


unit 1 
always  /'ɔ: lweɪz/
question /'kwestən/
ask    /ɑ:sk/
mean  /mi:n/
must  /mst/
should  /ʊd/
take a walk
/teɪk ə wɔ:k/
pick   /pɪk/
public  /'pblɪk/
sign   /saɪn/
cousin  /'kzn/
danger  /'deɪndʒə/
away   / ə'weɪ/
grass  /grɑ:s/
keep off   /ki:p ɒf/
shouldn’t  /ʊdnt/
bird     /bɜ:d/
quiet   / 'kwaɪət/
make noise
/meɪk nɔɪz/
smoke  /sməʊk/
litter  /lɪtə/
park   /pɑ:k/
suddenly   /sdənlɪ/
something  /smθɪŋ/
note  /nǝʊt/
look around
 /lʊk  ə'raʊnd/
nearby /,nɪǝ'baɪ/
quickly /'kwɪklɪ/
pick up /pɪk  p/
keeper  /ki:pə/
come up /km  p/
point  /pɔɪnt/
fine  /faɪn/

unit 2
/'bɜ: θdeɪ ; bɜ: θdɪ/
date   /deɪt/
when  /wen/
second /'sekənd/
march /mɑ: t/
third  /θɜ:d/
april  /'eɪprəl/
fourth  /fɔ: θ/
may    /meɪ/
june    /dʒu:n/
october /ɒk' təʊbə/
when’s  /wenz/
august  /'ɔ:gəst/
as      / æz /
present  /'prezənt/
vcd    /vi:si:di:/
aladdin  /ə'lædɪn/
let’s wait /weɪt/ and see
january /'dʒænjʊərɪ/
february /'febrʊərɪ/
fifth  /fɪfθ/
sixth /sɪksθ/
july /dʒʊ'laɪ/
twelfth /twelfθ/
twentieth /'twentɪɪθ/
september /sep'tembə/
/,twentɪ 'fɜ:st/
november /nəʊ'vembə/
december  /dɪ'sembə/
doorbell  /'dɔ:bel/
take off  /teɪk ɒf/
costume /'kɒstju:m/
happy birthday to you!
blow/bləʊ/ out /aʊt/
candle /'kændl/

unit 3
was  /wəz   wɒz/
excited /ɪk'saɪtɪd/
moment  /'mәʊmәnt/
ago   /ә'gәʊ/
were /wɜ: ; wә/
just /dʒʌst/ now/naʊ/
mobile phone/,mәʊbaɪl'fәʊn/
glasses /glɑ:sɪz/
sports /spɔ:ts/day /deɪ/
running /rnɪŋ/ race /reɪs/2页,当前第112
camera /'kæmərə/
exciting /ɪk'saɪtɪŋ/
film  /fɪlm/
ground  /graʊnd/
earphone  /'ɪəfəʊn/
diary  /'daɪərɪ/
cd  walkman
roll  /rəʊl/
remember /rɪ'membə/
weren’t  /wɜ:nt/
unit 5
/'hɒlədeɪ; 'hɒlədɪ /
last  /lɑ:st/
early  / ɜ:lɪ/
meet  /mi:t/
before /bɪ'fɔ:(r)/
did  /dɪd/
pull/pʊl/  up
taste /teɪst/
farm /fɑ:m/
national /'næ∫nəl/ day
carrot /'kærət/
milk /mɪlk/
cow /kaʊ/
fun /fʌn/
wonderful /'wʌndəfl/
zoo  /zu:/
camp /kæmp/
volleyball /'vɒlɪbɔ:l/
mountain  /'maʊntən/

unit 6
christmas /'krɪsməs/
new year’s day
people /'pi:pl/
had  /hæd/
went /went/
children’s /'t∫ɪldrənz/ day
also /'ɔ:lsəʊ/
festival /'festɪvl/
spring /sprɪŋ /festival
didn’t /dɪdnt/
relative /'relətɪv/
delicious /dɪ'lɪ∫əs/
favourite /'feɪvərɪt/
dress /dres/ up
moon /mu:n/ cake /keɪk/
easter /'i:stə(r)/
may day /meɪ deɪ/
dragon  /'drægən/
boat/bəʊt/ festival
popular /'pɒpjələ(r)/
beach /bi:t∫/
race  /reɪs/
unit 7
yours /jɔ:z/
mine /maɪn/
hers /hɜ:z/
ours /aʊəz/
in front /frʌnt/ of
beside /bɪ'saɪd/
answer /ɑ:nsə(r)/
theirs /ðeəz/
christmas day
his  /hɪz/
wallet  /wɒlɪt/
you’re welcome./'welkəm/
teapot /ti:pɒt/
calculator /kælkjʊleɪtə(r)/
skateboard  /'skeɪtbɔ:d/
hairdryer /'heədraɪə(r)/
comb /kəʊm/
mirror /'mɪrə(r)/
sunny /'sʌnɪ/
sat  /sæt/
back /bæk/
at the back of
get off
got /gɒt/
saw /sɔ:/
seat /si:t/
nobody /'nəʊbədɪ/
ask  /ɑ:sk/
police station
/pə'li:s  steɪ∫n/

上一篇:Unit 7 The Biggest Animal 下一篇:2019年六年级英语上册第六模块知识点