

unit  1. hello!unit 2 i'm...unit 3 my schoolbagunit 5 at the zoounit 6   i like...unit 7 animal friendsunit 8 a colour storyunit  1. hello!period 1 warm-up:     t: this is the first class of this period. i am very glad to be your teacher.      1. "hello!" and "hi!" are very familiar in english.      2. introduce the knowledge about some greetings.      3. prepare some cards and radio. presentation:     t: this class, we're going to learn unit 1 "hello!" follow me, please.         now, watch tv, please.      ----hello!      ----hi!      ----good morning. i'm miss han.      ----good morning, miss han.      ----good afternoon. i'm jim.      ----goodbye.      ----bye-bye. drill:      a. learn the new words.      b. teacher lead the students to read the new sentences:           good morning.           i'm miss han.           good afternoon.       d. listen to the tape and read after .       e. look at the book and read after the teacher. practice:     take out the workbooks.       1.page 1: listen to the recorder, do the exceses a         a. hello! i'm bob.         b. hi! i'm sally. c. good morning. i'm miss han. d. good afternoon. i'm peter. e. hello. i'm wang dawei. f. hi. i'm chen feifei.g. i'm nancy. goodbye.   2. page 2: look and say consolidation:       consolidate in pairs and in groups. hello! good morning. good afternoon. writing on the blackboard:                 hello! good morning. i'm miss han. good morning, miss han. good afternoon. i'm jim. good afternoon, jim. <unit i> 1. hello! period 2 warm-up:      1. "hello!" and "hi!" are very familiar in english.      2. introduce the knowledge about some greetings.      3. prepare some cards and radio. revision:      go over the situational dialogue.      ----hello!      ----hi!      ----good morning. i'm miss han.      ----good morning, miss han.      ----good afternoon. i'm jim.      ----goodbye.      ----bye-bye. presentation:     t: this class, we're going to go on learning unit 1 "hello!" part b----sing a song. good morning.  good morning. good morning.  hello! i'm miss han.  good morning. good morning.           hello! i'm sally. drill:      a. learn the new words.      b. teacher lead the students to read the sentences:           good morning.           i'm miss han.       d. listen to the tape and sing after .       e. look at the book and sing after the teacher. practice: 1. sing together. 2. sing by themselves. 3. sing in the class. consolidation:       consolidate in pairs and in groups.       act the song. writing on the blackboard good morning.  good morning. good morning.  hello! i'm miss han.  good morning. good morning.           hello! i'm sally.   14页,当前第11234567891011121314<unit i> 1. hello! period 3 warm-up:      1. "hello!" and "hi!" are very familiar in english.      2. introduce the knowledge about some greetings.      3. prepare some cards and radio. revision:      go over the song learned in the last class----                    good morning. presentation:     t: this class, we're going to go on learning unit 1 "hello!". ----peter? ----no. i'm sally. stick your photo on a card . write your name. drill:      a. learn the new words.      b. teacher lead the students to read the sentences: stick your photo on a card . write your name.       d. make and write. practice: 1. read the sentences. 2. make the student's card by thenselves.        3.teacher can ask students to draw some beautiful pictures on the card.        4.teacher show how to write their names on the card ,at the same time teach how to write chinese name in english. drill: 1.students finish making the card and show them in class. 2.use the card to introduce themselvesin pairs or in groups. consolidation:       1.student choose their english name that they like.and write down the name on the back of the card.        2.teacher collect the cards,make a small blackboard to show up.        3.incourage the students to memory the student's english name from the card. writing on the blackboard make and write        ①stick your photo on a card        ②write your name        ③finished.hello.i am     . <unit i> 1. hello! period 4 revision:        1.sing the english song---good morning.        2.warm up. presentation:        1.revise the dialoges,read out.        ----hello!        ----hi!        ----good morning. i'm miss han.        ----good morning, miss han.        ----good afternoon. i'm jim.        ----goodbye.        ----bye-bye. practice: 1. read the sentences. 2. master the song, try to sing out. 3. sing in the class. consolidation:       consolidate in pairs and in groups.       act the song.   make and write. writing on the blackboard good morning.  good morning.  hello! i'm miss han.  good afternoon.           hello! i'm sally.   14页,当前第21234567891011121314unit 2 i'm...period 1 warm-up:     t: this is the first class of this .      1. "what's your name ?" usually not be used in the dayly life.      2. in the westen world, they usually not ask each other about their age, etc.      3. prepare some cards and radio. presentation:     t: this class, we're going to learn unit 2 "i'm..." follow me, please.         now, watch tv, please.      ----hello!i'm mr. liu.what's your name?  ----i'm peter.      ----how old are you ?      ----i'm nine.      ----hello!. i'm peter. what's your name ?  ----i'm jim.      ----how old are you?      ----i'm ten. drill:      a. learn the new words.      b. teacher lead the students to read the new sentences:           what's your name ?           how old are you?       d. listen to the tape and read after .       e. look at the book and read after the teacher. practice:     take out the workbooks.       1.page 1: say and match eight   two   seven   three   one   zero    six   five   ten   four    nine   2. page 2: look and answer what's your name? consolidation:       consolidate in pairs and in groups. hello! what's your name? how old are you? writing on the blackboard: i'm... i'm mr. liu.what's your name?       i'm jim.       how old are you ?       i'm nine.              <unit 2> 2.i'm... period 2 warm-up:     t: this is the first class of this .      1. "what's your name ?" usually not be used in the dayly life.      2. in the westen world, they usually not ask each other about their age, etc.      3. prepare some cards and radio. revision:      go over the situational dialogue.      ----hello!i'm mr. liu.what's your name?  ----i'm peter.      ----how old are you ?      ----i'm nine.      ----hello!. i'm peter. what's your name ?  ----i'm jim.      ----how old are you?      ----i'm ten. presentation:     t: this class, we're going to go on learning unit 2 "i'm..." part b----sing a rhyme. ten balls one ball, two balls, three balls, four. five balls, six balls, seven balls, more. eight balls, nine balls, ten balls, all. drill:      a. learn the new words.      b. teacher lead the students to read the sentences:        one ball, two balls, three balls, four. five balls, six balls, seven balls, more. eight balls, nine balls, ten balls, all.       d. listen to the tape and read after .       e. look at the book and read after the teacher. practice: 1. read together. 2. practice by themselves. 3. chant in the class. consolidation:       consolidate in pairs and in groups.       say a rhyme. writing on the blackboard ten balls one ball, two balls, three balls, four. five balls, six balls, seven balls, more. eight balls, nine balls, ten balls, all. 14页,当前第31234567891011121314<unit 2> 2.i'm... period 3 warm-up:      t: this is the first class of this .      1. "what's your name ?" usually not be used in the dayly life.      2. in the westen world, they usually not ask each other about their age, etc.      3. prepare some cards and radio. revision:      go over the rhyme learned in the last class---- ten balls presentation:     t: this class, we're going to go on learning unit 2 "i'm...". write and say. play and say. join the english club! drill:      a. learn the new words.      b. teacher lead the students to read the sentences: join the english club! what's your name ? how old are you?       d. act. practice: 1. read the sentences. 2. write the telephone numbers to practice the numbers from 1 to 10.        3.teacher can ask students to draw some beautiful pictures on the card.        4.teacher show how to write their names on the card ,at the same time teach how to write chinese name in english. drill: 1.join the english club. 2.use the card to introduce themselvesin pairs or in groups. consolidation:       1.student choose their english name that they like.and write down the name on the back of the card.        2.teacher collect the cards,make a small blackboard to show up.        3.incourage the students to memory the student's english name from the card. writing on the blackboard join the english club! <unit 2> 2.i'm... period 4 revision:        1.say a rhyme ----ten balls.        2.warm up. presentation:        1.revise the dialoges,read out.      ---- hello!i'm mr. liu.what's your name?  ----i'm peter.      ----how old are you ?      ----i'm nine.      ----hello!. i'm peter. what's your name ?  ----i'm jim.      ----how old are you?         ----i'm ten. practice: 1. read the sentences. 2. master the rhyme, try to sing out. 3. chant in the class. consolidation:       consolidate in pairs and in groups.       act the english club.   make and write. writing on the blackboard what's your name ? i'm peter. how old are you? i'm ten. 14页,当前第41234567891011121314<revision a> revision:        a. listen and tick        good morning.i'm tony.i'm eight.        i'm mary. i'm three.        hello.i'm alice. i'm five.        i'm jack. i'm four. presentation:        1.revise the dialoges,read out.      unit 1:      ---- hello!i'm mr. liu.what's your name?  ----i'm peter.      ----how old are you ?      ----i'm nine.      ----hello!. i'm peter. what's your name ?  ----i'm jim.      ----how old are you?         ----i'm ten.        unit 2:      ----hello!i'm mr. liu.what's your name?  ----i'm peter.      ----how old are you ?      ----i'm nine.      ----hello!. i'm peter. what's your name ?  ----i'm jim.      ----how old are you?             ----i'm ten. practice: 1. read the sentences. 2. master the rhyme, try to sing out. 3. chant in the class. consolidation:       consolidate in pairs and in groups.       act the english club.   make and write. writing on the blackboard good morning. i'm miss han. good afternoon. i'm mr. liu. what's your name? how old are you? unit 3 my schoolbagperiod 1 warm-up:     t: this is the first class of this period. 1. use n. to decribe subject things 2. use "wh-" to ask 3. here you are.   thank you. presentation:     t: this class, we're going to learn unit 3 "hello!" follow me, please.         now, watch tv, please.      ----oh, my schoolbag! ----what's in your schoolbag? ----one pencil-box and four books. ----what's in your pencil-box? ----i have one pen, two erasers and three pencils. ----here you are . ----thank you. drill:      a. learn the new words. a schoolbag / a book / a pencil-box / a ruler / an eraser / a pen / a pencil      b. teacher lead the students to read the new sentences:          what's in your schoolbag?  i have one pen, two erasers and three pencils.  here you are .  thank you.       d. listen to the tape and read after .       e. look at the book and read after the teacher. practice:     take out the workbooks.       1.page 1: listen to the recorder, do the exceses a i have four erasers and five pencils. i have one schoolbag and three rulers. i have nine books and two pens.   2. page 2: look and say consolidation:       consolidate in pairs and in groups. what's in your schoolbag? one pencil-box and four books. what's in your pencil-box? i have one pen, two erasers and three pencils. writing on the blackboard:  what's in your schoolbag? one pencil-box and four books. what's in your pencil-box? i have one pen, two erasers and three pencils.           14页,当前第51234567891011121314<unit 3> my schoolbag period 2 warm-up:       t: this is the first class of this period. 1. use n. to decribe subject things 2. use "wh-" to ask 3. here you are.           thank you. revision:      go over the situational dialogue.      ----hello!      ----hi!      ----good morning. i'm miss han.      ----good morning, miss han.      ----good afternoon. i'm jim.      ----goodbye.      ----bye-bye. presentation:     t: this class, we're going to go on learning unit 3 "my schoolbag" part b----say a rhyme. i have some books. look, look! i have one book. look, look! i have two books.  look, look! i have some books. drill:      a. learn the new words.      b. teacher lead the students to read the sentences:       d. listen to the tape and say after .       e. look at the book and say after the teacher. practice: 1. say together. 2. say by themselves. 3. say in the class. consolidation:       consolidate in pairs and in groups.       act the rhyme. writing on the blackboard i have some books. look, look! i have one book. look, look! i have two books. look, look! i have some books. <unit 3> my schoolbag               period 3 warm-up:     t: this is the first class of this period. 1. use n. to decribe subject things 2. use "wh-" to ask 3. here you are.           thank you. revision:      go over the rhyme learned in the last class----           i have some books. look, look! i have one book. look, look! i have two books. look, look! i have some books. presentation:     t: this class, we're going to go on learning unit 3 "my schoolbag". make and say----- 1. fold. 2. make two holds. 3. use a string. 4. make a book and draw some things in it. 5. say about them. drill:      a. learn the new words.      b. teacher lead the students to read the sentences: stick your photo on a card . write your name.       d. make and write. practice: 1. read the sentences. 2. make the student's card by thenselves.        3.teacher can ask students to draw some beautiful pictures on the card.        4.teacher show how to write their names on the card ,at the same time teach how to write chinese name in english. drill: 1.students finish making the card and show them in class. 2.use the card to introduce themselvesin pairs or in groups. consolidation:       1.student choose their english name that they like.and write down the name on the back of the card.        2.teacher collect the cards,make a small blackboard to show up.        3.incourage the students to memory the student's english name from the card. writing on the blackboard make and write        ①stick your photo on a card        ②write your name        ③finished.hello.i am     . <unit 3> my schoolbag period 4 revision:        presentation:        1.revise the dialoges,read out.        ----hello!        ----hi!        ----good morning. i'm miss han.        ----good morning, miss han.        ----good afternoon. i'm jim.        ----goodbye.        ----bye-bye. practice: 1. read the sentences. 2. master the song, try to sing out. 3. sing in the class. consolidation:       consolidate in pairs and in groups.       act the song.   make and write. writing on the blackboard good morning.  good morning.  hello! i'm miss han.  good afternoon.           hello! i'm sally.   14页,当前第61234567891011121314revision b 一、教学目标与要求 1、结构与功能 复习用祈使句发出指令以及肯定回答。 复习文具的英语名称。 复习教室中常见物品的英语名称。 复习通过用“ wh-”问句来确定某个实物多方面的详细情况以及回答。 复习句型“i have...” 二、课前准备 1、文具头饰若干,包括书包、铅笔盒、书、钢笔、铅笔、尺子和橡皮。 2、本课配套教学挂图、自制教学课件及教学磁带和录音机。 class one listen and write warm-up: 1.revise unit 3 and 4, the words , the sentences and the texts. 2.revise these sentence patten. what's in ... i have ... open/ close the ... turn on /off the lights. presentation: 1、教师可以拿起一个学生的铅笔盒,放进几样文具,或者藏起几样文具,问:“what's in your pencil-box?” 请他在数过之后回答:“i have...” 2、教师播放录音两遍,请学生们在每幅图的空白处填上文具的数量。 drill: do in the class. discuss in pairs. correct in class. practice: 替换练习,使用学生身边的各种物品 consolidation: 小组内合作交流,利用学生自己所有的物品进行交流,问答练习本单元的句型。 writing on the blackboard: what's in your schoolbag? i have one pen, two pens, three pens. what's in your pencil-box? i have one ruler,seven pencils and three erasers. class two listen and number 1、教师在黑板上写出几组数字,请学生们读出,复习数字0-10。 请学生们看课本,说出每一幅图中的动作。 2、教师播放录音三遍,请学生们根据听到的内容在图中方框内标上相应的序号。 3、完成后,教师可以请几位学生按照自己的所标的序号读出放学回家前在学校里应做的事情。 clean the blackboard. clean your chair. clean your desk. clean the windows. close the windows. turn off the lights. close the door. goodbye. look and say 1、教师向学生讲解图中故事: (1)博学的班长“书”在指挥一些文具小人打扫卫生。他让“钢笔”去关窗,让“铅笔”去扫地,让“尺子”去擦黑板,让”橡皮“去擦书桌。 (2)“书包”和“铅笔盒”躲在角落里偷懒,他们在炫耀自己所拥有的东西。 2、补全对话内容。 3、分组表演这个童话剧。 4、表演 unit 5 at the zoo一、教学目标与要求 1、结构与功能 用祈使动词来发出指令,例如: look! 用祈使句提出建议,例如: let's go to the zoo. let's go. 用形容词来描述动物,例如: it's lovely. 通过用“wh-”问句来询问以及回答,例如: ----what's this/that? ----it's a tiger. 2、词汇 a panda, a tiger, a lion, a bear, a monkey, a dog, a cat, a bird 二、课前准备 (一)知识准备 1、"what's this/that?"是"what is this/that?"的缩写形式。 2、"it's ..."是"it is ..."的缩写形式。 3、"it's a tiger."中出现的不定冠词"a",与可数名词单数连用,表示“一个”。 (二)教具准备 1、动物头饰头饰若干,包括熊猫,老虎,狮子,猴子,小狗,小猫和小鸟 2、本课;配套生词卡片,教学磁带,录音机 14页,当前第71234567891011121314class one listen read and say warm-up: 1、教师在黑板上画出一个动物圆的大门,对学生们说:“let's go to the zoo.”及答句:“ok.let's go.” 2、教师使用动物头饰和动物玩具向学生介绍本课所要学习的动物名称,教师播放录音中的单词部分,请学生们跟读。教师可以请部分学生站起来朗读。 presentation: 1、猜猜看游戏。请几名学生到讲台前做动作,表演各种动物。由教师提问其他学生:“what's this?”让学生猜一猜是哪种动物,引导学生用“it's a ...”或“this is a...”回答。 2、介绍形容词“lovely”的意义。教师可以拿玩具熊猫对同学们说:“it's lovely.”请全班学生一起用“it's lovely.”指出哪些动物可爱。 drill: 把动物玩具或生词卡片发给部分学生,请他们自己挑选伙伴做对话。一个问:“what's this?”(远的用“what's that?”)另一个回答:"it's a ..." 鼓励学生们在回答时,加上"it's lovely."教师可适当介绍“聪明”、“伶俐”等其他可以修饰动物的形容词。 practice: 1、请学生看课本第26-27页,播放录音,让学生听两遍。 2、教师播放录音示范正音部分两遍,学生边看书边跟读。 3、不听录音,让学生读对话,可以请几位学生站起来朗读。 4、提醒学生注意课文中祈使句的用法。 consolidation: 1、让学生分组表演对话,请几组到台上表演,鼓励学生在对话中用其他动物来替换。 2、活动结束后,教师可再播放录音一遍,让学生不看课本,一起会议本部分主要内容,加深记忆。 3、教师可以利用练习册中的相关情景,让学生进行更多替换练习,以达到充分练习本课教学内容的目的。 4、鼓励学生运用所学内容,自己创作情景,进行表演。 writing on the blackboard: unit 5 at the zoo let's go to the zoo. it's a lovely. it's a tiger. class two sing a song warm-up: 1、go over the situational dialogue. 2、放录音以遍,让学生听录音熟悉歌谣,以激发学生的兴趣。 presentation: 1、向学生介绍“i love animals.”的含义。提醒学生们注意“love”中的发音;教师按音节慢慢地读出“animals”这个词,请学生们跟读。 2、通过“this is a tiger. that is a tiger. tigers in the zoo.”这三句,教师可以让学生们复习可数名词的单数和复数的表达方式。 drill: 1、教师重放录音,请学生们跟着录音学习歌曲,可以一句一句地教唱,至学生学会 2、引导学生在歌曲中使用其他动物的名称,如:小猴子,熊猫等。 practice: 做“抢占地盘”游戏。在教室讲台上划出几个圆圈作为动物的地盘。每一种动物均由五人表演,可以带上动物动物头饰,站在教室后面做准备,其他学生站在周围边拍边唱。扮演动物者根据听到的内容,飞快地跑进圈内,抢占地盘。如:当听到"this is a tiger. that is a tiger. tigers in the zoo."时,所有扮演老虎的学生就要快速跑进老虎的圈里,未能跑进圈里的学生即淘汰出局。 consolidation: 教师多指定些学生扮演其他动物,然后提醒说唱的学生随机改变歌词内容,用所学过的其他动物替换,看一看谁的耳朵灵,反应快。 writing on the blackboard: let's go to the zoo. i love animals. this is a tiger, that is a tiger. tiger in the zoo. 14页,当前第81234567891011121314class three section c and d warm-up: 教师引导学生复习本单元学习过的有关动物名称。 presentation: touch and say: 1、将动物玩具或布偶边说边放入黑盒子中 2、学生排队到台前摸彩,摸着一动物说“this is a ...”,下面的同学证实,说“yes.”或“no.”。 3、对说对的同学进行奖励。 drill: 根据动物的近远,复习“what's this / that?" 和"it's a ..."句型。 practice: 看课本第29页图画,请学生们猜一猜每幅图代表什么动物。教师指着其中的一个图提问个别学生:“what's this?”请学生根据看到的动物特征回答:“it's a ...” consolidation: 请学生们两人一组做上述对话。教师可以请部分学生上台表演,进一步检查学生对本课内容掌握的程度,鼓励学生用“it's lovely.” writing on the blackboard: what's this? it's a panda. unit 6   i like...一、教学目标与要求 1、结构与功能 1)用祈使句发出指令,例如: come in , please. 用日常套语表示邀请,例如: an apple? have some juice, please. 2)用日常套语应答他人的请求,例如: yes, please. ok. 3)用日常套语拒绝他人的请求,例如: no,thanks. 4)表达自己的喜好,例如: i like bananas. i like juice. 5)用日常套语作出对感谢的应答,例如: you're welcome. 2.词汇 an apple, a banana, a pear, an orange, a watermelon, juice, milk, cookies 二、课前准备 (一)知识准备 1、不定冠词“an”的用法。“an”通常用在以元音开头的词前。 2、英语中邀请别人品尝食品时可以用句型a/some...?或have some...。肯定回答通常是:“yes, please.”或“ok, thanks.”否定回答是:“no, thanks." 3、“welcome!”是“欢迎”的意思,而“you're welcome.”是“不客气。”的意思,是对感谢的一种应答。 (二)教具准备 1、本课配套生词卡片,教学磁带和录音机。 2、小动物的头像和卡片。 class one listen and say warm-up: 1. revise unit 5. what's this? it's ... 2. introduce the main idea of this unit. presentation: 1、用生词卡或实物介绍水果的英文名称。用what's this? 提问,学生用it's ...回答,并将单词写在黑板上,加深学生印象。 2、通过生词卡或实物介绍本课的其他饮料或食物的英文名称。 3、教师播放录音中的单词部分,请同学们跟着大声读。听录音跟读两遍后,分组朗读,请部分同学站起来读。 4、向学生介绍“some”这个词。教师在黑板上画出一个梨,然后说“a pear”或“one pear”,当画出两个或更多的梨时说“some pears”。 drill: 1、read the words follow the teacher 2、read in pairs 3、choose little teachers practice: 做游戏看看谁的反应快。教师请几位学生站在讲台上,然后由教师快速举起生词卡或实物,学生们以最快的速度说出它们的英文名称,先说出来者获胜。 consolidation: 1、教师左手拿一小猴子的卡片,右手拿一个香蕉,对小猴子说“a banana?”小猴子回答:“yes, please.”然后再拿起一个梨,说:“a pear?”小猴子回答:“no, thanks.”教师表演完毕,请学生们跟着说一遍。 2、请学生们选择自己喜欢的食物进行练习,邀请班上的其他同学吃,被邀请的同学根据实际情况回答,喜欢吃的就接受:yes , please.或“ok",不喜欢吃的,就回答:"no, thanks. i'd like ..."最后请几位学生上台表演。 writing on the blackboard: i like... an apple  a banana a pear   an orange a watermelon  juice  milk        cookies 14页,当前第91234567891011121314class two listen read and say warm-up: 1. revise the conten learned in last class. 2. act the dialogue. presentation: 1、学习“come in, please.”的用法。请一位学生再教师门外敲门,教师说:“come in , please.”让他进来。然后教师做敲门的动作,配以声音效果,请全班学生大声说出"come in , please." 2、学习如何表达自己的喜好。教师介绍句型“ i like...”请学生们分别说出自己喜欢吃的食物、饮料或水果。 3、教师说:“here you are. ”这一句子并做动作,提示学生说出"thank you."教师可引出“you're welcome”再通过师生互动,生生互动,使学生学会运用"you're welcome." drill: 1、不看课本,听录音,要求学生先听一遍,了解故事情节,教师可邀请几位学生上台试着表演。 2、学生打开课本,然后教师播放录音示范正音部分,让学生边听边跟读课文两遍。 practice: 1、分角色表演,鼓励学生用所学的其他食物替换课文里的物品。分成四个小组创作并表演,挑选几组到台前表演。学生评价。 2、学生一起再读课文一遍。 consolidation: 1、按照练习册中的有关情景进行替换练习,以达到灵活运用所学知识的目的。 2、鼓励学生运用所学知识,创造新的情景,进行操练。 writing on the blackboard: come in , please. have some juice, please. you're welcome. class three section b and c warm-up: 1. revise this unit. 2. read the words and sentences. i like ... have some ..., please. you're welcome. presentation: sing a song. 1、 听录音,向学生解释前面诵读的几句话的意思,领读,熟悉内容。 2、放录音,让学生跟着大声模仿录音内容,学习歌谣。 3、歌谣掌握熟练后,两位学生组成一组,面对面拍手唱。 drill: 1、教师手拿讲桌上的水果和食物,用“have ..., please.”和"a/an ...?"同学们进行问答练习。 2、鼓励学生上讲台分组做类似练习,进行强化。 practice: 1、学生自带水果,做水果拼盘。在制作过程中,充分利用所学的知识。 2、水果拼盘可以由几个学生合作完成。先向合作的同学介绍自己带来的水果,用句型"it's ..."或"this is a ..." 3、大家齐动手,按照自己的想象,拼出自己喜欢的图案。在制作过程中,学生们用英文说出自己喜欢的水果:"i like..." consolidation: 1、完成后,可以请教师或其他组同学品尝,使用句型"have some ...",同时,当别的组的同学邀请品尝时,可回答:"yes , please.ok, thanks."或者"no, thanks." 2、对请自己品尝的同学致谢,说:“thanks.”他/她应该回答:“you're welcome.” 3、做练习册。 revision c 一、教学目标与要求 1、复习巩固第五、六单元所学的动物以及水果和食物的英文名称。 2、复习问句“what's this/that?”以及回答"it's ..." 3、复习表示邀请的用法"..., please?" 和"have some ..."句型。 4、复习用祈使句发出指令和用“let's ...”句型提出建议。 5、复习用“i like ...”句型表达喜好。 二、课前准备 1、教学磁带、录音机。 2、动物头饰和水果卡片。 14页,当前第101234567891011121314class one listen and number warm-up: 1、复习巩固第五、六单元所学的动物以及水果和食物的英文名称。 2、复习问句“what's this/that?”以及回答"it's ..." 3、复习表示邀请的用法"..., please?" 和"have some ..."句型。 4、复习用祈使句发出指令和用“let's ...”句型提出建议。 5、复习用“i like ...”句型表达喜好。 presentation: 1、教师可以先请学生说出课本34页图中所出现的动物的英文名称。可以由教师提问“what's this/that?”请几位学生回答,也可以引导学生互相提问。 2、复习数字0-10的英文表达。选出学生十位,给他们编号,然后玩报数的游戏,教师可以任意指定开始的数字,如:从3开始,编号为3的学生应该先说,然后是4号学生,依此类推。 3、教师放录音两遍,请学生根据听到的内容,在每种动物身旁的空白框内标上数字。 4、学生做完练习后,教师可再放录音一遍,让学生跟读,进一步加深印象,纠正发音,培养良好的语感。 class two revision: 1、教师先用生词卡片让学生复习水果和食物的英文名称。可以把全班学生分成四组,教师出示生词卡,学生进行抢答,答出单词最多的为优胜队。 2、请几位学生站起来,用英语说出他们喜欢的水果和食物。 3、教师向学生们介绍课本第35页插图。 4、放录音请学生圈出听到的水果、饮料以及动物图案。 look and say 1、教师向学生讲解图画的内容: 1)熊猫先生的超市开张大喜,熊猫先生在门口欢迎大家,说:welcome! 2)小熊从来没见过西瓜,熊爸爸介绍说:“this is a watermelon.” 3)小猫咪和她的同学们已经选好了她们要买的东西,准备走了。小猫咪对她的同学说:"let's go."她的同学们一起说:“ok.” 4)小猴子指着一只锔子问是什么,妈妈说:"it's an orange." 5)老虎和朋友在逛商店,他指着一些圆饼干说:"i like cookies." 6)小狗在柜台付钱,熊猫太太在找零钱给他,小狗说:“thanks.”熊猫太太对他说:“you're welcome.” 2、请学生分组表演熊猫超市的故事,在班内进行比赛。 3、鼓励学生改编故事,进行再创作。 unit 7 animal friends一、教学目标与要求 1、结构与功能 1)用祈使句提出建议,例如: let's play. 2)用日常套语介绍朋友,例如: this is candy. this is my friend. 3)用人称代词指代人,例如: he can swim. she can dance. 4)用情态动词表示能力,例如: i can run. i can't swim. he can swim. she can sing. 2、词汇 run, jump, swim, sing, dance 二、课前准备 (一)知识准备 1、"can't"是“cannot”的缩写形式。 2、英语中的人称代词主格分别为:i, you, he , she , it, we ,they (二)教具准备 1、动物头饰若干 2、本课配套生词卡片,教学挂图,教学磁带和录音机。 class one listen read and say warm-up: 1. revise the unit 6. 2.revise the main words and sentences in unit 6. presentation: 1、教师使用教学挂图依次介绍各种动物,指着每一种动物用英语说"this is ..." 让学生跟着说。 2、请一位学生站起来,教师向大家介绍说:“this is my friend,...”再邀请一位学生,由第一位学生介绍第二位学生,依此类推。通过这种方式,学生能轻松的学会如何用日常套语介绍朋友。还可以在此基础上进行扩展练习。 3、把“run ”的生词卡片挂在黑板上,指着卡片读“run”,边读边模仿跑的动作,叫学生跟着做,然后在黑板上写出这个单词。按照上一步的方法练习其他动词。 drill: 1、当学生能熟练地读出所有动词后,请两名学生到台上来,给他们看单词,如:run,然后让他们模仿这个动作,让其他学生猜这是什么动作。 2、教师播放录音中地单词部分,让学生跟读。 practice: 1、介绍句型“i can ...”教师做跑地动作的同时说:“i can run.”并请同学跟着大声说。 2、鼓励学生自愿做替换练习,换用刚才学过的其他动词,边做动作边大声说:"i can..." consolidation: 介绍人称代词“he”和“she”。 请一位男生上台做跳跃动作,教师说:“he can jump.” 请一位女生上台做跳舞的动作,教师说:“she can dance.” 学生比较发现人称的换用,并运用。 writing on the blackboard: animal friends this is candy. let's play. she can jump. 14页,当前第111234567891011121314
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