
Unit5 How old are you?导学案苏教版

unit5 how old are you?导学案苏教版
unit 5 how old are you?(story time)
【课型】 新授课
1.能听懂、会读、会说one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
2.能听懂、会读、会说日常用语how old are you? i’m …this is for you. here you are. thank you.
1.能听懂、会读、会说单词one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
2.能听懂、会读、会说日常用语how old are you? i’m …this is for you. here you are. thank you.
【课时安排】 第一课时
课前播放歌曲“ten little indian boys”。
step 1 greeting and free talk
t: hello, boys and girls. are you ready for english class?
ss: yes. i’m ready.
t: well, good morning, class.
ss: good morning, miss ...
t: nice to meet you.
ss: nice to meet you, too.
t: how are you?
ss: i’m fine, thank you. and you?
t: i’m fine, too.
t: look, what’s this?
s1: it’s a toy bear.
t: how lovely! here you are.
s1: thank you.
t: not at all.
t: hello, daisy. is this your rabbit?
s2: yes, it is.
t: how lovely!
s2: thank you.
step 2  let’s learn
出示学习目标:1.能听懂、会读、会说one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
1.       enjoy a song
t: ok. let’s enjoy a song. if you can sing, please follow it.
t: what’s in the song?
ss: one, two….ten.
t: bingo. there are some numbers. let’s count together.
2.       magic eyes
教师快速呈现数词1-10,最后出现two six
t: yes, it’s three five.i'm lily, and i’m 35. (教师出示名片帮助学生理解)
name: lily               photo
 age: 35
 tel: 13913413775
t: how old are you?
s1: i’m nine.
t: how old are you?
s2: i’m ten.
t: how old are you?
s3: i’m eight.
t: so today we’ll learn unit 5 how old are you? well, read after me, “how old are you?”
t: hello, ...                     
s: hello, miss ...
t: how old are you ?               
s: i’m nine/ ten.          
t: well, let’s see something interesting.
[tip] how old are you?可用来询问他人的年龄,但在外国,年龄对他们来说是一种隐私,是秘密,所以如果你在路上跟外国人打招呼的时候不可以随便问他的年龄哦!4页,当前第11234
t: so in western countries, can you ask me "how old are you?"
ss: no.
t: yes, it's impolite, it's a secret. but you can ask your partner "how old are you?"
学生在小组内开火车一问一答:“how old are you? i’m…how old are you?....”
t: excellent! are you happy?
ss: yes.
t: good. someone is happy, too.
step 3  presentation
t: look, who are they?.
ss: mike, helen, tim.(教师黑板贴人物)
t: what questions will you ask them?(你想问他们什么问题呢?)
s1: how old are you?
s2: where are you?
t: me too. i want to know these, too.
t: now first let's watch the cartoon and find the answer" how old is mike/ helen/ tim ?" , ok?
t: mike is...            
s: nine.
t: helen is...  eight
  tim is...  two  (学生将相应的数字贴到黑板上)
t: we know mike is nine, helen is eight, tim is two. but do you know where are they ?
   let's watch the cartoon again , then answer these questions, ok?
q1: where are they ?                 
q2: what does the woman say to the children?
由q1 引出 toy museum 玩具博物馆   (ss read并且出示tip)
由q2 引出 here you are. 给你。 here you are. =this is for you.
t: boys and girls, there are many toys in the toy museum, do you know which toy is for mike, which is for helen, which is for tim ? now read the story and do the match , ok?                  
ss: ok.
t: let’s check. this dog is for helen. / this robot is for mike./ this panda is for tim.
(学生练说this...is for...)
t: ok, boys and girls. look at the blackboard, and look at these cards, can you make a
sentence like this? for example, tim is two. this panda is for tim. like this, who can
try ?
s1: mike is nine. this robot is for mike.             
t: how clever!
s2: helen is eight. this robot is for helen.            
t: how pretty!
t: now it’s our reading time, let’s read after the tape, pay attention to your pronunciation.4页,当前第21234
1.read after the tape.逐句跟读,注意语音语调。
2.read together. 注意人物的表情和动作。
3.read in roles.让学生自己去读,感受语音语调,鼓励学生加入自己的感情动作来表演对话。
t: boys and girls, after reading the dialogue, do you have any questions about this story ? oh, i have a question. why is the robot for mike, not for tim? why is the panda for tim, not for helen. now please look at the picture carefully, then help me to solve the problem, ok?
t: yes. you are a clever boy/ girl. because the robot and the dog are for the children of the ages from 6-10, mike is nine, and helen is eight. so the robot and the dog are for them. but the panda is just for the children of the ages from 2-5, tim is only two, so he gets the panda. now are you clear, yes or no?
[tip] 当你为别人选购物品时,你要考虑他们的年龄、性别、兴趣爱好。
step 4 consolidation
t: look, here’s a shop. we have a toy car, a robot, a doll, some flowers and so on. you can make a dialogue in your group. first let’s read the rules: 在小组内,一人扮演售货员,其余人扮演顾客,注意顾客的年龄最好不同喔!
t: you may use: welcome   欢迎
would you like a/an...?   你想要什么?
what about...?   ...怎么样?
what colour is it? ...是什么颜色的?
how old are you?  你几岁了?
this is for you.   这是给你的。
here you are.    给你。
how lovely!/nice!/great!  真可爱啊!/真漂亮啊!/好极了!
thank you.  谢谢你。
not at all.   不客气。
step5 exercise
1. writing time
t: good boys and girls. we often get present from our parents and friends, also we should give presents to them. look, presents can be a book, a doll, a hug, a smile, a helping hand, a telephone call…and also presents can be your hard working. your good speaking, good listening, good reading and good writing.
t: now it's time for you to give presents--write the numbers correctly and clearly.
[tip] 在四线格内抄写下列数词,注意在抄写单词时,要边拼边写喔!
t: great! your hand writing is very nice. thanks for your presents.
2. learning tip
t: boys and girls, i give you a present. that is knowledge.
[tip] numbers are around us. use these numbers in your daily life.在日常生活中使用这些数词,我们可以用英语说一说电话号码、门牌号和车牌号码等。
look, this is my name card. can you read the numbers?
step 6 homework
★      1.read the dialogues after the tape and imitate the pronunciation.4页,当前第31234
★     ★2. read and recite story time.
板书设计:               unit 5 how old are you?
a: how old are you?
b: i’m … .                              人物图片   年龄    礼物
a: this is for you./here you are.
b: thank you. /how lovely!4页,当前第41234
上一篇:三年级Let's talk句子复习 下一篇:2018年小学英语3BUnit1-4知识点(新译林牛津英语)