
6B Unit 2 More exercise教案及教学反思1



unit2 more exercise


新授课本课题教时数:6       本教时为第1教时               备课日期:2月22日教学目标:一、知识与技能:1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词low, slow及其比较级2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:do the boys jump higher than the girls? does jim swim slower than david?二、过程与方法:通过运用句型进行问答,熟练掌握副词及比较级。三、情感态度与价值观:通过学习本单元内容,鼓励学生制定锻炼身体的计划,强健体魄。 教学重点、难点:能正确理解、掌握四会单词和句型教学方法与手段:多媒体课件,单词及句型卡片,学生信息表,情景教学法、交际法教学过程:    教师活动学生活动                   

设计意图step 1 teaching organization:t:  i’m glad to see you again.与随班生进行简单的交谈。    what day is it today?   what date is it today?   what time is it now?   do you like…?   does he/she have…?   does he/she swim/run/jump fast/high?step 2 revision:1. have a dialogue with ss. i am taller than mary. how about you? are you taller than mary?2. ask some students to come to the front and ask ss to make sentences.  step 3 presentation:1. t: yes, you should do more exercise. show the title of the unit and read together   t: do you like sports? what sports do you like best?   t: can you jump? jump, please. let two students jump together. jump in the front, and then ask ss can i jump high? can you jump higher than me? use this way to teach the word, high (higher), low (lower).try to say: a jumps higher than b. ---b jumps lower than a.2. t: can you jump forward? jump forward, please.       a jumps farther than b.teach: far farther指导随班生朗读这个单词。  t: so we can say “b does well. but a does better than b.”teach : well better3. t: you like playing football. so i think you run fast, right? the girls don't like sports. so i think the boys run faster than the grils.teach: fast, faster, slow, slower       show pictures and say wb runs fast. does mike run faster than him?t: look at the other boys, make dialogue like this.4. t: what time is it now? what time do you get up every day?        how about you? what time do you get up?       compare these two students.4页,当前第11234a gets up earlier than b. ---b gets up later than a.teach: early, earlier, late, latershow pictures, let the ss make a dialogue.5. ask ss to give a summary to the forms of the comparative degrees.step 4 presentation:1. ask ss to have a look at the pictures in page 17, and then make dialogues in pairs.show picture 1:       t:look .the boys jump higher. the girls jump lower.       t:  do the boys jump higher than the girls?       ask ss to use the words in blue box to make sentences and draw pictures or make gestures to explain their dialogue.step 5 homework:ss make sentences using the comparative degrees of adverbs. part css answerss make dialoguesss read the titles1: i like ...s2: i like ...s: yes.(jump)ss learn the wordsss learn the wordsss learn the wordsss learn the wordsss ask and answers1: it's ... i get up at ...s2: i get up at ...try to say a gets up earlier than b. ---b gets up later than a.ss make dialogue1.直接+er2.有e+r3.变y为i+er4.双写+er5.以+ly组成的副词前面+more6.不规则ss: yes, they do.ss practice in pairs and then ask ss to come to the front and show their dialogues in the front. ss use the word in the box to make sentences.








板书设计:            unit 1 more exercise?                    fast  faster  high  higheri jump higher than tom. ben runs faster than me.授后小记:在新授完所有的副词比较级之后可以进行总结,复习一下变化规则。并让学生找出形容词比较级与副词比较级用法的不同之处。这一点在在句子中可以充分体现出来,避免在操练时出错。另外,当主语为第三人称单数时的句子还需要进行强调,避免遗漏动词的第三人称单数形式。授课日期: 3 月  3   日  


unit2 more exercise


新授课本课题教时数:6       本教时为第2教时               备课日期:2月22日4页,当前第21234教学目标:一、知识与技能:



3.正确掌握b部分出现的四会单词low lower, slow slower, late later, early, earlier, , well better,和ben runs faster than  tom .jim is not as strong as the other boys.句型 4.掌握b部分中出现的三会单词 far farther 二、过程与方法:通过运用句型进行问答,熟练掌握副词及比较级。三、情感态度与价值观:通过学习本单元内容,鼓励学生制定锻炼身体的计划,强健体魄。 教学重点、难点:

1.能正确理解、掌握b部分单词。 2.能熟练运用句型操练单词。教学方法与手段:多媒体课件,单词及句型卡片,学生信息表,情景教学法、交际法教学过程:    教师活动学生活动                   

设计意图step 1    sing a song. step 2   free talk. 与随班生进行简单的交谈。t: good morning, boys and girls. t: what date is it today? t: what day is it today? t: are you  as tall as ?? t: who is taller ,you  ortom?? t: who is younger ,you  orsu yang ?? t:do you  run fast?    do you jump high?    do you  swim fast? step 3  presentation and drillt有和学生的对话引出b部分单词的教学。t: do you  swim fast?引出同类单词的教学。 1.    教师板书low lower, slow slower, late later, early, earlier, , well better,far farther,让学生静听,后模仿、跟读。 2 .教师继续创设情景用句型引出单词并引导学生说句子。t: flies the kite lower. 读。 3 .运用刚才所学句子操练。让2个学生做动作大家一起说  step 4   practice and consolidation 1.让学生听录音,模仿跟读单词。 鼓励随班生跟着录音一起读。step 5  布置作业:    1抄写形容词和他的比较级。    2 看图写句子(c部分图片)。1.《i wish i was taller 》2.between the teacher and the students.ss: good morning.ss: it’s the …ss: it’s monday.s3: i’m younger than su yang learn the new words.read the new words.教师板书句子.让学生静听模仿跟读。然后集体升降调朗。ss:  swims slower than . gets up earlier than jump farther than . …4.运用刚才所学句型和单词小组内学生进行交流。 5.小组内学生汇报刚才所说的句型,分组进行,看哪组学生说的又流利、又正确。 6.talk in pairs then ask and answer. 2.游戏: a:一学生说形容词他的同桌说出比较级。 b:分集团接龙说单词。 3.再次让学生听录音,模仿跟读单词。在学生跟读中,纠正学生朗读中出现的错误。 4.在学生能正确朗读的基础上让升学自己总结部分形容词比较级的变化规则。



通过学生自己的观察与发现,再归纳总结形容词比较级的变化规则。板书设计:            unit 1 more exercise?


swims slower than .

gets up earlier than jump farther than .授后小记:新知识的导入自然,学生容易接受,并及时地巩固,有助于学生更好的掌握并能举一反三。从学生自身情况导入课文主角jim的情况,学生容易从心理上接受,并深入学习。在新知识的学习中从词到句,并让学生进行朗读,对于新长句型的掌握有好处。授课日期: 3 月  4  日4页,当前第41234

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