

    module 9   unite 2  i want to go to shanghai.(ⅱ)
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★ 导学目标:
1. 掌握句型:主语+ want/wants+to+ 动词原形+其他.
do you want to …?  yes,i do. /no, i don’t.
★ 导学准备:
ⅰ. 根据汉语提示补全句子。
1. i want to               (去公园).
2. i want                    (飞).
3. i want                     (参观月亮).
4. daming                        (想要照相).
5. there are flags from                     (全世界).
★ 导学准备: ⅰ.补充句子。
1. i want                         (去上海). 
2. shanghai is                                (很大又很著名).
3. ----你想要去上海吗?----是的,我想。
4. ----你想要去昆明吗? -----不,谢谢。
1. how many member states are there in the un?                                2页,当前第112
2. when is the un building open?                               
3. where is the summmer palace?                           
★ 达标测评:
ⅰ. 选择填空:
1. do you want                 to the west lake/
 a. go      b. to go    c. going
2. they are from 193            .
a. country    b. countrys     c. countries
3. i give a present           him.
a. for         b. to     c. in
4. i show my bike              her.
a. for         b. to     c. in
5. there         flowers in the yard.
a. is          b. are     c. be
6. she is one of  the         in our class.
a. student        b. pupil    c. students
7. do you want to visit the un building        new york?
a. in         b. bring     c. on
ⅱ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。
1. he         ( want)to go to the park on sunday.
2. i           (stop) a long time ago.
3. he likes         (read) books. 2页,当前第212
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