
五年级快乐英语Unit 1 Lesson 5


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五年级 unit 1  lesson 5

内容分析本模块为辽师大出版快乐英语一年级起点第九册的教学内容,本册教材分为三个单元,本课选自第一单元,主要谈论good habits(好习惯).每一课分为两课时完成,第一课时以单词发音、句型认知运用和对话学习为主,以寓教于乐的学习方式让学生们掌握新知。本课在前四课教学的基础上,进一步让学生明确什么是good habits并教育学生有意识地培养自己好习惯,结合北京奥运概念号召学生迎奥运,讲文明,树新风。

学生分析五年级学生已经有一定的英语发音和单词拼读能力。但由于地域差别和课时量等原因造成他们的语言表达能力和对新知地接受能力参差不齐 ,尤其在缺乏英语语言环境的情况下,这种能力就更加受限制。所以,为了在整节课上既要传授新知又要保持他们不灭的学习兴致,就必须不断推陈出新围绕知识点设计相关的趣味练习,即提升他们的学习兴趣又让他们从中掌握新知。

学习目标1.掌握新词汇:packed lunch, sausage, biscuit, jelly;2.培养学生的正确发音,锻炼学生听音能力和句型的表达能力;3.教育学生们从小培养良好的行为习惯。

教    学    活    动



设计意图时间step1. organizationstep2. revision step3. presentation and practice greet and warm up.t: hello, children.  i’m linda. glad to meet you.    ss: glad to meet you, too.today we’ll learn lesson five. (write down the topic.)t: today is a fine day, what shall we do in fine day? tell me your ideas.ss: talk about their ideas: play football, go to the park…t: mm, those are nice; i think we shall have a picnic in a fine day. the lunch for the picnic is necessary. we shall buy some food, so we need a pack. look, a pack.  show the pack and know the word: pack. t: a pack to fill with food and this is my packed lunch. packed lunch /pækt lʌnʧ/ let the pupils read the words on the card and try to pronounce them, then i write them on the blackboard. they spell out the phrase and do more reading.t: what about my packed lunch? look, what’s it?it’s a sausage. look at the phonetic symbol: /`sɒsІʤ/ tell /ɒ/is from “au”,/І/is from letter a, /ʤ/is from “ge”give the chance to the pupils to spell out the words.友善而热情的问候调动学生们的情绪。 为野餐准备食品的话题自然而然地过渡到单词学习中来。由名词pack引导出词组packed lunch,形象易于理解。从盒装午餐顺理成章地讲到食品,并掌握名词的单复数形式发音。2’35’




设计意图时间step3. presentation and practicestep4. summary4页,当前第11234step5.homeworka sausage, some sausages. a reactive game: try to say out the different phrases quickly. t: good job. now, please you touch, smell and guess what it is? give the phonetic symbol and pronounce it: /`bІskІt/.look at the screen, arrange the letters and try to spell out the word, b-i-s-c-u-i-t(write down the word.)t: right. look, a piece of biscuit, (take out a pack.)some, many, lots of , we’ll say: biscuits“ts” is a combination, we’ll pronounce /ts/. i have some biscuits.t: great. close your eyes and taste this, tell me what it is: it’s delicious, it’s smooth and soft. the pupils guess the food.show the card: /`ʤelІ/ try to read it. t: now you see, which is the word about /`ʤelІ/.a.     drill  b. daily  c. jellythe pupils choose the right one and spell the word: jelly(write down the word.)t: jelly is an uncountable word, so it hasn’t got plural form. look, some jelly. let’s play a game: what can you see? look, remember and say out the words according to the pictures.sausages, eggs, jelly, chocolate pies, chicken, fruit, biscuits, a nice placea picture of a nice place.t: look and listen, miss lin and some children are coming. listen to the dialogue and try to repeat, then try to give the answers about: what’s on the grass? what shall we do after the picnic?t: after the picnic, what’s on the grass?(on the screen: rubbish) practice to say the word.ss: rubbish.t: yes, rubbish. what shall we do after the picnic? try to say the sentence. (write down the sentence.)please you look at the screen, choose the right answer.  a.     throw the rubbish on the grass.b.     take away the rubbish.c.     put the rubbish under the tree.the pupils choose and know how they should do.(write down the answer.) take away the rubbish.the pupils try to read the sentences in pairs. look at the screen and talk about the three drills.what shall we do after…?what shall we do…?what shall we…?t: well done. here are some questions, discuss them and choose the correct answers, then you may report.the example:what shall we do after____?____________________what shall we ____?____________________what shall we do _____?____________________a. eat   b. school c. on sunday.a. clean the classroom.b. go to the parkc. noodles.sum up the survey and report.look at the questions and listen to the dialogue again, repeat the dialogue and judge the sentences?   4页,当前第21234(    ) 1. there are six people in the dialogue.(    ) 2. they have a picnic in a nice place.(    ) 3. they throw the rubbish on the grass.(    ) 4. they have a good time.give the answers.now, please you listen to the dialogue and play it with your partners. then give them some chance to play.t: i have some questions need your help, look, remember and arrange the words to make them be right sentences. some  ,   i  ,   jelly   ,    havei have some jelly.my  ,  at  ,  look  ,  packed  ,   lunchlook at my packed lunch. for  ,  lunch  ,   a  ,  nice  ,  it’s  ,  placeit’s a nice place for lunch. away  ,   the  ,   rubbish  ,  taketake away the rubbish.t: you’re so great. today we had learnt some new words and two sentences. let’s read.in your life, you may raise the good habits. i think you can do well. (on the screen.)good habits are the key to all success.(好习惯是成功的钥匙。)in , let’s do well for the olympics in beijing of china.welcome olympics, improve manners, foster new attitude.(迎奥运,讲文明,树新风)1. read the words and phrases.2. collect good habits and tell them to the others in life.反映游戏锻炼了学生的思维也提高了学习兴趣。单词学习方法不能一成不变,不然学生会失去学习兴趣,适时地转变方法能提高学生们认知兴趣。通过品尝,让学生们味觉感知jelly, 并能真切地感知,增加了学生们的学习意识和兴趣。过目不忘的游戏练习调动了学生们的思维,激发他们参与的积极性。从单词过渡到对话,在对话中习得句型,从语境中掌握新知,解决难点。带着问题去听、阅读对话,让学生们有任务可思考,并能自主选择问题的答案,给学生们充分的自主学习空间。 句型的扩展练习让学生们更深入了解句型的应用, 拓展他们英语语言的思维。选词补充句子增加了学生们对句子的应用能力。再次聆听课文,从中理解课文内容,提高学生们的听力和阅读能力。配合适度的练习,让学生们提高判断能力。听练对话加深学生们对句子的理解,连词成句更增强学生们对句子的应用能力。用有意义的话语感知学生们,让他们大脑和心灵都有所收获。号召学生养成好习惯,并用行动感染其他人。2’1’handwriting of the blackboardunit 1 good habits         lesson 5                     sausage/`sɒsІʤ/                     4页,当前第31234                                     what shall we do after the picnic?packed  lunch    biscuit/`bІskІt/./pækt    lʌnʧ/                                       take away the rubbish.                                                             jelly/`ʤelІ/                                     为了符合小学生的视觉接受能力,板书设计得简单明了,重点词汇、单词让学生一目了然, 并配以形象的简笔画更增添了趣味性。                                                   english teaching plan unit 1   lesson 5

(grade five)


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