
Unit 13 I came by plane.


unit  13  i came by plane.

teaching content:
 part  a
teaching aims:
1. tell the children to cherish time.
2.can listen and say the sentences of part a.
3.knowledge : poor  summer camp  crowded vehicle  move  pay  horn  wriggle  engine
teaching emphasis and difficulties:
1. poor  summer camp  crowded vehicle  move  pay  horn  wriggle  engine
2. the dialogue of part a.

teaching aids :
pictures , cards, recorder, tape  .

teaching methods:
1.tasks teaching method.
2.audio-lingual method.
3.communicative method.

teaching procedures:
step 1 lead in
1.greetings .
2.warm up:
1. 师声问候。
2.free talk:

step 2 presentation
1.出示图片和卡片,板书并教单词:poor  summer camp  crowded vehicle  move  pay  horn  wriggle  engine
3.read the dialogue of part a.
  how did peter/ lingling/ anne/ jane /the girl/ the boy come to the summer camp?
5.listen to part a 、b and read after the tape.

step 3 practice
read and perform part a.

step 4 consolidation
1. read and perform part a.
2.sum up: 对学生的表现进行评价,给予肯定和鼓励,激发学生说的欲望。
3.homework :
read part a and copy the new knowledge for 5 times .
make some sentences with the sentence pattern.

blackboard design:
   unit  13  i came by plane.
poor     summer camp
crowded vehicle   move   pay
horn   wriggle   engine

 period 3
teaching aims:
1.enable the ss retell the text;
2.enable the ss finish part d and part e.
3.tell the children to study hard.
1.enable the ss retell the text;
2.enable the ss finish part d and part e.
3.tell the children to study hard.
teaching tools:
tape, recorder, vcd
teaching methods:
1. tasks approach
2.audio-lingual method.
3. communicative method.
teaching steps:
step 1 warming up
1. greetings.
2. read part a together.
3. ask 2 ss to retell the text.

step 2 presentation and drill
1. t: now please finish part d:
1)how did jane go to work?
jane went to work by car.
2)how did xiao chen come to the library?
xiao chen came to the library by bicycle /bike.
3)how did tony go home ?
tony went home on foot.
4)how did helen go to changsha?
helen went to changsha by plane.
5)how did jack go home?
jack went home by bus.
2. check the answer. read it together.
step 3 practice
1. class work. part e: 
learn to sing .
have the children understand the words wriggle, round, engine.2页,当前第112
step 4 consolidation
10. do ex. workbook unit 13.
11. evaluation.
12. homework. revise unit 13.
design of the blackboard:
unit 13  i came by plane.
1)how did jane go to work?
jane went to work by car.
      2)how did xiao chen come to the library?
             xiao chen came to the library by bicycle /bike.
3)how did tony go home ?
tony went home on foot.
4)how did helen go to changsha?
  helen went to changsha by plane.
5)how did jack go home?
jack went home by bus.

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