


overall plan
unit functions language focus key words periods tasks
1 our favourite subject using the third person singular
asking wh-questions
using the verb “to like” what subject does he/she like?
he/she likes english.
he’s/she’s good at it.
what sport does he /she like?
he/she likes basketball.
 arts and crafts
science 8  do a group survey and report the result to the class
listen to and sing a song to practise talking about favourite school subject
2 pet corner using the third person singular
asking yes/no questions
using the verb “to eat” and “to drink”
using the possessive adjective
 this is our rabbit. this is its food.
does it eat/ drink…?
yes, it does. / no, it doesn’t. a carrot
cat food
dog food
fish food
milk water
a kitten
a puppy 7 do a partner survey, draw a picture of a favourtie animal and introduce it to the class
listen to and sing a song to practise talking about pets
3 my day asking wh-questions
using the simple present tense to talk about habitual actions when do you get up?
i get up at seven. get up
have breakfast/ lunch/dinner
go to school
go home
do one’s homework
go to bed

  7 do a partner survey to find out daily rountines
say a chant to practise talking about habitual actions
4 our lessons asking wh-questions
using the simple present tense to talk about habitual actions what lessons do you have on monday morning?
at eight o’clock we have english. at nine ten we have maths. monday
 7 ask a partner about a school timetable
say a chant to practise talking about schedules
5 revision    4 
6 at home  asking wh-questions
using the present continuous tense where are you? i’m in the bedroom.
where’s you dad?
he’s in the kitchen.
what’s he doing?
he’s cooking. the bathroom
a bedroom
the dinning room
the kitchen
the living room
cook sleep wash watch 7 make a diagram of family members doing different activities in a house
listen to and sing a song to practise talking about daily activities
7 helping at home using the simple present tense to talk about habitual actions
using the third person singular
using transitive verbs and direct objects
using adverbs of frequency how do you help at home?
i always/ usually/ sometimes/ never water the plants. clean a room
make the bed
set the table
sweep the floor
wash the dishes28页,当前第112345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728
water the plants 7 do a group survey and introduce a helpful group member to the class
listen to and sing a song to practise talking about household chores
8 at the market using the pronouns ‘these’ and ‘those’
asking and answering questions about prices and weights
using the indefinite determiner ‘some’ how much are the …?
these/ those … are two yuan kilo.
may i  have two kilos, please? beans potatoes cabbages tomatoes
leafy vegetables onions  7 make a group shopping list and role-play a shopping trip
say a chant to practise talking about store items and prices 
9 planning a party asking wh-questions
using the infinitive when’s your party?
it’s on saturday at three thirty.
what do you want to eat /drink … biscuits, popcorn, sweets, lemonade, orange juce,
potato chips 7 plan a party and make invitations for it in groups
say a chant to practise talking about simple party plans
10 revision    4 

unit 1 our favourite subjects     unit 2 pet corner
unit 3 my day                     unit 4 our lessons
unit 5 revision                   unit 6 at home
unit 7 helping at home            unit 8 at the market
unit 9 planning a party           unit 10 revision

using the third person singular; asking wh-questions and yes/no questions; using the verbs ‘to like’, ‘to eat’ and ‘to drink’; using the possessive adjective ‘its’; using the simple present tense to talk about habitual actions; using the present continuous tense; using transitive verbs and direct objects; using adverbs of frequency; using the pronouns ‘these’ and ‘those’; asking and answering questions about prices and weights; using the indefinite determiner ‘some’; using the infinitive.
第一单元 (unit 1—2) 6+6+3(复习、测试、讲评)= 15 课时
第二单元 (unit 3—5) 6+6+2+3(复习、测试、讲评)= 17 课时
第三单元 (unit 6—7) 6+6+3(复习、测试、讲评)= 15 课时
第四单元 (unit 8—10) 6+6+2+3(复习、测试、讲评)= 17 课时

unit 1 our favourite subjects
task objectives
communicate with others on familiar topics by using simple expressions and structures
participate in simple interactions in classroom situations28页,当前第212345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728
understand utterances using pictures as prompts
language focus
what subject does he/she like?
he/she likes english.
he/she’s good at it.
what sport does he/she like/
he/she likes basketball.

the first period
a point and say.
1 prepare a translation of the class timetable in english.
2 show the pupils their timetable in english. ask them to look at their own versions in chinese. point to the time and day when they are having this lesson. say, this subject is english. point to a time when the pupils have maths. write a simple sum on the board and say this subject is maths. write maths under the sum. continue with the other subjects drawing a simple picture for each and pointing at the timetable in english so the pupils can follow on their own timetable.
3 leave the drawings on the board but erase the names of the subjects. point to the drawings one by one, asking what subject is this? the pupils answer it’s …
4 teacher says the subjects and asks the students show their own textbooks.
1 show transparency. point to the sum in tim’s picture. write it on the board and put a tick beside it. then say tim’s good at maths. point to the picture on the easel next to mary and say this is very good. mary’s good at arts and crafts.
2 ask the pupils to make sentences about the subjects the other children are good at.
3 divide the class into pairs. tell them to take turns pointing to a child in the picture. ask each pupil to make a sentence about the child, e.g. … is good at …
guessing and talking
1 ask the pupils to choose one of the children in the picture. they should not point to it or tell their partner who it is. after they make a sentence about the child, their partner should guess who it is.
2  ask the pupils to tell each other what subject(s) they’re good at.
recite the words.
copybook (p.1-p.2)
students have fun in saying the words putting up their books.
the activity connecting the new points to the life impressed the students and helps them memorize new words easily.

the second period
review the words.
b say and act.
1 bring in sports equipment like a table tennis bat or ball, a badminton racquet or shuttle cock, etc. alternatively use the pictures of people playing different games from book 5 unit 8.
2 (books closed.) write the names of the subjects on the board. ask several pupils do you like (name of subject)? write the names of the pupils next to the subjects they like.
3 help the pupils recall the names of the sports using the real objects or pictures. write the names of the sports on the board. ask the pupils do you like (name of sport)? write the names of the pupils next to the sports they like.28页,当前第312345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728
4 point to the board and ask questions about the subjects and sports the named pupils like, e.g. what subject/sport does ann like? model the answer the first time with the third person singular s on the verb, e.g. she likes … ask the class to repeat the answer after me. ask individual pupils about the other pupils on the board.
1 (books open.) show transparency and play the pupil’s book cassette. explain that the teacher is asking the children about the subjects and sports they like.
2 read the words in the teacher’s speech bubble. show the child’s answer and ask the class to read it after me. practise asking questions and having the pupils chorus the answer for a few more questions. make sure the pupils are saying the s on likes clearly when they answer.
3 tell the pupils to get into pairs and role-play the teacher and a pupil in picture 1.
4 tell the pupils to look at picture 2. explain that the children are talking to their parents about their good friends. ask the pupils to read the sentences in the speech bubbles after me. divide the class into half. ask half to act the child and the other half to act the parents. show the pupils that they can get information about pat, peter and kate from the blackboard in picture 1.
talking in pairs
1 ask the pupils to work in pairs to tell each other about their friends and what subjects and sports they like.
2 the pupils play a game in groups of four. they take turns talking about the subject and sport someone in the class likes without saying the person’s name. the others guess who it is.
copybook (p.3-p.4)

the third period
revision and practice
what subject/sport/colour/animal does he/she like?
he/she likes …
c storytime
1 point to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud. ask the pupils to point to the speech bubbles as i read them.
2 play the pupil’s book disk for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the disk.
3 ask the pupils to role-play the story in groups of three and to read the characters’ speech bubbles. some groups may like to come out to the front and act the story.
4 use transparency to revise the sequence and language of he story.
d complete and say the sentences. write the missing words in the grid.
ask the pupils to read the story again. show them how to write one letter in each of the squares of the grid. check the answers using transparency.28页,当前第412345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728
recite part c.
notes: 学生还是对be good at 的句子不熟练。因此这样对学生说:be 动词是妈妈,她有三孩子,is ,am and are. am  的好朋友是i  ; are的好朋友是you ,we ,they.  is 的好朋友是he ,she ,it. 然后重点练习了几个he she it is good at …的句子,效果好些了。

difficulties:clever; pet corner

the fourth period
e say the sounds and the words.
1 play the pupil’s book disk  and ask the pupils to listen to the sounds and the words.
2 say the words slowly and clearly. check that the pupils are saying the words correctly.
3 point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without my model.
4 play the tape again. ask the pupils to listen to the rhyme and to colour the ice cream in the correct colours. get the pupils to repeat the rhyme.
f look and do.
1 tell the pupils to work in groups of six. explain that they are going to conduct a survey to find out the class’ favourite subjects and sports.
2 ask each group to report their findings and tally the answers on the board to find the class’ favourite subject and sport.
g listen, match and sing.
1 play the pupil’s book disk  for the pupils to listen to the song.
2 play the disk  again and encourage the pupils to join in with the words. then ask the pupils to draw a line from one child to a subject.
3 break the class into 5 groups. number the groups from 1-5. ask the groups to sing their verse to the others.
dictation about part a and b.

the fifth period
do workbook exercises
workbook (p.1)
tell the pupils to look at the pictures and read the words in the box. then ask the pupils to complete the sentences by choosing the correct words from the box.
workbook (p.2)
ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the workbook cassette. then ask them to tick the subjects that peter and ann like according to what they hear on the tape.
workbook (p.3)
ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the workbook disk . then ask them to put a tick or a cross in the boxes for the pictures according to what they hear on the disk .
workbook (p.4)
1 ask the pupils to look at the first part of the page and listen to the workbook cassette. they need to draw lines to the correct fishes and circle the correct plants according to what they hear on the tape.
2 ask the pupils to look at the second part of the page. tell them to look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.
workbook (p.5)
ask the pupils to look at the pictures and read the speech and thought bubbles. then tell them to match the words and pictures by writing the correct numbers in the boxes.28页,当前第512345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728

unit 2 pet corner
task objectives
understand utterances using pictures as prompts
participate in simple interactions in classroom situations
write words for pictures
language focus
this is our rabbit. does it drink/eat …?
this is its food. yes, it does. /no, it doesn’t.

the first period
a look and say.
1 bring in photos or pictures of pet animals and the food they eat and drink.
2 (books closed.) show the pupils a picture of carrots and a picture of rabbits.   tell the pupils these are carrots. rabbits eat carrots. write the sentences on the board underlining the s in the plural nouns.
3 point to the pictures of milk and water and say rabbits drink water. write this on the board. tell the pupils we do not put s on water.
4 show the pictures of the other types of pet food. ask what eats (type of food)? make sure the pupils use the plural forms of the animal names in the answers.
5 show the pupils a picture of a cat and a kitten.       make sure that they understand that a kitten is a baby cat. do the same with pictures of a dog and a puppy. 
6 show transparency. play the pupil’s book cassette and point to the speech bubble. ask the pupils to repeat after the cassette.
1 (books open.) show transparency. explain that pat and tim are showing koko the animals in a pet shop. they are helping to feed the animals.
2 read pat’s sentences. ask the pupils to repeat them.
3 ask the pupils what animals can you see?
4 point to the other animals one by one and ask the pupils to make sentences about what the animals eat and drink.
recite the words.
copybook (p.5-p.6)
1、 要强调和多练习不可数名词的用法。
2、 学生对于名词用复数形式表示某一种类的用法比较难灵活运用,比如rabbits eat carrots.这句话,他们比较容易犯rabbit eat carrot.这样的错误。

the second period
review the words.
b say and act.
1 (books closed.) play a miming game with the pupils. pretend to be a kitten. ask the pupils what am i? when the pupils guess a kitten, show a picture of a kitten. then show pictures of the different types of food from the unit. ask e.g. does it eat seeds? write the question forms on the board, i.e. does it eat …? does it drink …? model the answers yes, it does. /no, it doesn’t. for the pupils.
2 mime several other animals or get the pupils to come out to mime. prompt the class to ask questions about what the animal eats and drinks and prompt the correct response.28页,当前第612345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728
1 (books open.) show transparency and play the pupil’s boo cassette. the pupils listen and follow in their books. continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat the words after the beeps.
2 show the pupils the rabbit in the cage. divide the class into two halves, one to ask koko’s questions and the other to respond with pat’s answers.
3 explain that koko wants to know about the food and drink for the other animals. tell the pupils to look at the small pictures in koko’s thought bubble. demonstrate how to ask a question about what each animal eats and drinks, e.g. does the puppy eat dog food? does it drink milk? show the pupils that the answer is in pat’s thought bubble. dog food is ticked so the puppy eats dog food. it doesn’t drink milk. have the class chorus the questions and the answers for another animal.
4 ask the pupils to work in pairs to role-play pat and koko. remind the pupils that if the answer is no, it doesn’t. they should add a sentence about what the animal does eat or drink.
workbook (p.7-p.8)
1. 学生对its和it’s的用法不熟,还应多加比较。
2. 由does引导的一般疑问句,后面的动词要用原形,这点也要对学生反复强调。

the third period
revision and practice
does it …? yes, it does. no, it doesn’t.
c storytime
1 point to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud.
2 play the tape for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.
3 point to the kitten in picture 1 and ask what’s this? is it fat or thin? then point to picture 6. ask is the kitten fat or thin?
4 ask the pupils to role-play the story in groups of three and to read the characters’ speech bubbles.
5 use storycards to revise the sequence and language of the story.
d read and tick.
ask the pupils to read the story again. show them that they need to read the sentence and then tick the correct picture. use transparency to check the answers.
recite part c.
强调和学习了:look after; of course; play with; give to

the fourth period
e say the sounds and the words.
1 play the pupil’s book cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the sounds and the words.
2 say the words slowly and clearly. check that the pupils are saying the sounds correctly.
3 point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without my model.
4 play the tape again. ask them to circle the picture of the girl whose thought bubble matches the rhyme. get the pupils to repeat the rhyme.28页,当前第712345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728
f look and do.
1 tell the pupils to work in pairs. one pupil should look at the information cards on the bottom of page 60 and choose one animal. they should not tell their partner the name of the animal they choose.
2 their partner then asks them about what their animal eats and drinks using the list on page 60. they write a tick or cross next to each of the things their partner’s animal does or doesn’t eat and drink. then they guess their partner’s animal.
3 then they draw the animal and write about what it eats and drinks, following the model in picture 2.
4 make new groups of four. each member should have a different animal. they tell each other about the animals they have drawn and display their pictures and writing together to make a pet corner.
g listen, number and sing.
1 play the tape for the pupils to listen to the song.
2 play the tape again and tell the pupils to write the number of the verse next to the animal it describes.
3 play the tape again and encourage the pupil to join in with the words.
dictation about part a and b.

the fifth period
do workbook exercises
workbook (p.6)
tell the pupils to look at the pictures and read the words in the box. then ask the pupils to complete the sentences by choosing the correct words from the box.
workbook (p.7)
1 ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the workbook cassette.
2 ask the pupils to tick the food and drink that animals have according to what they hear on the tape.
workbook (p.8)
1 ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the workbook cassette.
2 ask the pupils to draw lines to match the pictures on the left with the food on the right according to what they hear on the tape.
workbook (p.9)
1 ask the pupils to look at the first part of the page and listen to the tape. they need to draw lines to the correct stations and circle the correct pictures according to what they hear on the tape.
2 ask the pupils to look at the second part of the page. tell them to look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.
workbook (p.10)
ask the pupils to look at the pictures and read the speech bubbles. then tell them to match the words and the pictures by writing the correct letters in the circles.

unit 3 my day
task objectives
understand a series of instructions and act accordingly
communicate with others on familiar topics
role-play simple short stories
language focus
when do you get up?
i get up at seven fifteen.

the first period
a act koko.
1 bring in simple props like toy food and plates, a school bag, a lunch box.28页,当前第812345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728
2 (books closed.) mime sleeping, then an alarm clock ringing. pretend to wake up and say i’m getting up. write the words get up on the board.
3 continue the mime with the props for have breakfast, go to school, have lunch, go home, do homework, have dinner, go to bed. write the phrases on the board.
4 now mime the actions and ask: what am i doing? get the pupils to answer you are …ing …
5 show transparency. play the pupil’s book cassette and point to the speech bubbles. ask the pupils to repeat after the cassette.
1 (books open.) show transparency. explain that koko is videoing all the things tim does in one day. read koko’s speech bubbles and get the pupils to repeat them.
2 ask the pupils to act koko and make sentences about what tim is doing in the other pictures.
recite the words.
copybook (p.9-p.10)
要帮助学生复习动词的现在分词形式,这一课a部分出现的get和have,他们的现在分词形式分别为getting和having, 要提醒学生注意。

the second period
review the phrases in part a.
b say and act.
1 prepare a clock face with hands which move. bring an alarm clock to class.
2  (books closed.) revise the numbers 1-12 by using the short hand to pint to them asking the pupils to tell me the numbers.
3 make the long hand point to 12 and move the short hand around saying one o’clock, two o’clock, etc. write some of the times in numbers on the board, e.g. 2:00. get the pupils to join in. move the hour hand randomly to test the pupils’ understanding.
4 make the short hand point to 1. move the long hand to the 3, saying one fifteen and write the time on the board, e.g. 1:15. move the short hand to the two and repeat. encourage the pupils to repeat as i go around the clock. repeat this process with the long hand pointing to the 6, e.g. one thirty, and the 9, e.g. one forty-five.
5 set the alarm clock to an early time and set the alarm to go off at an appropriate time. mime sleeping and getting up when the alarm goes off. show the clock to the pupils saying e.g. get up at six forty-five. write this on the board. draw a clock face on the board with a question mark on it. point to the clock and ask the pupils when do you get up? ask the pupils to show the correct time on the clock. make the sentences for them and get them to repeat it.
6 change the time on the alarm clock. mime being tired and going to bed. show the pupils the time on the clock and say i go to bed at … . then ask various pupils when do you go to bed? write some responses on the board.28页,当前第912345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728
1 (books open.) show transparency and play the pupil’s book cassette. the pupils listen and follow in their books. continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat the words after the beeps.
2 explain that koko is showing the video of tim. get the pupils to act tim and make sentences about his day using the small pictures and clocks at the top of the page.
3 then show the pupils that tim asks pat about her day.
4 ask the pupils to work in pairs to act tim and pat.
copybook (p.11-p.12)
学生对于when do you …?的提问和回答比较熟练,但是如果主语换成第三人称,学生在用动词的正确形式时比较容易出错,还要多强调和练习。

the third period
revision and practice
when do you …?
when does tim …?
c storytime
1 point to the characters in the pictures and read their speech bubbles aloud. ask the pupils to point to the speech bubbles as i read them.
2 play the tape for the pupils and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.
3 tell the pupils where london is. explain that the time is seven or eight hours different from china.
4 ask the pupils to role-play the story in pairs and to read the characters’ speech bubbles.
5 use storycards to revise the sequences and language of the story.
d read and match.
ask the pupils to read the story again. read the words in the sentences with the pupils. demonstrate how to write the correct letter to complete the sentence using number one as an example. check answers using transparency.
recite part c.
强调和学习了:we’re back. i’m tired. your watch is wrong.

the fourth period
e say the sounds and the words.
1 play the tape and ask the pupils to listen to the sounds and the words.
2 say the words slowly and clearly. check that the pupils are saying the words correctly.
3 point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without my model.
4 tell the pupils that in the picture of the word breakfast, there is a bowl of congee and a kind of bread that is common in china. there is no true english translation for this kind of bread.
5 play the tape again. ask the pupils to listen to the rhyme and to draw a circle around the plate which shows the girl’s breakfast. get the pupils to repeat the rhyme.
f look and do.
1 tell the pupils they are going to make a schedule of their day. explain this means writing down the times they usually do things. set the scene by telling the pupils to pretend they are staying with an aunt who doesn’t know their schedule.28页,当前第1012345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728
2 tell the pupils to work in pairs. show them the schedule at the bottom of the page but ask them not to write anything yet. tell them that pupil a is the aunt. she will ask questions and write down pupil b’s answers in the schedule on the page. then tell the pupils to change roles, pupil b will be the aunt and ask questions.
g listen, write, do and chant.
1 play the tape for the pupils to listen to the chant.
2 show the pupils the small pictures and where to write the time that they will hear in each activity.
3 play the cassette again and ask the pupils to write the times they hear for each activity.
4 play the tape again for the pupils to check their answers. then play it again and encourage the pupils to join in with the words.
dictation about part a and b.

the fifth period
do workbook exercises
workbook (p.11)
tell the pupils to look at the pictures and read the words in the box. then ask the pupils to complete the sentences by choosing the correct words from the box.
workbook (p.12)
1 ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the workbook cassette.
2 ask the pupils to tick the correct time for each picture according to what they hear on the tape.
workbook (p.13)
1 ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the workbook cassette.
2 ask the pupils to draw lines to match the pictures on the left with the times on the right according to what they hear on the tape.
workbook (p.14)
1 ask the pupils to look at the first part of the page and listen to the workbook cassette. they need to circle the correct words and draw lines to the correct cups according to what they hear on the tape.
2  ask the pupils to look at the second part of the page. tell them to look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.
workbook (p.15)
ask the pupils to look at the pictures and read the speech bubbles. then tell them to match the words and the pictures by writing the correct letters in the circles.

unit 4 our lessons
task objectives
speak with clear pronunciation
participate in simple interactions in classroom situations
understand simple written instruction
communicate with others on familiar topics
language focus
it’s sunday.
i play badminton on monday.
what lessons do you have on monday morning?
at eight twenty, we have chinese. at nine ten, we have music.

the first period
a look and say.
1 bring in a calendar with the days of the week clearly marked on it.
2 (books closed.) show the calendar. chorus the names of the days of the week with the pupils.28页,当前第1112345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728

上一篇:新标准小学英语一年级起始第六册复习资料 下一篇:牛津小学英语三年级unit5 How are you?教案