two heads of
     boy and girl ) listen carefully ,when i say the word "wine",you should
     touch here quickly and when i say "onion",you may touch here .are you
     clear ?
  a.  the first time , t say  s1s2  do
  b.  the second time, sx  say s1s2  do
  c.  the third time, s say s1s2  do
3、t: wow , some letters of the words are missing , you can take out your
      word-cards and write them down .( 补全单词)
      check up and spell the words  together .
4、learn new sentences
t: oh, i'm so tired and thirsty ,let me have a drink !(drink wine)  wow,
    wonderful i love it, i love the smell of wine . do you like the smell of
s1:yes, i love it ./  s2: no,i hate it.
t: write the sentence :"do you like the smell of  wine?"  lead to read and
    explain : "smell "here means "气味" then check up .
    ok, this class, let's learn something about "smells".( write the topic )
t: show real objects and s  practise :
    do you like the smell of  wine?
    yes, i love it ./  no,i hate it.
5、t:now, look 1 here's a form let's have a survey, from me , i'm mr
      wang .( 往课件上输入mr wang ) who can ask me some questions
      about smells?
s1: mr wang , do you like the smell of wine ?
t: yes,i love it ./ no, i hate it. (往课件上拖放笑脸和哭脸)4页,当前第21234
     this time , i'll enter your name here .hello, what's your name ?
s1:  jack .
t: enter his name , s ask him questions ( the same way as above )
t: well done! then i'll give each group one form and have a survey in
     groups. ( use the slide and check one group )
6、learn the dialog
t: ok, boys and girls , look, our friends are coming here,let's see who
     they are .( mr wang, chen feifei,wang dawei,nancy,sally and bob )
     now, listen carefully and fill in these blanks (听录音,补全对话)
t: this time , read this dialog together.
7、make up  a new dialog
t: your english is so cool and i think you can make up a new dialog
     between mum and the boy with your partner . take out your dialog-card,
     finish it  and  practise.
     check up two or more pairs
8、 t: oh, time's up , let's see , this class , we've learnt some words about
     smells and sentences here, read these together,please.
      and homework for you : after class, you can go and ask your parent or
      your friends what they like and if they like the smell of it .
t : i think you've really done a vrey good job ,thank you very much ,see
      you  next time!
       我执教的是山东教育出版社出版的小学英语5b教材《unit 6 , smells 》一课,本节课section a部分我设计为2课时,第一课时教学内容为:处理教材中6个生词中的四个wine, vinegar, onion, garlic ,以及课文section a 中前3幅图的对话并进行交际练习。第二课时学习余下2个生词sauce and ginger以及第4幅图的句子,并且巩固学习整篇课文。
      接下来我谈一下我定位的教学目标:1、四会单词wine, vinegar, onion, garlic;2、熟练掌握重点句型:do you  like the smell of ...? 及其答语yes, i love it . no, i hate it . 3、培养学生在生活中学会运用语言,达到学以致用的目的。
        俗话说:well begun is half done! 好的导入便是一节课成功的开始。本节课我通过简单的 “ touch and guess” 游戏来导入新课,这样做既可以拉近师生关系,同时很自然的由学生熟悉的句型  do you like ...?引出这节课的新知, yes, i love it . no, i hate it. 也为了下一步突破教学重难点做好前期铺垫。4页,当前第31234
1 、充分利用直观教具,通过"smell and guess"多种方式呈现新授单词:wine,vinegar ,onion,garlic 同时为了避免单词教学的枯燥性,我设计了“抢击单词”比赛以及补全单词两种形式加以巩固。这样做也是针对学生好玩好动的心里特点,让学生在玩中获取新知,并且活跃课堂气氛,掀起小高潮,同时也为句型操练做好铺垫。
2、重点句型do you like the smell of ...?以及yes, i love it . no, i hate it . 的操练。首先采用由集体到个人,由集中到分散的方式,以多种形式进行机械操练,然后推出调查表,引导小组间合作交流,巩固重点句,突破重难点。
        课堂教学是一片广阔无际的天空,只要肯历经风雨,终能与彩虹相伴!   4页,当前第41234
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