
Unit1Who is younger?第二课时(附课前思考和课后反思)


1 复习b部分单词。
2 能运用所学的形容词比较级对事物进行比较。
3 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型who’s taller than david? gao shan is. whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine? yours is, i think.
能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型who’s taller than david? gao shan is. whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine? yours is, i think.
step 1 free talk
what date is it today?
what day is it today?
step 2 revision
1 复习形容词比较级,t说原级,ss说出其比较级
  old – older  young – younger  tall – taller  long – longer  short – shorter
  small – smaller  big – bigger  strong – stronger  fat – fatter  thin – thinner
  heavy – heavier  light – lighter
2 show some pictures and compare them.
be动词 比较级 than .
step 3 presentation
1 t: (show david and gao shan) look at the two boys. who’s taller than david?
  ss: gao shan is.
2 compare some students in the class. make a sentence with “who is… than…? … is.”
3 t: ( show two school bags) whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine?
 ss: yours is , i think.
4 show some students’ things and compare them.
5 which is bigger, the sun or the moon? the sun is.
6 what is smaller than the bee? the ant is.
step 4 作业布置
1 read and recite part b and c.
2 make sentences with ‘who is …than…?’ and ‘whose … is…, … or…?’

课前思考:本课的内容为复习上节课所学的比较级,以及句型who's ...than ...?在复习过程中,教师应不断创设情景,让学生在真实的情景中操练。在原有的基础上,本课还新授了句型:whose ...is ...,yours or mine? 在这个句型的操练中,学生可以利用身边的东西,结合生活操练,效果更佳。

在学生掌握了运用形容词比较级进行陈述句造句后,本课主要教授学生运用形容词比较级进行特殊疑问句的造句。在学习了书本上两个基本句型后,又相应的增加了另外四个句型:(1) who’s …, …or…?... is. (2) whose… is … than …? …is. (3) what is … than …? … is. (4) which is …, …or…? …is. 课后作业情况反映出,有部分学生还未能很好的掌握,今后要加以练习,通过多做练习得到巩固与掌握。

课后反思:本课检验了学生对形容词比较级的掌握情况,及其陈述句造句,大多数学生掌握良好,有个别同学对句型结构掌握不佳。本课新授了句型:who's ...than ...? whose ... is ..., yours or mine? 课前让学生统计小组同学的身高体重等,用于操练,调动了学生积极性,在操练第二个句型的时候,让学生用身边的东西进行比较,效果良好。

课前思考:韩老师在教案设计时巧妙地利用了学生的学习用品进行比较级句型的操练,既复习到了单词的比较级又让学生在轻松真实的环境得到语言的锻炼.我认为在讲授新句型 “who is… than…? … is.”和‘whose … is…, … or…?’时要讲解这两个句型的区别,要让学生在真实的语境中反复操练以达到充分理解和区别的目的.2页,当前第112


课后反思:本课检验了学生对形容词比较级的掌握情况,及其陈述句造句,大多数学生掌握良好,但一些底子比较差的学生就掌握不了.本课新授了句型:who's ...than ...? whose ... is ..., yours or mine? 让学生用身边实物进行操练,效果良好。

上一篇:小学六年级英语单词表 下一篇:PEP第七册英语 Unit 4 教案 (6课时)