
Unit 2 Listening and hearing (2)


unit 2  listening and hearing (2)

教学内容 speaking
1. use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with other learners
2. open an interaction by asking a question
3. maintain an interaction by replying to a question
4. pronounce correctly a series of word in a sentence with the vowel sound ‘a’ in its closed syllable form
identify a series of word in a sentence with the vowel sound ‘a’ in its closed syllable form

教学目标: 知识与技能:掌握can句型的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句
教学重难点 1. using modal verb ‘can’ to talk about abilities
2. asking ‘wh-’ questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a person

教学准备 cassette 3b and a cassette player, wall picture, word cards
教学过程 教师活动 备注
  pre-task preparation
a ask the students to be perfectly silent and listen to what noises they can hear.
b ask: what can you hear? to elicit: i can hear a/an ...
while-task procedure
1 put the wall picture on the board. students look at it carefully.
2 students say what they can see in the picture.
ask: what can you see? to elicit: i can see a/an ...
3 divide students into groups.
use photocopiable page 3. play the cassette.
students listen carefully and tick the animals or things they can hear on the sheet.
4 play the cassette again.
ask: what can you hear? when there is a certain noise to elicit: i can hear a/an. ..
5 ask more able students to point out the animals or things that they cannot hear. ask less able students to tell what noises they can hear. the groups check answers.
learn the sound
1 play the cassette. students listen and follow in their books.
2 play the cassette again. students repeat.
3 ask individual students to read the sentence.
past-task activity
workbook page 5
a review names of different objects with the students.
b students work in pairs and complete the exercise orally.
c students match and write the missing words.
d check answers with students by inviting them to read out the sentences.
pair work: a student ask and other answer
         a: what can you hear?
         b: i can hear a/an…
homework recite the dialogue on page 7 
课堂效果反馈 本课的教学内容比较简单,通过录音里的声音学习句型what can you hear? i can hear a …学生很快就接受了,在音标的学习上,因为这个元音的发音在平时的单词中较多出现,学生掌握的还可以。在周练中,学生没有看清题目,对于i can hear an aeroplane。的提问写成了what can you see?总体来说,学生对于这课的掌握情况良好。

上一篇:三年级上册英语单词表(冀教版) 下一篇:新标准小学英语第四册全册教案2