
6A Unit 1(全单元教案及反思)


6a unit 1  public signs
一 单元内容分析:
二 单元教学要求:
1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词always, a question, ask, mean, must, should, shouldn’t, take a walk, pick.
2、能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组 a cousin, a park, public, a sign, danger, away, grass, keep off, a cage, quiet, make noise, smoke, little, suddenly, a note, look around, nearby, quickly, pick up, a keeper, come up, point ,fine.
3、能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语 there  are  a lot of signs here, they mean different things. keep off the grass, be quiet. no smoking , no littering . no parking. no eating or drinking .danger! do not touch.
4、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型what does it /this/that mean? it means you /we must/ should /shouldn’t…
6、会唱歌曲the signs in the park.
三 单元教学重难点:
1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词always, a question, ask, mean, must, should, shouldn’t, take a walk, pick.
2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型what does it /this/that mean? it means you /we must/ should /shouldn’t…
四 单元教具准备:
五 单元课时安排:
第一课时:    b部分 look, read and learn.
第二课时:    c部分look and say 和d部分ask and answer.
第三课时:    a部分 listen, read and say.
第四课时:    e部分 read and match 和h部分sing  a song.
第五课时:    f部分 draw and guess 和g部分listen and repeat.
第六课时:    综合实践课。
六 友情提示:
3、注意区分 should 和shouldn’t 的意义和用法。
4、强调情态动词should/shouldn’t,  can/can’t ,  must等后面动词用原形。

6a  unit 1 第一课时
一 教学内容:
b部分 look, read and learn.
二 教学目标:
1、能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组public, a sign, danger, away, grass, keep off, quiet, make noise, smoke, mean, should, shouldn’t.
2、能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语:there are a  lot of signs here. they mean different things. keep off the grass. be quiet. no smoking . no littering. no parking . no eating or drinking. danger! do not touch.9页,当前第1123456789
三 教学重点:
1、能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组public, a sign, danger, away, grass, keep off, quiet, make noise, smoke, mean, should, shouldn’t.
四 教学难点:
五 教具准备:
六 教学过程:
step 1  warm up
1. listen to a song: the signs in the park.
2. 反口令练习orders.
listen to the orders, but do the opposite:
stand up ( sit down)   sit down (stand up)
3.follow me 学生跟着教师指令、动作,边说边做。
we sing, we dance, we jump, we run./…
最后以stop . be quiet. 结束。
板书be quiet.
step 2 presentation.
1.learn: be quiet, make noise, mean, should, shouldn’t.
(1)教师指着板书:be quiet,并以食指放在嘴前,问学生:what does it mean, do you know?
(2) the students read the word s after the teacher.
(3)强调quiet中的元音[ai ]  的发音。
(4)read  be quiet  one by one.
(5)ask and answer.
 t(作出动作): what does it mean?
 ss: be quiet.
 t 补充:yes. it means ‘be quiet’.板书:mean
(6)学习make noise
教师把be quiet 的公共标志牌贴到黑板上。it means ‘be quiet’, you shouldn’t make noise.
板书:should, shouldn’t
2.学习:no smoking, no littering, no eating or drinking.
(1) play a game:根据所给的字母,组合单词,越多越好。
    a, b, d,e, h, i,l,m,n,o,r,r,s.
巩固单词mean, should.
(2) 根据library 一词,描述what’s in the library? 教师根据学生描述,在板书中画出library 的场景图。比如:there are many students in the library. there are many/ a lot of books in the library…
(3)教师补充:there are a lot of signs here. they mean different things.
引出三个标志语:no smoking. no littering.  no eating or drinking.
学生跟着教师描述:there are a lot of signs here. they mean different things.
(4)学习:no smoking, no littering, no eating or drinking.
适时板书 it means you shouldn’t smoke /litter/eat or drink.
(5)总结:should, shouldn’t 为情态动词,后面动词用原形。
3、学习no parking . do not touch. danger. keep off the grass.
(1) 过渡:do you know any other signs?
(2) 出示标志牌:no parking. do not touch. danger. keep off the grass.
(3) 自学。
(4) 汇报。
(5) 总结:
a. park 有两种意思: (名词)公园, (动词)停车。
b. 看到 do not touch 和danger这两种标志,我们必须stay away from it .
c. keep off the grass意即 we shouldn’t walk on the grass.
     4、学习public, signs.
      (1)教师揭示课题: public signs.
(2)read: public, sign, signs.
step3  practise
1.read the public signs freely.9页,当前第2123456789
2.play a game:碰彩头 (run and touch)
 (2) 学生边看教师贴卡片,边说出相应含义。
(3) 教师向学生说明规则:when you hear the sign, run up and touch it .
(4) 教师请两名学生到黑板前,站在离黑板大约五步的距离。
(5) 教师不按顺序分别说出卡片上的标志,两个学生听到后迅速跑到黑板前去触摸相应卡片,最快且正确者获1分,总分最多者获得最后胜利。
(6) 然后分组竞赛,每组站成一行,听到标志后,每组排头的人去run and touch, 然后回到座位,新的排头者有机会run and touch,依次类推。
step 4 writing
1.copy the words: mean, should.
2.make some sentences:
it means ‘be quiet’.
we should keep off the grass /study every day/…
step 5 布置作业:
1.copy the public signs.
2.talk about the public signs with partners.
七 板书设计:
(1) 词 public, signs, mean, should, shouldn’t
(2) 标志    

6a unit1 第二课时
一  教学内容:
c部分look and say 和d 部分ask and answer.
二  教学目标:
1、 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型what does this sign mean? it means you/we must/should/shouldn’t…
2、 能运用本课所学语言描述公共标志牌的含义。
3、 会用can i…?进行请求。
三  教学重点:
练习what does this sign mean? can i…? 及其应答语。
四  教学难点:
区别must, can, should, shoudn’t 的不同用法。
五  教具准备:
六  教学过程:
step 1 warm-up
1. listen to a song ‘the signs in the park’
2. greetings.
3. free talk.
what day is it today? how are you? how old are you? how many people are there in your family? do you have any hobbies? do you like reading? do you usually go to the library? are there any public signs in the library? what are they?
step 2  revision
1. show the public signs, put them on the blackboard.
ask pupils ‘what does this sign mean?
2. ask pupils to write the public signs beside the cards.
3. 检查书写情况。
4. guessing game.
a学生(猜者,看不到教师出示的标志牌):what does it mean?
b学生:it means you shouldn’t talk.
a学生:i know (找出 ‘keep off’ 的标志牌)
step 3 look and say.( 学习c部分)
1. can you draw?
2. follow the orders: stand up, fly, play the piano, climb the tree, eat, drink, ride bikes, take photos.
3. 接着上述游戏,教师分别出示c部分六幅图的标志,要求学生分组讨论标志的含义。
4. 学生汇报,教师总结。(小黑板出示)
no climbing ----you shouldn’t climb the tree.9页,当前第3123456789
no cycling----you shouldn’t ride bikes.
no littering----you shouldn’t litter.
no taking photos—you shouldn’t take photos.
do not touch—you shouldn’t touch.
5. talking
where can you see the public signs? if you don’t know what the signs mean what should you ask? look, ben and jack are at jingling zoo, they are talking about the signs in the zoo. talk about the signs with a partner.
use ben and jack’s conversation as a model.
jack: what does this sign mean?
ben: it means you shouldn’t climb the tree.
6. practise.
7. writing.
强调第二幅图。it means you shouldn’t walk on the grass→it means you should keep off the grass.
8. drills.
 学生以b部分的公共标志为话题,用what does this sign mean? it means you must/should /shouldn’t…作答。
step 4 have a rest.
用《伦敦桥要倒了》的曲调,把what does this sign mean? 唱出来,比如:
what does this sign mean? this sign mean? this sign mean?
it means you shouldn’t smoke. you shouldn’t smoke.
what does this sign mean? this sign mean? this sign mean?
it means ‘danger’ .you must stay away.
step 5 ask and answer (学习d部分)
1. 师出示b部分公共标志牌,问学生
can i smoke /litter the rubbish/…?
学生以yes or no 作答。
2. 教师:oh, no, you can’t. no, you can’t. no… how pity! i want ‘i can’. now, i’m a superman. you can ask me anything.
3. playing.
e.g.  s: superman, can i surf the internet?
t: yes, you can.
s: superman, can i watch tv?
t: yes, you can.., it’s too late. you should go to bed now.
4. talking :
who always says “no, you can’t”
yes, that’s mum . mum always says , ‘no, you can’t .you should… ,now’.
now, look at the teaching picture. jack is back home from the zoo. what does he want to do? look at the pictures, then ask and answer the questions.
5. drills.
step 6 布置作业:
1. 写出c部分对话内容。
2. 收集生活中一些标志,并能用英语描述。
3. 预习a部分:找出课文中一些短语写下来。
七  板书设计:
句子what does this sign mean?
it means you should /shouldn’t…
can i …
no ,you can’t .you should… now.
    在教学中,我首先教了句型what does it mean ? it means ‘danger’!然后反复运用这一句型呈现新的标志语,做到词不离句,句不离文,同时为c部分的教学打好基础。

6a unit 1 第三课时
一 教学内容:
a部分listen, read and say.
二 教学目标:
2、能正确地运用对话中出现的日常交际用语:there are a lot of signs here. they mean different things. keep off the grass. be quiet.9页,当前第4123456789
3、熟练掌握四会单词:always, a question, ask, mean, must, should, shouldn’t.
4、能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组a cousin, a park, public, a sign, danger, away, grass, keep off, a cage, quiet, make noise.
三 教学重点:
四 教学难点:
五 教具准备:
六 教学过程:
step 1 warm-up
1. greetings.
2. sing together. 用《伦敦桥要倒了》的曲调唱出what does this sign mean?
(具体见第二课时的step 4)
3. 检查学生收集的公共标志,并交谈。
a: what does this sign mean?
b: it means ‘no blaring’
a: can i blare?
b: no, you can’t .you shouldn’t blare the car horn. you should turn off the horn.
step 2 motivation.
1. do the crossword: (must, danger, litter)
2. make sentences.
  we must be quiet in the library.
  we shouldn’t litter the rubbish.
3. report 汇报预习时总结的词组。
four years old , a lot of questions, public signs, stay away, make noise.
4. listen to the tape, then report: what do you know?
step 3  presention
1、 学习引言部分
(1) listen to the tape, then answer the questions.
qs: what day is it today?
who are it the park?
what can they see in the park?
what are they talking about?
(2)通过学习回答以上问题,指示学生学习:cousin, four years old, always, question.
(3)talking: do you always have a lot of questions in class?
告诉学生questions 可以缩写成qs.
2、 学习对话部分
(1)listen to the tape ,then report: how many public signs are they talking about?
what are they?
(2)read the dialogue by yourselves, then report:
what have you learnt?
(3)please put the public sign cards on the blackboard.
学生把三个公共标志牌贴于合适的地方(danger! keep off the grass. be quiet)
(4)learn: look, there are a lot of signs here. they are public signs. they mean different things.
(5)教师指着黑板上的标志问学生:what does this sign mean?
a. you must stay away from the building .
b. we shouldn’t walk on the grass.
c. we shouldn’t make noise here.
3、 listen to the dialogue then complete.
4、 report
step 4  practice and consolidation
1. listen to the tape and imitate.
2. group work: act out the dialogue.
3. to be jack, talk about the signs in the park.
step 5 布置作业:
5、 完成补充习题c、d部分。
七 板书设计
单词:always, question, ask, mean, must
句子:what  does  this  sign  mean?
you  must  stay  away  from the building.
we shouldn’t walk on the grass.
we shouldn’t make noise here.

八 教学后记:

6a  unit 1 第四课时
一 教学内容:
e部分read  and  match 和h部分sing  a  song.
二 教学目标:
1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词take  a  walk, pick.
2、能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组 suddenly, a  note, look  around,  nearby, quickly, pick up, a  keeper, come  up, point, fine.
3、会唱歌曲the  signs  in  the  park.
三 教学重点:
四 教具准备:
五 教学过程:
step1. revison
1、read  and  say
ss  read  the  text  together  (a. listen, read  and  say)
some ss try to act out jack and ben.鼓励多名学生分角色朗读课文。
say:i know some signs in the park…
they’re public signs. they_______different things.
the sign on the wall means ‘ danger’. you_____stay away____the building.
it means keep___the grass. we      walk____the grass.
it____be quiet. we___make noise here.
what does, what does, this sign mean?
it means  ‘be quiet’. you must be quiet.
what does, what does, this sign mean?
it means danger! you should stay away.
what does, what does, this sign mean?
it means keep off the grass. you shouldn’t walk on the grass.
step2.read and match(学习e部分)
1.look at the pictures and talk about the pictures. (不会用英文表达的,可以用中文)
2.学生在描述图画过程中,随机学习部分生词:take a walk, note, pick up, keeper, fine.
3.read the story, find out the new words.
4.guess: what do the new words mean?
5.read the story again, write the correct letters in the boxes.
6.read the new words after the teacher: take a walk, pick, suddenly, a ten-yuan note, look around, nearby, quickly, pick it up ,a keeper, come up, point, fine.
7.read the story together.
step3.sing a song(学习h部分)
1.talk:from the story, we know there are some fine signs in the park. do you know the others in the park?
2.report: no smoking. no littering. no parking. keep off the grass…9页,当前第6123456789
3.learn:put your rubbish in the bin(no littering)
4.listen to the song
5.try to sing after the tape.(教师可以让学生自编动作配合歌曲演唱)
6.sing the song together.
六 板书设计:
单词:take a walk ,  pick
词组:look around, pick it up, over there.
    单词litter的读音有部分学生读成[ lete], smoke写成somke, 教师必须在课后作个别辅导,在后面的课堂上还要反复巩固操练。

6a unit 1 第五课时
一 教学内容:
f部分draw and guess 和g部分listen and repeat.
二 教学目标:
三 教学重点:
四 教学难点
五 教具准备:
六 教学过程:
step1.warm up
1.sing a song. the signs in the park.
2.play a game.心灵感受――猜老师心中想哪些字母(a.e.m.n)以sorry, you’re  wrong.  try again  yes, you’re right评价,为f部分游戏做铺垫。
指导:what does it mean?(mean 用原形)
it means danger?(mean加s)
①t:boy and girls, can you see a little boy in the picture? what is he wearing? 板书sweater.指导学生朗读该单词,注意纠正ea组合发音的口形。
②t: what is the boy doing?
③t: why is the boy shaking his head?
板书bread breakfast,并指导朗读。
④读一读,体会一下sweater, head, bread, breakfast这四个词中ea组合的发音规律。
①发[e]音headache, ready.
②发[ i:]音sea, eat, mean
① 录音范读,呈现句子。the boy in the green sweater is shaking his head. he does not want bread for breakfast.
② 句子接龙。
t: the boy in the green sweater.
s: is shaking his head.
t: he does not want bread.
ss:for breakfast.
step3 play a game 完成f部分。
评价语:sorry, you’re wrong. try again. yes, you’re right.
3.抽几个学生到前面进行猜谜活动。第一次未猜中,可以用you must/shouldn’t……或动作提示。
①the boy_____the green sweater is ben.
a. to     b. in    c. on
②mr  smith  is_____a  walk in the park.
a. take    b. take  c. taking
③ he walks  to  the note and picks____9页,当前第7123456789
a. up  it  b. it  up  c. up  them
①sign, the, on, the ,is, interesting bird’s, cage (     )
②i, a lot now, public signs, know, about(     )
③i ,go, the, park, can, to (    )
a .public signs        b. take a walk          c. on the grass
d. pick up           e. look around          f. play computer games
g. take photos        h. ride bikes            i. stay away
j. keep off  the grass  k. make noise           l .a lot of
七 板书设计:
单词:bread, breakfast, head, sweater
句子:the boy in the green sweater is shaking his head.
he does not want bread for breakfast.

6a   unit 1第六课时
一 教学内容:
二 教学目标:
三 教学重难点:
四 教具准备:
五 教学过程:
step1.group  work: what have you learnt?
step 2.listening exercise听力练习。
1.listen and choose.(完成补充习题a部分)
① look at the words.
② listen to the tape and choose.
③ check the answers.
2.listen and judge.
① look at the pictures.
② what can you see ?
③ listen to the tape and judge.
④check the answers.
step3.oral exercise 口语练习
以park 为话题,小组合作,进行英语会话。
model: today is sunday. it’s a fine day. there are many people in the park. some are walking around the lake. some are flying kites. some are riding bikes…the trees are green and the flowers are beautiful…look, there are a lot of signs in the park. this sign means keep off the grass. we shouldn’t walk on the grass. that sign means ‘no littering’. we should put the rubbish in the bin.
1.group work.
2.english show.
3.sing a song (the signs in the park)
step4.reading work完成练习册中的阅读短文。9页,当前第8123456789
step5.writing work .写话练习。
练习形式:每小组发一张红,以there  are  some  public signs in library 开头,每人接一句,一直接下去,五分钟之内完成合作。
step6 布置作业

上一篇:pep六年级英语下册Unit 1 How Tall Are You?教案 下一篇:Unit 2 Where is the Science Museum(第六课时)