
6A Unit7 At Christmas(第一课时)

一teaching aims:
1.能听懂,会说,会读单词:a watch, a wallet, a teapot, a calculator, a skateboard, a comb, a mirror, a hairdryer
2. 能听懂会说:whose …is it/are they?
 it ’s/they’re mine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs
3. 完成c部分练习图
二.teaching key points:
1.能听懂,会说,会读单词:a watch, a wallet, a teapot, a calculator, a skateboard, a comb, a mirror, a hairdryer
2. 能听懂会说:whose …is it/are they?
it ’s/they’re mine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs
三.teaching difficulties
1.能听懂会说:whose …is it/are they?
it ’s/they’re mine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs
四. teaching aids
五.teaching procedures:
step1: greetings and free talk:
1. t: class begins. good morning, boys and girls.
ss: good morning ,miss liu.
t: how are you?
ss: fine, thank you.  and you?
t: i’m fine, too.
2. t: what day is it today?  s: it’s wednesday
t: what date is it today?  s: it’s the 19th of november.
t: what’s your favourite holiday? s: my favourite holiday is ---
t: what do people usually do?  s: they -----..
3. t: there’s a very important holiday in december. what is it, do you know?
s: christmas<ppt> christmas
t: yes. when’s christmas?s: it’s on the 25th of december.
t: what do people usually do at christmas?
s: they have parties/go shopping/have a big lunch, give presents to friends----<ppt>
step2. presentation
1. t: do you like christmas?  s: yes.
t: i like christmas, too. because i can get a lot of presents at christmas. last year, i got a present from my friends. it’s in this box, can you open it for me?. s: 上来打开盒子
2. <实物> wallet. t: oh, it’s a wallet. teach the word “wallet”
3. t: whose wallet is it?  s: it’s your wallet.
t: yes, you can say it’s your wallet. you also can say it’s yours. teach the word “yours”.
let the ss say the sentences like : it’s your-----. it’s yours.
4. 师拿钱包t:  whose wallet is it? s: it’s your wallet. it’s yours.
t: yes, it’s my wallet. it’s mine. teach the word “mine”
let the ss say the sentences like: it’s my ----. it’s mine.
5. 师打开钱包,取出钱 t: now i have a lot of money, i want to buy some presents for my family. what can i buy?  s: you can buy—
t: ok. let’s see. <ppt> watch. t: what’s this? s: it’s a watch. t: can i buy it? no. it’s his watch. it’s his. teach 名词性物主代词his.
practice: it’s his----. it’s his.
6. <ppt> comb. t: what’s this? s: it’s a ----. t: can i buy it? no, it’s her comb. it’s hers. teach 名词性物主代词hers.2页,当前第112
practice: it’s her------. it’s hers.
7. <ppt>. mirror. t: what are these? s: they’re----. t: they’re beautiful. but i can’t buy them. because they’re their mirrors. they’re theirs. teach 名词性物主代词 theirs.
practice: they’re -----. they’re theirs.
8. the same step as calculator, ours.
9. t: ok, and at last i bought three presents for them. can you guess what i bought for them. now let’s see. <ppt> a skateboard, a teapot, a hairdryer.
10.guessing game
t: now let’s play a guessing game.
1)i’m thirsty, what i need? ----teapot
2)where can i put my money? ----wallet
3)i want to know the time.----watch
4)my brother likes it very much. he can go roller skating with it.
5)i can use it to blow my hair.-----hairdryer
6)when you have a math lesson, you’ll use it. ----calculator
11.summary: 形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词的用法及规律。
12.practice: 改错、用所给词的正确形式填空
13.c. look and say.
stpe3. homework
1. listen to the tape and imitate the pronunciation
2. copy the new words
3. use the sentence structures to make a dialogue with your friend2页,当前第212
上一篇:pep六年级上册英语知识点汇总 下一篇:Unit2 What’s the matter with you? Class (4)