
Unit 6 Where’s your pen pal from?-


unit 6 where’s your pen pal from?
unit 6 where’s your pen pal from?  (section b)
(二)语言运用:write an e-mail to a pen pal 给笔友写信介绍自己
1. does she have brothers or sisters?
2. i live in toronto, canada, and i want a pen pal in china.
*toronto, canada
3. i think china is a very interesting country.
i think
4. i’m 14 years old and my birthday is in november.
5. i can speak english and a little french.
a little
6. i like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.
*like doing
7. can you write to me soon?
*write to
8. i play soccer on weekends.
on weekends
9. please write and tell me about yourself.
10. write about his likes and dislikes.
11. our worlds in english
(二)语言运用:write an e-mail to a pen pal 给笔友写信介绍自己
1. where do you live?
2. what languages do you speak?
3. do you have a pen pal? do you have any brothers or sisters?
4. what’s your favorite subject?
5. what’s your favorite sport and music?
6. do you collect anything?
1. —where is london?      —it’s in ________.
a. australia      b. england     c. america     d. france
2. the boy writes ________ his parents every week.
a. with          b. in          c. at          d. to
3. ________ the japanese people ________ english?
a. do, talk      b. does, talk    c. do, speak    d. does, speak
4. the students in class 2 like ________ sports.
a. playing      b. play     c. plays     d. played
5. —do you speak english or french?
a. yes. english     b. no. french    c. french     d. yes, i do
6. —where is she ________?     — singapore.
a. for       b. at       c. from      d. of
7. do they have ________ children, mr green?
a. much      b. any     c. some    d. a
8. tom ________ to bed early but his mother doesn’t. 4页,当前第11234
a. went      b. go      c. goes     d. has gone
9. —________ does he live? —shanghai.
a. when      b. where     c. what     d. how
10. the ________ are very ________.
a. chinese, friendly        b. chinese, friend
c. china, friendly          d. china, friend
1. what l____________ does he speak?  he s___________ french.
2. they are from japan, so they speak j_______________.
3. his parents l____________ in beijing.
4. china and the united states are both big c_______________.
5. we have friends all over the w_____________.
6. please write and tell me about y____________.
7. i like g___________ to the movies with my friends and p_________ sports.
8. i think china is a very i______________ country.
 speak    french    favorite    sport     canada     have
lucy is from _______________. she lives in toronto. she ______________ chinese and english, but she doesn’t speak japanese. lucy’s favorite _____________ is volleyball, and she plays the guitar. lucy _____________ a pen pal in france. his name is rick and he lives in paris. he speaks english and ____________. rick doesn’t play volleyball, but he plays basketball and tennis. basketball is his _____________ sport. he can’t play the guitar, but he can play the piano and sing.
1. lucy is from _________.          a. canada     b. the united states  c. new york
2. lucy doesn’t live in __________.   a. toronto     b. new york         c. canada
3. she doesn’t speak ____________.   a. japanese    b. english           c. chinese
4. rick plays ____________.         a. the guitar    b. basketball        c. volleyball
5. lucy plays ____________.         a. the piano    b. the guitar         c. basketball
6. rick is lucy’s ___________.       a. student      b. cousin           c. pen pal4页,当前第21234
dear friend,
my name is simon. i    1   in ottawa, canada, and i want a pen pal in    2  . i think china is a great and    3   country. i’m fourteen years old and my    4   is in november. i can speak english and a little french. i have a brother, paul, and a    5  , sarah.   6   have pen pals in england and australia. i like going to the movies    7   my friends and    8   sports. my favorite subject in school is p.e.. it’s    9  . but i don’t like physics. it’s too    10  .
can you write to me soon?
(  )1. a. studies       b. works       c. born         d. live
(  )2. a. australia      b. england      c. china      d. canada
(  )3. a. interesting    b. scary          c. small        d. boring
(  )4. a. birthday      b. favorite day   c. favorite month  d. birthdate
(  )5.a. mother      b. father       c. brother      d. sister.
(  )6. a. you         b. they         c. we           d. brothers
(  )7. a. for          b. to            c. with         d. by4页,当前第31234
(  )8. a. play        b. playing      c. to play       d. plays
(  )9. a. fun         b. a fun         c. tired         d. happy
(  )10. a. exciting    b. good        c. difficult      d. different
my name is sam. i live in new york city, america. i am 11 years old. i like playing basketball and swimming, and i like to write and sometimes read. i like science because it is very interesting. my favorite music is piano music. i collect pianos, too. i have 4 new pianos, i also collect piano music cds. how about you? what’s your favorite sport and music? do you collect anything? e-mail me!  my e-mail address is .
1. where does sam live?    ______________________________________
2. what does he like doing?  ______________________________________
3. why does he like science?   ______________________________________
4. what kind of music does he like? ______________________________________
5. what does he collect?      ______________________________________
1~5 b d c a c  6~10 c b c b a
1. language, speaks    2. japanese    3. live    4. countries    5. world
6. yourself   7. going, playing   8. interesting
canada, speaks, sport, has, french, favorite
1~6 a b a b b c
1~5 d c a a d  6~10 b c b a c
1. he lives in new york city, america.
2. he likes playing basketball and swimming, and he likes to write and sometimes read.
3. because it is very interesting.
4. he likes piano music.
5. he collects pianos and piano music cds.

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