
Unit 4 of 5A Halloween 第五课时

一、            教学内容:单元复习二、            教学目标:认知目标: 1.熟练掌握本单元单词、词组。2.熟练掌握本单元句型。do you like …? yes, i do./ no, i don't.what do you like? i like …
功能目标:1.能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。2.能初步改编或扩充本单元所学的对话。3.让学生通过本课学习,培养学生跨文化交际的意识和能力。情感目标:1.进一步使学生养成听说读写的好习惯。三、            教学重点:1.熟练掌握本单元单词、词组。2.能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。四、            教学难点: 五、            教学准备:1.学生准备:课前每人做一个面 具2.教师准备:录音机、磁带、准备几个面具(老虎、狗等)、单词卡片六、            教学过程:step 1  warming up.
1. t: let’s say a rhyme.“halloween”(part h/p37)
   ss: say a rhyme.step 2  revision 1.    复习句型:do you like …? yes, i do./ no, i don't.what do you like? i like …2.    复习日常交际用语what do we need? we need …
(a birthday party,children’s day, teachers’day, halloween …)3.    复习购物的日常交际用语和情景对话。4.    复习part e(1)read and recite.(2)introduction.5.复习单词、词组。step 3: classwork.完成《练习册》step 4:  assign homework
1. listen,read and act.2.收集并学习西方其他重要节日的有关知识。七、 板书设计:
unit 4    halloween 1.    do you like …? yes, i do./ no, i don't.2.    what do you like?i like …3.    can i help you?yes.we need …/we would like …   what else do you need?/anything else?   how much is it/are they?   here’s the money.here is /are your change(s).   
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