
新标准英语第二册Module1 Unit 1教案


三年级英语集体备课教案课题  module 1 alphabet  unit 1  it’s the abc song.       妙        教学目标一、知识目标:1、掌握字母表 the alplabet和单词favourite、song .2、唱会《the abc song》。3、了解句型:what’s your favourite song ?it’s the abc song.二、技能目标:1.      培养学生听、说、读、唱的能力。2. 培养学生的合作能力。3、培养学生运用句子的能力。三、思想教育点使学生产生学习兴趣,能有与他人合作的精神。教学重 点字母的学习,谈论自己喜欢的歌曲、颜色。教学难 点字母‘i、r、g、j’读法区别,my favourite song/colour/…is…句型的拓展运用。aa,bb,cc,dd,ee,ff字母的书写。教学课 时一课时教学用 具字母表、字母卡、挂图、磁带、录音机、课件。新课¥标¥第$一网教学过程教学内容与教师活动学 生 活 动复  备一、warmer1.      greeting.2.      sing the song with ss.3.”<<the music man>> is my favourite song. what’s your favourite song?”4. teach the new words.1.greeting2.sing the song  about the last term together.3.answer in chinese.4.learn the     new words “favourite”, “song”.a. read after teacher.教学过程教学内容与教师活动学 生 活 动复     备5.show the card.6. let ss talk about their favourite song.二、presentation.step1:1. put the picture on the board and ask” who is she?” “do you know what is ms smart’s favourite song?” “it’s the abc song. look!”2. point to the alphabet and ask:”what are these? are they letters?”3. say some letters.4. teach the difficult letters for ss.5. play the tape.6. play the tape again.7. show the card let ss read one by one.8. “there are big letters and small letters. can you point to the big b?step2:1. play the tape.2. play the tape again.3. play the tape for five times.step3: sing and point.出示课件。sing and point to the things.三.practice.1. do ab/1.“what is it?”2. do ab/ 2.3.let ss 交流订正。4.game: sing the next letters.dirisdes the ss into eight  groups.5. write the “aa, bb,cc,dd,ee,ff” on the board.四、小结。 sing the abc song together.this was a good lesson.五、homework1.sing the abc song to your mother or father.2. write the letters for ten times.b. read by theirself.c. read in group.d. read one by one.5. answer ”my favourite song is…” in english.learning:1.look and answer “she is ms smart.”guess.2.look at the picture.answer: yes.来源:3.point to the letters and say.4.learn the “g, j, r, i.”2页,当前第1125.listen and point.6.listen and say.7.开火车读字母。8. look and point to the big b.1. listen to the song.2. sing the song along with the tape. 3. 男、女比赛唱。4.小组比赛唱。do sb/3. sing and point to the things.1. join the letters in the correct order. sing the letters.“ a kite.”2. sing the number. sing and write the number.3.集体交流更正。4. play a game.八个小组分内容接唱歌曲。write these letters on the exercise book.sing the abc song together. 板书设计module 1 alphabet  unit 1  it’s the abc song.what is your favourite song?” “it’s the abc song. ”课内外作业与反馈homework:1. sing the abc song to your mother or father.2. write the letters for ten times.课后反思2页,当前第212

上一篇:牛津小学英语三年级Unit11 A boy and a girl教案 下一篇:新标准一年级英语第一册单词表