
Unit 4 Tasting and smelling (1)


unit 4 tasting and smelling (1)
教学内容 1 learners are encouraged to taste various foods to identify what they are, and to understand the concept of sweet and sour
2. learners complete a classification table
3. learners practise distinguishing different smells and express opinions about the smells
4. learners should conclude that we taste with our mouths and smell with our noses

教学目标: 知识与技能:掌握祈使句和相关形容词的用法。
教学重难点 1 identifying objects by taste and smell
2. asking questions about and describing the taste and smell of objects
3. responding to simple instructions
4. saying the sound ‘e’ in its closed syllable form
教学准备 1. cassette 3b and a cassette player
2. some apples, some lemons, some oranges, some chocolate, a knife

教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 教学意图
 pre-task preparation a show students the picture cards.
 introduce: an apple, an orange and a lemon. stick the word cards on the board. invite students to touch a certain fruit on your desk according to my instructions. say: touch the lemon.
b 1 invite students to match the picture cards with the word cards on the board.
2 cut a lemon into slices. invite students to taste the lemon and the chocolate. introduce: sweet, sour.
3 ask students to guess whether apples and oranges are sweet or sour.
4 prompt students to say: it's sweet/ sour.
learn and read the new words.

ask and answer. 


while-task procedure 1 play the cassette. students follow in their books.
2 cut the fruit into slices. blindfold some of the students.
say: taste this. what is it? to elicit: it's sweet/sour. it's a/an ...
3 divide students into groups.
 distribute slices of fruit to each group on a paper plate. blindfold one of the group members. others offer this student something to taste and guess what it is. students take turns to make guesses.
learn the new sentences.

work in the groups. 


post-task activity workbook page 8
a students work in pairs to complete the first exercise orally.
b students fill in the missing words.
c invite students to read the dialogues to check answers.
d students tick the boxes in the second exercise to show

workbook exercises.
 copy and recite the new words and the text
教学效果反思 这节课除了让学生掌握几个名词外,还要让学生体会sweet,sour这两个形容词,在教学中,我带着能表现这两中口味的东西进入课堂,让学生在品尝中理解句子,学生兴趣较浓,对于课文中的知识掌握的较好。在随后的练习中,学生对于no,the apple is sweet。这样的句子写出问句有些学生写成了is the applesweet?说明学生在理解上还是不够。

上一篇:2019年三年级英语上册重点句子复习资料(外研版) 下一篇:三年级英语上册Module1教案分析