
《Can you be my pen friend?》导学案


《can you be my pen friend?》导学案

一、 [教学内容分析]
 本课内容为外语教学与研究出版社new standard english 三年级起点第七册module 5 unit1(六年级),课题为“pleased to meet you!”本课的功能是讲述自己的能力,通过介绍自己的情况结识笔友。
1、能听、说、读、写pleased, meet, address, pen friend等单词和学习句型:can you speak english? can i write to you? i can speak some english. you can be my chinese friend. yes, of course. this is my address in china.
2、能够运用can you…?这类语句询问能力,并能口头运用can i write to you?询问可能.
2.告诉学生“if you think you can, you can.”的道理。
 三、 [教学重点]
1、本课出现的新单词  2、学生能在真实的语境中运用“can you …? ”and “can i …? ”句型。
     3、直观教学法、提问法:充分发挥学生的主体作用,在活动中学会与他人合作,  提高学生的自信心,并让学生知道朋友间应该相互帮助。
     制作好自己的名片3张(英语书写,含有address, name, email and i can…的信息)、空白的名片若干张、多媒体课件和奖励用卡片。
   1 .sing a song
     t: are you ready for our english class?
     ss: yes
     t: let’s sing an english song.ok?
     (sing the song together and do the actions,first slowly ,then quickly.)
     t: do you like doing exercises, let’s do some exercises, ok ?
     hands up  hands down   i can jump. i can run. 
step2: presentation
1.t: hello, boys and girls. my name is liang yiqing. so you can call me ms liang.
     t: hello,everyone!
     ss: hello, ms liang. you know my name, can i know your names? what’s your name? pleased to meet you! …
     (解释pleased to meet you!)it means “glad to meet you!/ nice to meet you!”4页,当前第11234
     板书:pleased to meet you!
 2 . 让每三个同学一组设计一个介绍同学认识的场面,学习运用刚学会的句子 i’m from longsheng primary school. so my address is longshengprimary school. 教师一边说,一边指着课件上自己的信息来介绍自己的情况。然后板书单词address: longsheng primary school
     t:what’s your address?
     ss: my address is hepingprimary school.
     t: so your address is hepingprimary school.
     t: good! in this class, i’m your new teacher.  i think i can do the best, and you can do the best. can you?
     ss: yes, i can.
step 3: practice
     1. t: now, i know all of you , can i ask you some questions? (老师用can 设计三至五个问题,其中重点要问:can you be my friends? or can you be my pen friends? 并板书。让学生用yes, i can ./ no, i can’t 来回答。
     2.当学生很会使用的时候,老师让学生之间运用can you….句型来进行提问。
     t: please ask one by one, but don’t say the same sentences.
     s1: i can speak english , can you ? s2: yes, i can . (to s3) can you be my pen friend ? ….
 step 4 :new text
  1. guessing game
     t: there is a boy, he can do lots of things. he can make a kite, he can ride a bike. he can speak some english. he is in new york now. his cousin is simon. who’s he?
     (daming) where is he from?(china)
     (ppt) who’s he?(simon) where is he from?
 2.present the questions “who is she?/ where is she from?”
     t: they’re talking about something with a girl. who’s she?(laura)(showing laura’s picture)let’s say ….? (引导学生运用刚学过的pleased to meet you 来与画面中的laura打招呼。
      where is she from?(listen and check the answers)
      t: here are six questions on the screen. please try to answer the questions after you listen to the tape, ok?
     1)     where is daming from?
     2)     can daming speak english?
     3)     can daming write english?
     4)     daming has got two friends from england. who are they?4页,当前第21234
     5)     can daming be laura’s chinese pen friend?
     6)     can laura write chinese?
      2. now watch again .
     3.t: now read after the tape sentence by sentence.
     4. read and act in groups of three.
    step 5:development
t: look at the screen! this is my calling card.
name:    liao qinchi
address:  longshengprimary school
email:    liao
i can write an email, dance and play table tennis.
  my name is liang yiqing.this is my address---longshengprimary school. i’m from longshengprimary school. this is my email. and i can write an email, dance and play table tennis.
2.t: please make your calling cards now. if you finish, please say “bingo”loudly. (课前将表格发给每一位学生。)
i can                                
     t: hello. can i have your name?
     s1: my name is …
     t: pleased to meet you!
     s1:pleased to meet you,too.
     t: can i write to you?
     s1: yes, of course.
     t: this is my address. here you are!
     s: thank you!   this is my address, here you are.
     t: thank you! then we can be pen friends.
     t: do you want to make pen friends?4页,当前第31234
     ss: yes, of course.
     t: now please go to your classmates and make pen friends. let’s have a competition: who can make the most pen friends, ok?
 step 6:homework
【 [板书设计]
module 5 unit1  can you be my pen friend?
                                    pen friend
       can you …?    
      can i …?
      can you be…?

上一篇:六年级book8 Unit 4 My holiday教案 下一篇:六年级毕业班四会单词复习