


unit one teaching requirements:
1. ss can listen , read , write and say these words: tall ,young ,old ,heavy。
2. ss can listen , read , write and say these three skill words and phrases:
twin ,minute ,centimeter, child ,  also, chat.
3.ss can listen , read , write and say these sentences:
who’s taller than david? gao shan is  taller than david .
4.  ss can listen , read , write and say these daily speaking:
whose bag is heavier ,yours or mine ?
i’m as tall as you .
suyang is younger than su hai .
5.  understand the combination of letters in the pronunciation of the word “ir”。
6.  ss can master the english song《i wish i was taller.》
7.  unit arrange:six period :
first period :    part a, listen ,read and say.
second period:  part b,look, read and learn
third period:   part c,ask and answer
fourth period:  part d,listen and write
fifth period:    part e、f、g、h。
sixth period:   exercise and test。

  the first period   (10.02.17)
一、 teaching context:part  a listen ,read and say.
二、 teaching aims:
1   ss can master the understanding of the initial sentence, and oral communication used   in comparative sentences
2  ss can listen , read , write and say these words: tall, taller ,old , older, young .younger.
3  ss can listen , read , write and say these sentences :
are you  as tall as your ……?
su yang’s twenty minutes than me ,
who is younger, you  or su yang ?
4  learn to describe a person, tall, short, fat, thin, etc., a  certain comparison gratitude.

三、teaching important ant difficult :
(be) are you  as tall as your ……,
su yang’s twenty minutes taller than me ,
who is younger, you  or su yang ?。
四、teaching preparation:
    tape and pictures and word cards
五、teaching process:
step1 warming-up
     1  free talk :
    t:  good morning,nice to see you again.
    ss: nice to see you, too.
    t:  how old are you ?
    ss: i’m 12 years old.
    t:  how old is he?
    ss:  he’s 11 years old .
step 2  presentation and drill
1  q & a teacher leads students to learn the sentence : i’m older than …
2  blackboard writing “old and older” help students to understand。
3  drill and teach :who is younger, or ? 11页,当前第11234567891011
and “young and younger” in the same way  。
ss can understand and learn to say.
4  creation of scenarios,
t:are you as tall as him?
t:i am taller than him。you are taller than him ,too.
drill and teach “tall and taller”。
5  blackboard writing and consolidation。
step 3  practice and consolidation
  (1)  let ss listen to the tape and drill and teach the phrase”the only child “。
  (2)  listen and answer:
(a) who is ben’s cousin?
(b) is suhai taller than su yang?
(c) who is younger ?suhai or suyang?
(d) does jack has a brother or sister? 
(e) does jack younger than jimmy?
ss listen carefully and try to answer these questions.
(3)  ss listen and repeat after the tape then read in free try to finish the exercise on p9。
(4)  group work ,ss can say the sentences one by one:
eg:  i’m older  than  you(him,her  ) .
i’m taller than you . i’m  younger than you 。
(5)  let ss discuss the sentences:who is younger (,taller ,older),…  or…?
6  let ss make sentences in free 

step  4 homework:
 听本课a部分的录音,要求学生跟读、读熟,并能 够和同学比身高和年龄 。

blackboard design:
  unit 1  who is younger ?
                   i’m older than you .
                   who is younger,you  or suyang ?
                   suyang is twenty minutes younger than me.
                   who is taller ?  
                   i’m  taller than you.
                 you are taller than him .       are you  as tall as …?


 unit 1  who is younger ?(second period)(10.02.22)
一、teaching context:
6b. unit 1part b: look ,read and learn
二、teaching aims:
1 ss can master part a : can read and act the dialogue.
2 ss can master the daily speaking。
3 ss can listen , read , write and say these words and the sentences :
light lighter ,heavy heavier,
who is taller ,you and suyang?
whose ruler is longer ,yours or mine?
4 ss can master the three skill words of part b:
long, longer ,short shorter stronger strong, big bigger ,small, smaller ,fat fatter, thin thinner,,
三、teaching important and difficult:
ss can master the words and the sentences。
ss can use the sentences in the correct way。
四、teaching preparation:
    tape and picture and word cards

五、teaching process:
a free talk.
t: good morning, boys and girls.
ss:  good morning
t:   glad to seee you,again.
ss:glad to see you .
t:  are you  as tall as ??
t:  who is taller ,you  or tom??
t:  who is younger ,you  or su yang ??
s3: i’m younger than su yang .
b  presentation and drill
1tdrill and teach。t: who is taller , or ? 巩固且引出同类单词的教学。
t  but i want to know  who is older,you or ...?...drill and teach the new knowledge。
2 blackboard writing:
old older, short shorter ,strong stronger ,fat fatter, thin, thinner .big bigger, small  smaller
 let ss read
3 use real situation to make more new sentences。            
4 ss practice in free。
5 t:whose bag is heavier, yours or mine? s: mine.
blackboard writing:heavy heavier, light lighter. enable students to listen to imitate to read. then tune down the collective reading.
6 consolidation in ask and answer:
eg: t: who is taller , or ?
t: whose bag is heavier, yours or mine?
7 discuss in groups。
8 pair work。
9 talk in pairs then ask and answer.
c practice and consolidation
1 listen and repeat。
2 game:
a:one student said adjective words and the other say the comparative words.(一学生说形容词他的同桌说出比较级。)
b: say the words one by one。
3  listen and repeat。
4 summarizes some of the rules changes comparative adjectives。
1copy the words。
2 read and recite。

blackboard design:
                 unit 1  who is younger ?
           old  older       young  younger     tall  taller11页,当前第31234567891011
long  longer     short   shorter     strong   stronger
big   bigger     small   smaller    fat    fatter
thin   thinner     heavy   heavier   good  better


unit1  who is younger ?(third period)
一、teaching context:
6b. unit 1 part c  work in pairs
二、teaching aims:
1 ss can master the comparative adjectives and use it in the right way.
2 ss can listen , read , write and say these words: light lighter ,heavy heavier.
3 ss can master the sentences:
who is taller  than gao shan ?whose bag is heavier,yours or mine ?
三、teaching important and difficult:
4 ss can listen , read , write and say these wordslight lighter ,heavy heavier.
5 ss can master the sentences:
who is taller  than gao shan ?
whose bag is heavier,yours or mine ?
四、teaching preparation:
    tape and pictures and word cards
五、teaching process:
a sing a song. listen and repeat
b free talk. 
t:good morning, boys and girls.
ss:good morning,
t:nice to see you again.
ss:nice to see you, too.
t:what day is it today?
ss:it’s monday.
t:are you  as tall as ??
t:who is taller ,you  or tom??
t:who is younger ,you  or su yang ??

s:i’m younger than su yang .
c revision 
1 watch the cartoon of part a ,ask and answer and discuss the dialogue。
2 let ss try to retell the context。
3 ask ss to act the dialogue。
d presentation and drill
1present pictures to practice the sentences of part c:
t:look .who is  he ? who is  taller ,david or gao shan ?
ss:gao shan is.
t:who is taller than david?
practise in the same way(thin ,old ,long ,fat ,short,young )
2ss consolidation the sentences in free use the things in the classroom
t:whose bag is heavier,yours or mine ?
ss: mine is.
consolidation the other words in the same way
(heavier, strong ,lightv…)
3.ask ss to make a new dailogue。
4 ask and answer
5blackboard writing: the words and the sentences。
6talk in pairs then ask and answer.
e practice and consolidation
1 picture and talk。
who is  taller ,david or gao shan
who is taller than david?11页,当前第41234567891011
whose bag is heavier,yours or mine
2 according to actual situation to make dailogues。
3 act 。
   make and copy the sentences。

blackboard design:
unit 1  who is younger ?
           who’s….than   ?            is .
whose … is …  …or…?      is, i think


unit1   who is younger ?(fourth period)(10.02.28)
一、teaching context:
6b. unit 1 d部分listen and write
二、teaching aims:
1 ss can master and use the comparative adjectives 。
2 ss can listen , read , write and say these words: tall ,light ,young ,old ,heavy
3 ss can listen , read , write and say these three skill words:
twin ,minute ,centimeter, child ,cute, also, chat.
4 ss can listen , read , write , say and use the daily speaking:
whose bag is heavier ,yours or mine ?
i’m as tall as you .suyang is younger than su hai .
5 ss can master the sentences:
who is taller than david ?
gao shan is.
whose bag is heavier,yours or mine?
yours is.
三、teaching important and difficult:
1 ss can master the words and the sentences。
2 ss can master part d and finish the exercise correctly。
四、teaching preparation
tape and picture and word cards
五、teaching process:
a enjoy the english song《i wish i was taller》
b free talk. 
t:good morning, boys and girls.
ss:  good morning,
t: nice to see you again.
ss:  nice to see you, too.
t: what day is it today?
ss:  it’s monday.
t: who is taller than david ?
t: whose bag is heavier, yours or mine?
c revision
1 read and act part a。
2 retell or recite part a。
3 read in role。
4 make and act the new dialogue。
5 game:接龙默单词 ,形容词以及比较级
d  presentation and drill
1 present the picture of part d,ss discuss in free。
ss can ask and answer use the sentences
2 listen and answer。

3 ss try to answer the questions。
4 listen again and correct the answer ss themselves。
5 try to answer
6 check and correct。
7 blackboard writing and read 。
e practice and consolidation
1 仿造d部分的内容,请4位同学到前面请学生讨论。
2 游戏活动:猜人游戏。运用所学的句型。
3 听本课歌曲录音,教师讲解,让学生试着学唱一遍。
六  homework:
1 copy the centences11页,当前第51234567891011
2 learn to describe sb。

blackboard design:
 unit 1  who is younger ?
            比较级+than      in black
            look young       look younger
            look like         look  the same


unit1 who is younger ?(fifth period)(10.03.02)
一、teaching context:
6b. unit 1part  e、f、g、h
二、teaching aims:
1 ss can master and use the comparative adjectives 。
2 ss can listen , read , write and say these words:
light lighter ,heavy heavier,twin ,minute ,centimeter, child ,cute, also, chat.
3. ss can listen , read , write and say these sentences:
who taller than david?gao shan is  taller than david .
4.  ss can listen read write and say the daily speaking:
whose bag is heavier ,yours or mine ?
i’m as tall as you .suyang is younger than su hai .
5 ss can master the english song。
三、teaching important and difficult:
ss can master and use the comparative adjectives and understand the combination of letters in the pronunciation of the word “ir”。

四、teaching preparation:
tape picture and ruler and word cards
五、teaching process:
a  learn to sing the song 。
b  1. free talk. 
2. ask ss to describe themselves。
  i’m taller than .
  i’m stronger than .

c revision 
1read , retell , recite and act the dialogue of part a
2 教师让学生自己根据刚才的结果说出自己的优势争当goalkeeper。
d  read and judge reading comprehension
1 present part e,创设情景让学生争当goalkeeper。
2 try to say something about the part e。
3 read and judge。
4 check and correct。
e listen and repeat
1 listen and repeat。
2 drill and teach the new words。
3 让学生用所听到的单词组成一个句子窗身情景让学生背诵。
4  act 。
f learn the song.
g game:f guessing game
六  homework:
1 recite part a。
2 copy and dictation。

blackboard design:
unit 1  who is younger ?
goalkeeper          centimeter     11页,当前第61234567891011
be the …            as … as

unit 1 who is younger ?(sixth period)(10.03.04)
一、teaching context:
    exercise and test
二、teaching aims:
1  ss can master and use the comparative adjectives 。
2. ss can listen , read , write and say these wordstall ,light ,young ,old ,heavy。
3. ss can listen , read , write and say these three skill words and phrases:
twin ,minute ,centimeter, child ,cute, also, chat.
4. ss can listen read write and say these sentences:
who taller than david?gao shan is  taller than david .
5.  ss can listen read write and say the daily speaking:
whose bag is heaviwer ,yours or mine ?
i’m as tall as you .suyang is younger than su hai .
6.  understand the combination of letters in the pronunciation of the word “ir”。
7.  ss can master the english song《i wish i was taller.》
三、teaching important and difficult:all the words and sentences:
light lighter ,heavy heavier,
who is taller ,you and suyang?
whose ruler is longer ,yours or mine?
四、teaching preparation:
1   tape
2  exercise book。
3  test paper。
五、teaching process:
a sing a song。
b 1.free talk. 
2. ask and answer
c revision
some describe:
i’m taller than
i’m younger than
i’m stronger than
my father is taller than
my pencil is longer than ’s

5 blackboard writing: some words
ss read and spell and make sentences
6 have a dictation。
d sing a song again。
e practice and consolidation
1.  game; guess the man?

六  homework:
1 recite。
2 prepare for the new lesson。

blackboard design:
 unit 1  who is younger ?
i  wish  i  was   taller
ir  [ə:]
bird    girl   shirt  t-shirt


牛津小学英语  6b unit 2 more exercise
teaching context简析:
本单元主要话题是jim 和他爸爸讨论如何进行体育锻炼展开的。通过对话引出语言项目:副词比较级。
c部分和d部分是本单元的句型结构部分,重点学习句型及其答句。do the boys jump higher than the girls?  yes ,they do. does jim swim slower than david? no,he  doesn't. 要求学生能够四会掌握这些句型。11页,当前第71234567891011
e部分为look ,read and judge.要求学生能根据所给的内容判断对错。

unit two teaching requirements::
1. ss can listen , read , write and say these words:
slow, low ,fish ,late, be good at, strong 。
2. ss can listen , read , write and say these three skill words and phrases:
far,  well,  jog,  do well in ,  need help with ,
do more exercise,  animal show,  go for a walk..

3. ss can listen read write and say these sentences:
ben runs faster than jim .
do the boys jump higher than the girls?
yes ,they do.
does jim swim slower than david?
no, he doesn't.
4.  ss can listen read write and say the daily speaking:
 that's true.
well done.
jim is not  as strong  as the other boys.
mike runs as fast as ben..
5.  understand the combination of letters in the pronunciation of the word “or”。
6.  ss can master the rhyme” run,rabbit,run。”
7.  unit arrange:six period :
first period :    part a, listen ,read and say.
second period:  part b,look, read and learn .
third period:    part c,work in pairs
fourth period:   part d,listen and write
fifth period:     part e、f、g、h。
sixth period:    exercise and test。

牛津小学英语6b unit 2 more exercise(first period)(10.03.07)
一、 teaching context:
6b. unit 2 part a,listen ,read and say.
二、teaching aims:
1 ss can master the sentences and the adverb comparative
2 ss can listen , read , write and say these words:be good at, strong, faster ,higher. .
3 ss can listen , read , write and say these three skill words and phrases:
jog, do well in , that's true. .
4  that's true. he is not as strong as the other boys.
5 ss can listen , read , write and say these sentences:ben runs faster than jim .
三、teaching important and difficult:
ss can listen , read , write and say these words and the sentences。
四、teaching preparation:
     tape and picture and word cards
五、teaching process:
a sing a song.  <<i wish i was taller>>
b free talk. 
t: good morning, boys and girls.
ss:  good morning,

t: nice to see you again.
ss:  nice to see you, too.
t: how old are you ?
ss: i'm 12years old.
t:  how old is he?
ss:  he’s 11 years old .
t: do you  run fast?
 do you jump high?11页,当前第81234567891011
 do you  swim fast?
t: who is taller  , you  or you r brother?
 which bag is heavier, yours or mine?
c presentation and drill
1 drill and teach the sentence:i run faster than 。
2  blackboard writing:”fast andfaster”
ss can learn correctly。
3  read together。
4  教师找一学生和自己比跳高。t:i jump higher than .”high and higher”,to learn the
words in the same way .
5 drill and teach:
t:i'm good at jumping.
t:he is good at english.
drill and teach “be good at”。ss can learn to say。
6  blackboard writing: read together。
d practice and consolidation
1 listen and learn the wordsjog,do well in,do more exercise的学习。
2 make new sentences
3 listen and repeat。
4 say the sentence one by one:
eg: i run faster than . 
i jump higher than 。
5 discuss in group:ben runs faster than me . runs faster than . .....
6 use the phrase “be good at.” to make sentences like :i am good at english.
 7 ask and answer in pairs.。
六  homework:

七、 blackboard design:
 unit 2  more exercise
                    fast  faster high higher
                    i jump higher than  tom.
                    ben runs faster than me.

教学后记:上本课前我带着学生看插图,学生看到本单元的插图就大致明白本课的teaching context了,通过录音大致了解爸爸和儿子的对话,回答给出的问题,了解大意。然后分层逐句讲解,把主要句型提出来进行训练,以及拓展,本节课学生注意集中,但学的不扎实,特别对于出现副词比较级灵活应用方面掌握的不好,还需second period巩固,练习。

牛津小学英语6b unit 2 more exercise(second period)(10.03.09)
一、teaching context:
6b. unit 2 part b  look ,read and learn
二、teaching aims:
1 ss can master the part a and act the dialogue。
2 ss can listen read write and say the daily speaking。
3 ss can listen , read , write and say these words and sentences:
low lower, slow slower, late later, early, earlier, , well better,
ben runs faster than  tom .
jim is not as strong as the other boys.
4. ss can listen , read , write and say these three skill words :far farther11页,当前第91234567891011
三、teaching important and difficult:
ss can master the words and the sentences。
四、teaching preparation:
    tape and pictures and word cards
五、teaching process:
a sing a song. “i wish i was taller”。
b free talk. 
t: good morning, boys and girls.
ss:  good mornin
t: what day is it today?
ss:  it's monday.
t:  are you  as tall as ??
t:  who is taller ,you  or tom??
t:  who is younger ,you  or su yang ??
s3:  i'm younger than su yang .
t: do you  run fast?
    do you jump high?
    do you  swim fast?
c presentation and drill
t drill and teach。t: do you swim fast? drill and teach the other words。
1 blackboard writing:
low lower, slow slower, late later, early, earlier, , well better, far farther,
ss can read and learn

2 drill and teach the other words and sentences in the same way。                 
t: flies the kite lower.
blackboard writing: some sentences
ss can master read and use。
3 act and say :
ss:  swims slower than .
gets up earlier than
jump farther than .
4 discuss in proups。
5 say out the dialogue。
6 talk in pairs then ask and answer.
d  practice and consolidation
1 listen and repeat。
2 game:
a:one student said adjective words and the other say the comparative words.(一学生说形容词他的同桌说出比较级。。
b:let ss say the words one by one。
3 listen and repeat to consolidation the words。
4 summarizes some of the rules changes comparative adjectives。
六  homework:
 1 copy the words。
 2 have a dictation。

七、 blackboard design:
 unit 2  more exercise
swims slower than .
gets up earlier than
jump farther than .

6b unit 2  more exercise (third period)(10.03.11)
一、 teaching context:
6b. unit 2 part  c work in pairs
二、 teaching aims:
1  ss can master the comparative adverb and master the correct usage.
2  ss can listen , read , write and say these words.
3  ss can listen , read , write and say these sentences:
ben runs faster than jim .
do the boys jump higher than the girls?
yes ,they do.
 does jim swim slower than david?
 no, he doesn't.
三、teaching important and difficult:
1 ss can listen , read , write and say these words: late later,early earlier, far farther..
2 ss can listen , read , write and say these sentences:  11页,当前第101234567891011
ben runs faster than jim .
do the boys jump higher than the girls?
yes ,they do.
does jim swim slower than david?
no, he doesn't.
四、teaching preparation:
    tape and pictures and word cards
五、teaching process:
a free talk
t:  are you  as tall as ??
t:  who is taller ,you  or tom??
t:  who is younger ,you  or su yang ??
s:  i'm younger than su yang .
t: do you  run fast?
  do you jump high?
  do you  swim fast?
b  revision
1  read part a together。
2 let ss to retell part a。
3 review the sentence structure ask ss to make some sentences:
eg: heis not as strong as tom .

4 act the dialogues。
5 投影副词以及比较级,学生起升降调朗读。
c presentation and drill
1 present the picture of part c leads ss to the creation of patterns of practice the sentence structures.
t:look .the boys jump higher. the girls jump lower .
t:  do the boys jump higher than the girls?
ss: yes ,they do.
  to teach the other words in the same way (low lower, slow slower, late later,
early, earlier, , well better)
2   教师继续创设情景让2个学生比赛引出句型第三人称单数
t:does jim swim faster than david ?.
to teach the other words in the same way (far farther,......)
3. discuss in pairs。
4  act the dialogues
5 blackboard writing: some words and sentences。
6 talk in pairs then ask and answer.
d practice and consolidation
1 picture and talk。
  do the boys jump higher than the girls?   yes , they do.
  does jim swim slower than david?       no, he doesn't.
2 say more sentences。
3 make more sentences。
六  homework:
    make more sentences。

七、 blackboard design

unit 2  more  exercise
do the boys jump higher than the girls?
yes ,they do.
does jim swim slower than david?
no, he doesn't.


上一篇:六年级英语上册Module 3导学案 下一篇:《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 2 第六课时