
3B Unit4 Time教案表格式


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授课课题unit4 time

教    学

基本内容《牛津小学英语》3b第四单元a部分和b 部分.


和要求1. 能听懂,会读数词1-12,会拼读数字1,2。2. 能听懂,会说日常交际语:what’s the time? it’s…. it’s time to…. let’s….


what’s the time?中“the”容易被学生漏掉。








预习step 1. getting students ready for class1. free talkt: hello, boys and girls. nice to see you.ss: nice to see you too.t: how are you this morning?ss: fine, thank you. and you?t: i’m very well. what’s the weather like today?ss: it’s sunny.t: i’m so happy. because we are going to learn some new words.

计step 2. presentationt: what are they. numbers!1. teach: num: 1-12  (因为有的孩子已经通过其他的途径对数词的发音比较熟悉,所以安排孩子先来试试,然后再来听磁带,可能听得更仔细)(1)   (呈现数字图片)t: who can read these numbers?s1: one,(放录音), two,(放录音), three,(放录音).t: is he right? any differences? 有没有哪里不跟录音机一样呢?ss(指出不同)t(示范th的发音):three.sn 个别跟读t:now,let’s read after me,one, two, three.when i want you to be quiet, i’ll say one, two, three. and you should say…?ss(坐端正): three, two, one!t(根据各个组孩子的坐姿做出评价) t: can you spell them? 你能拼拼读读吗?ss spell them by themselves.s1: one, o-n-e, one.t(领读):one, one, o-n-e, one, one.(读的时候注意一下声调)teach two, three in the say way.(2)   4,5,6仍然采用孩子说,再听录音的方式教授,因为这里面没有什么难点。(呈现1-6单词)ss read every numbers twice.(cai)(采用快速闪现的游戏,让学生对1-6的数字加以巩固)幻灯片出现1-6数字,请孩子举手快速回答。(3)   7-12采用看教师口形,听两遍再跟读的方式教授t: seven, seven, vv, seven.t ask some of the students to read the word.(cai)teach 8-10 in the same way!(采用快速闪现的游戏,让学生对7-12的数字加以巩固)幻灯片出现7-12数字,请孩子举手快速回答。(4)   game:速记车牌(幻灯片) (cai)t: now, let’s be policemen and policewomen. 记记那些超速的违章车的车牌号。and then tell me in english.(通常都是三个数字中速出现并飞走,请孩子尝试记住三个不同的数字,以达到对数字念法,反映加以强化的效果)(5)   学生跟读b部分(6)   t: good! all of you are good police. thank you very much. let’s sing a song “ten little indian boys”.(cai)5页,当前第112345点击闪烁的鲜花,音乐就会响起2. 教授句型(1)   出示实物t: what’s this in english?ss: it’s a clock.t: what’s the time, please? it’s one. it’s one o’clock.teach o’clock, 意为…点钟,表示整点时间(幻灯片呈现)t: what’s the time?s1,2,3: it’s … o’clock.(学生快速反应回答)t: what did i say just now? how can i ask about time?s4: what’s the time?(2)teach : what’s the time?*3(cai)幻灯片出现课题,然后依次点击出现时间及其表达法(课题呈现)t: wonderful! today we’ll learn a new unit. unit 4 time.please follow me. time*2; what’s the time?*2(出示一组时间)t--ss: what’s the time?ss: it’s one/ two o’clock.ss—t: what’s the time?t: it’s four o’ clock.group1-2-3-4: what’s the time? it’s …. students act in pairs.(3)teach: it’s time to….t: it’s time to get up.lily:thank you. ( go away)teach “it’s time to…”学生采用集体跟读到个体跟读。t: who can act like lily?s1:what’s the time?t: it’s seven o’ clock. 谁来提醒一下lily?s2-4-ss: it’s time to go to school.ss practice “11:00 have lunch,4:00 go home,9:00 go to bed” in the same way.lily: what’s the time?s1: it’s eleven o’clock.s2: it’s time to have lunch.(cai)出现句型及其解释(4) teach let’s ….t: if you want to have lunch with lily, you can say “let’s have lunch.” who wants to try?s*-ss: let’s have lunch!t: i’m lily. please tell me the time. what’s the time?s1-ss: it’s four o’clock. let’s go home.ss act the dialogue “9:00 go to bed”(5) chant:what’s the time? it’s six o’ clock. it’s time to get up.what’s the time? it’s seven o’ clock. it’s time to go to school.what’s the time? it’s eleven o’clock. it’s time to have lunch.what’s the time? it’s four o’clock. it’s time to go home.what’s the time? it’s nine o’clock. it’s time to go to bed.邀请一学生与老师共同完成chant中的对话students make a dialogue in pairs.

作    业1 . 听录音,熟练掌握12个单词,以及整点时间的阅读方法。2. 根据c部分与小伙伴们准备一个小对话。3. 能拼读 one,two,three。试着拼拼数字朋友4,5,6。4. 听读小诗。


unit 4  time     



   3b     课程教案

  年级  三  主备人 年   3月    日

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授课课题unit 4  time 

教    学



和要求1. 知道time to….是it’s time to…的省略说法。2. 了解shall we…?.是征询对方意见。you can 是允许对方做某事。










预习step 1. getting students ready for class1. free talk(1)   games: jumping games学生根据指令跳跃t: boys and girls, let’s play a game. if i say jump three times, you should jump three times.(动作示范)(2)   t: nice to see you.ss: nice to see you, too.

计step 2. revision(cai: 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 4  5, 1  11, 8  9)闪现数字,学生快速报出数字, 有意出现两个的数字。t: boys and girls, let me see, who is quickest. tell me the numbers as quick as you can.t: can you spell it? ss: yes. one, o-n-e, one!(每出现一个数字试着拼读。)(cai:出现时间,有意出现非整点时间,学生互问互答)t: can you ask and answer?t: what’s the time?引导学生说it’s one o three.t: it’s time to…ss: it’s time to get up.teach “7:05     11:01   4:10     9:12 ” in the same way(3)(cai)打出lily的时刻表6:00 get up7:00 go to school11:00 have lunch4:00 go home9:00 go to bed   ss chant together.(4)完成练习册part b。step 3 presentation(cai)teach : you can …t: good! today a new friend comes to our classroom. she is su yang. she’s now in miss li’s office. what are they talking about? let’s listen.t: what’s the time?ss: it’s four o’clock. 引导:it’s time to go home.t: what did miss li say? (可再次播放录音)ss: you can go home now.t: 我们允许别人做某事的时候,可以说you can ….let’s read after the tape again, then we’ll act them.师生对话—生生对话(cai)teach: shall we…?t: su yang has a twin sister. her name’s su hai. they are at home. let’s listen what are they talking about?(播放录音)t: what’s the time? what did su hai say?(可再次播放录音)ss: it’s eight. shall we watch tv?t: good. 当我们给别人提出建议的时候我们用shall we…?t:now look outside. bright day, sunny day, who has a good idea?ss: shall we… go to the zoo/ go to the park/ go to the cinema?t: good! not bad! great!(3)   read after the tape.师生分角色朗读。step 4. practice(1)根据不同人物的身份,让学生体会四种句型在不同场合的使用t: look, lily is coming again. she always doesn’t know what she should do. let’s help her. 她总是不知道什么时候做什么事情,我们来帮帮她。(出现时间/可板书)lily: what’s the time?ss: it’s six o’clock.(指着get up )t: oh, it’s time to get up. let’s be mum and tell her.ss: it’s time to get up.lily: ok.(故作吃早饭状) what’s the time?ss: it’s seven 0 five.t: let’s be helen.ss: let’s go to school.5页,当前第312345lily: all right. 11:11 (as su hai) let’s have lunch4:10  (as miss li) you can go home.8:00    (as su yang) shall we watch tv?9:10  (as dad) it’s time to go to bed.2)dialogue: students made the dialogue accordion the model.3)turn to part e. do you know how to make a clock? now i will show you how to make a clock by ourselves. let’s diy.

作    业1. 听读ab,预习c。2. 根据e2部分,自制钟面一个。3.用英语对一个人提出一个建议,一条命令,一个提醒,一个邀请。4. 认真拼读数字1-6,试着背背单词one, two, three.5. 听读小诗。


unit 4 time



   3b     课程教案

  年级  三  主备人    年   3月    日

周    次




授课课题unit4  time

教    学



和要求1. 能熟练拼读数字1,2;能够熟练掌握数词1-12。2. 能听懂,会说日常交际语:what’s the time? it’s…. it’s time to…. let’s…. shall we…? you can ….3. 能根据图意说小对话。4. 能听懂,会诵读小诗。










预习step 1. getting students ready for class

计1.greeting2.free talkt: nice to see you, boys and girls.game: jumping gamet: let’s play a jumping game. jump three times. jump twelve times. …step 2. revisiontime(cai:出现钟面,学生根据时针的变化而说出时间)t: take out your clocks. en, they’re so nice. (出示教具) what’s the time?ss: it’s one o’clock.t: it’s your time. show me the time, please. show me five o’clock. six o five o’clock….完成书上e部分, 听录音画时针t: good, you’re excellent. now it’s time to draw clocks. ss draw hour hands on the book.(2)sentences(cai:出现 lily的时刻表)(出现人偶lily)look, what is lily doing? she is sleeping. what’s the time?ss: it’s six 0 two. t: what should we tell her? (出示dad的头像)  s1: it’s time to get up.     t: ok.(出示su yang的头像) s2: shall we get up?     t: all right.(出示mr green的头像)  s3: you can get up!     t: yes.(出示su hai的头像) s4: let’s get up!t: good!7:05. go to school  一人担任lily, 学生们回答时间并根据老师的头像给出相应的句子。11:12.  have lunch 一人担任lily,四大组回答时间并根据头像给出相应的句子。4:10. go home8:03. watch tv9:00. go to bed学生任选其中三个时间表演小对话。t: it’s your turn to act the dialogue. they are lily, mum, miss li, mike.5页,当前第412345step3 presentation(1)(cai:出现c部分图画,然后出现句型)请你配配音出示c 部分画面)t: wang bing and gao shan are coming. but they are not happy. they lost their voice. can you help them. 他们找不到自己的声音了,你能帮助他吗!s1,2: what’s the time? it’s six o’clock. it’s time to get up. all right!ss read together.teach picture 2, 3, 4 in the same way.t: can you act them? let’s try.ss prepare for it and act it.t: now, take out your copybooks and let’s write.(教师在黑板上起字样,提出一些常见错误,避免其再度发生,学生模仿)step 4. practicedo workbooks d

作    业1. 抄写one,two,three 八遍,中文一遍并背诵。 2. 听录音,读a-e部分,预习小诗。


unit 4  time
what’s the time?it’s …



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