
牛津小学英语6B教案——Unit5 The seasons第三课时


一、 教学内容:  a部分listen,read and say.
二、教学目标:1 学习a部分,学生会读countryside,snowball fights。
2熟练掌握四会句型what's the weather like ...?
3 进一步理解三会句型which season in...do you like best?
1 初步使用比较级。
2 了解be going to 时态。
五、课前准备:1   准备录音机和第五单元的磁带。
2   课前写好本课的课题6b. unit 5 b部分listen, read and say.
step1.look and guess.
问what's the weather like today?这位学生回答,正确给小组积分。
step2.看一段天气预报的电视录象,回答问题,正确给小组积分。例如:s1: what's the weather like in chong qing?         s2:  it's sunny.
step3.看图回答问题,用电脑做出下列课件:第一幅图是纽约的图片。问题:what city is it?
第二幅图是纽约秋季大风的图片。问题:what's the weather like in autumn in new york?
第三幅图是纽约的人们在秋季的活动。问题:what do the americans usually do in autumn?
第四幅图是纽约冬季孩子们堆雪人的图片。问题:what do the children  usually do in winter in new york?
step4. a部分两遍,小组内根据所听内容把下列句子排序并读出,同时解决countryside这个单词。
1. new york is very beautiful in spring.
2. ben likes making snowmen in new york.
3. new york is usually very hot in summer.
4. su yang's father is going to new york.
5. people in new york like to go to farms in the countryside.
1.what's the difference between the two sentences?
a. su yang's dad is going to work in new york next week.
b. su yang's dad is going to new york soon.
2.tell us the meanings of the following phrases:in the countryside, pick pumpkins, make snowmen, snowball fights, as hot as nanjing
3.find the same rule of the following sentences.
a. it's colder than in nanjing.
b. your dad needs some warmer clothes for the winter in new york.
step6. 逐句模仿跟读课文一遍后,独立完成课后的填空练习。七.板书设计unit5     the seasons

上一篇:小升初英语各册词汇总复习 下一篇:牛津小学英语6A Unit 7 教案