
三年级英语My Family教案


(人教pep)三年级英语下册教案 unit2

unit 2 my family第二课时一、教学目标1.能听懂会说句型:who’s that man/woman? he’s/she’s my____.并在情景中灵活运用。2.能准确介绍自己和询问别人身份 。二、教学重点、难点重点:能听懂会说句型:who’s that man/woman? he’s/she’s my____.并在情景中灵活运用 。难点:  正确使用人称代词he和she .三、教学准备全家福照片、录音机、磁带、课件或挂图、单词卡片。四、教学过程教   学   步   骤个  案  分  析1.情景引入:(1)greeting and free talk .(2)warm up:let’s sing “father and mother” .(3)出示歌谣,复习单词:man和 woman是一家, father mother 是爸妈,grandfather 年纪大,grandmother眼睛花,family family幸福家.(4)t: look at the picture. this is my friend. who’s this boy?(学生可能只回答名字,教师引导he’s_____.) who’s this girl?(教师引导she’s…….)教师指班里的学生练习he’s….和she’s….2. 新知呈现:(1)课件或海报展示孩子们喜欢的人物:(如姚明 周杰伦 赵微等)t: who’s that man?(板书)  he’s yao ming.  who’s that woman?(板书)  she’s zhao wei.(2)领读重要句型who’s that man? who’s that woman?(3)教师利用课件准备多幅明星或科任老师照片,让学生利用黑板上的句型两人一组练习对话之后展示 。(4)自学指导:a.自读对话,画出不懂的单词和句子,先在小组内交流解决 。b.再读课文,回答下列问题: who’s that woman? who’s that man?(5)质疑答疑:预设问题: who , that的读音和含义 . (6)专项训练:a.听录音跟读课文。b.同桌分角色朗读并展示。(7)拓展性活动:  用学生自己的照片,两人一组自编对话,(可参照let’ s practise.)然后展示 。3.综合训练:(1)选择恰当的句子:a. she’s my mother.b. he’s my grandpa.c. she’s my dad.d.who’s that man?e. who’s that woman.a:this is my family.b:______________.a: he’s my father.b: who’s that woman?a:_____________.b:who’s this old man?a:_____________.(2)连词成句;a. woman,  that,   who’s  ?  b. to, you ,nice ,meet . ______________________.4.课堂小结:利用歌曲小结:(两只老虎游戏)who’s that man?who’s that man?he’s my father.he’s my father.who’s that woman?who’s that woman?she’s my mother.she’s my mother.5.作业:把上面这首歌曲唱给爸爸妈妈听 。

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