


学科:英语 revision1module7-8 课型:复习课 课时:3
教学目标 四会单词,句子
教学重点 四会单词,句子
教学难点 四会句子
教学步骤 抄写,读背,听写
words:headache stomach ache  test  friday  clever cold  cough
     stone  animal  elephant  horse  visit  man  woman
   let the students read these words together .
   give them time to remember the words
have a dictation.
1. word phrases:
have got a headache  have test  on fridays
have got a cough  have got a cold
stone animals  how many 
scary animals  an elephant
there is/there are  in my family  visit the zoo
lots of
let the students read these words together .
   give them time to remember the word phrases.
have a dictation.
2. sentences:
how many people are there in your family? there are five people in my family.
there are stone animals.
there is a lion./there is an elephant.
she’s got a cold. has daming got a cold? yes, he has./no, he hasn’t.
have you got a headache?yes, i have./no, i haven’t.

4.grammar: has got/have got  there is/there are..


上一篇:Unit7 Are these bears第一课时 下一篇:二年级下册英语录音文字材料(新起点英语)