

1. 数字:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred  thousand
2.  名词:复数形式:(单数时,名词前加 a,表一个,复数时,在名词后加s (es,ee-oo,y—ies),表两个或两个以上
a。 人名,地名,国名等专有名词。(第一个字母大写)
    b。 物品名称:
动物(animals): dog, cat, tiger, monkey, duck, pig, rabbit, lion, bull, cow, bird, frog, elephant, fish, horse, parrot, panda, bear, fox, hen, chick, goose, swan, snake, zebra, rooster
植物(plant): tree, flower, grass,
食品(food): bread, rice, soup, meat, beef, pork, hot dog
hamburger, sandwich, ice-cream, vegetable, noodles,
sausage dumpling, fish, cake, biscuit, fires, egg, chocolate,
饮料:milk, orange juice, water, cola, tea, coffee
水果:  peach, apple, pear, banana, orange, water melon, lemon, pineapple, strawberry,grape, mango
服饰:shirt, t-shirt, jacket, trousers, coat, hat, tie, dress, skirt, shorts, shoe, sweater, scarf, blouse,
swimsuit, sandals, sunglass, mark, raincoat, cap
 文具: book, pen, pencil, pencil-box, desk, ball-pen, ruler, rubber, eraser, crayon, paper, ink, bag, brush
餐具:knife, fork, spoon, bowl, plate, table, chopsticks, glass, cup, bottle
交通工具: car, bike, bus, train, plane, taxi, helicopter, truck, fire truck, ambulance
生活用品: brush, comb, bed,window, watch, clock,
picture, tv set, computer, table, desk, chair, sofa
房间名: room, bedroom, kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, lounge, office, hall
公共场所: school, hospital, park, zoo, supermarket, shopping centre, cinema, theatre, department store, playground,beach, airport
职业:doctor, nurse, teacher, farmer, crown, policeman, pilot, postman, fireman, driver, waiter, waitress, actor, actress, cook, engineer, officer, film star, footballer, dentist, student
          宇宙:space, the sun, the earth, the moon, star, planet, sea,
3. 代词:人称代词(句首):i, you ,he, she,it, we,they
   物主代词:my,your,his,her,its  our, their后接所属的物品。
            mine(my book),yours(your book),his(his book),hers(her book),its(it’s book),ours(our books),theirs(their books) 后不接所属的物品。
          其他代词: this, that, these, those2页,当前第112
4. 形容词(放在名词的前面):
a。颜色(colours):red, yellow, green, blue,      black, white, pink,  purple, brown, orange,
b。反义词big-small   long-short,  tall-short,  thick-thin, fat-thin, cold-hot, clean-dirty, cheap-expensive, young-old, heavy-light, new-old, strong-weak, beautiful-ugly,  tidy-untidy,  hard-soft,  ast-slow
5. 动词: swim, run, jump, hop, play football, play basketball, play table tennis, play computer game, play the piano, dance, sing, dive, touch, pick up, take, ride a bike, drive a car/bus, climb a hill, read a book, , read a newspaper, listen to music, listen to the radio , drink, eat, write a letter, watch tv, see a film, wash face, wash clothes, do homework, talk to friends, brush teeth, skate, make the bed, go to bed, get up, have breakfast, have dinner, have lunch, make a kite, sleep, see a doctor, stand up, sit down,
open, close
但主语为单数第三人称时(he, she, it),动作表示经常做的,或一种习惯,句子中多有如下的时间定语(everyday, every morning, every week, always, usually, often, never等),在动词后一般加s.如:plays, walks, runs(特殊变化:wash-washes, watch-watches, do-does, brush-brushes, go-goes)
          2. 现在进行时:表示动作正在进行。一般情况,在动词后加
ing, 但切记在动词前必须有助动词be. 现在进行时的形
式:be doing. 但be随人称变化。
         例:i am running. he is drinking. she is singing. we are drawing. you are dancing. it is jumping. they are laughing.
过去式的时间定语:yesterday, last sunday, last week. 特殊变化:is-was, are-were, do-did, go-went, see-saw, eat-ate,
run-ran, tell-told, say-said…)
8.介词:in,under,on,by,at,near,next,in front of,behind,over,above
   用法举例:be good at drawing, in a park, at the zoo, go to school,
             sit down, stand up, by bus, at 8 o’clock, in oct.,
on monday, under the tree, in a box, on a chair,
be interested in, in picture, in english/chinese,
go to bed, want to, get up, listen to2页,当前第212
上一篇:6B Unit6 Planning for the weekend第三课时 下一篇:Unit 1 Public signs