
Unit 3 How many

unit 3 how manylesson 4part b let’s learn; part c cultureteaching aims :1. be able to listen, say, recognize the number words: sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen and twenty.2. be able to calculate the numbers in english.3. be able to understand and do “ jump 16 times!”, “ bounce 20 times!”.focus points & difficult points :distinguish the pronunciation of “twenty”, “twelve” and “two”.teaching preparation:power point, vcd, number cards, a ball, a slope, 3 dices and tape.designing for the blackboard:sixteen  seventeen    eighteen   nineteen    twentyteaching steps:step1. warming –up  1. greetings.  2. sing a song<one two three four five>  3. number competition. (between groups, one by one.)  4. free talk.    t: how many pencils do you have?    s: i have 4 pencils.    ……  5. t claps hands or stamps feet to review the numbers.  step2.presentation.  1. t claps hands to teach 16: how many times?    s: 16.    t teaches the pronunciation of 16.    t: what’s 15 and 2?    s: 17.    t teaches the pronunciation of 17.    t claps hands and stamps feet 18 times: how many times?    s: 18    t teaches the pronunciation of 18    t: what’s 9 and 10?    s:19.    t teaches the pronunciation of 19.    t shows number card to teach 20.  2. t shows power point to emphasize the recognizing and reading.step 3. practise.  1. guessing game.     t chooses one number card, hide it behind her: guess! what’s the number?    s:13?/16?……  2. let’s play    t: jump 16 times.    ss jump.    hop, bounce.    ……  4. t play the dices, let ss guess.    ……  5. number competition in the whole class.   6. cstep4. assessment.1).t explains the meaning of the task.  2) ss do it after the class.资料: 复活节是基督教纪念耶稣复活的节日。传说耶稣被钉死在十字架上,死后第三天复活升天。后来教会规定每年春分月圆后的第一个星期日(3月21日一4月25日之间)为纪念日。
  德国政府规定复活节休息两天。在节日里,家人团聚,品尝各种传统食品,亲戚朋友见面要互相祝 贺。 象征生命的蛋、火、水、兔等成了复活节的吉祥物。鸡蛋和兔子在西方是新的生命和兴旺发达的象征。鸡蛋的本色象征太阳,把鸡蛋染成红色则象征生活幸福。在复活节中,父母要特地为孩子们准备制成鸡蛋、兔子形状的巧克力糖。亲友间要互赠彩蛋。在莱茵河中游和黑森东部的一些城镇,至今保留着"彩蛋树"这一古老习俗。人们把成百的蛋壳涂上彩画,串成蛋链,在复活节这天挂在松树上,制成彩蛋树,大人孩子围着彩蛋树唱歌、跳舞、庆祝复活节。而阿尔卑斯山的姑娘们则通过赠送红鸡蛋来表达自己的爱情。在复活节这天,姑娘如果向某一小伙子赠送三个红鸡蛋,表示姑娘向小伙子求爱。 关于兔子成为复活节的吉祥物,是有一段传说的。2页,当前第112
  在古代耶稣复活之日,正值斯堪的纳维亚地区居民庆祝大地回春的"春太阳节",作为草原、森林动物中多产动物之一的兔子,它象征了春天的复苏和新生命的诞生,同时它又是爱神阿弗洛狄特的宠物,也是日尔曼土地女神霍尔塔的持烛引路者。因此,现在兔子作为给孩子们送复活节鸡蛋的使者,深受孩子的宠爱。'在复活节这一天孩子定会收到兔形礼物。 火不仅给人类带来了光明,也使大地获得了新生。作为耶 稣再生的象征,复活节的许多活动都与火相关。
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