
6A Unit6

第一部分 简要提示
一、 年级:六年级
二、 单元:unit6
三、 课题:holidays
四、 课型:新授课
五、 教学内容:part a
六、 教学目标:
⒈ 掌握单词、词组:christmas, halloween, new year's day, spring festival,mid-autumn festival, people, didn't, had, relative, delicious,favourite, dress up, went, moon cake.
⒉ 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:christmas is coming. what's your favouriteholiday? my favourite holiday is halloween.
七、 重点、难点:初步了解并掌握句型:when's ...? it's in ... what do people usuallydo at/on ...? they ... did you ... last...? yes, i did. / no, ididn't.

第二部分 教学过程

t: hello, boys and girls. nice to meet you. 同学们,你们好。today we aregoing to learn unit 6 holidays. 今天我们将共同学习第六单元—节日。let's begin ourclass, ok?which holiday do you know?你所了解的节日有那些?(稍停)好,我们先来认识一下这几个常见节日。(ppt图片) what holiday is this? it’snew year's day. new year's day 春节。(拿出卡片)now please look and readafter me. 请看卡片,并且主义我的口型,跟我模仿。(慢读2遍)again (快读一遍)(ppt图片,同样方法学习新词halloween, spring festival, mid-autumnfestival,教授。每词三遍。)
t: there are many holidays. (ppt) what’s your favourite holiday?你最喜欢什么节日? (教授favourite 最爱的,慢读,示范发音。简单释义:your favourite person orthing is the one that you like the most.) 请跟我读:what’s yourfavourite holiday?(2遍)you can answer: my favourite holiday is …forexample: my favourite holiday is spring festival.
t: (ppt圣诞节动画) look, what holiday is this? 这是什么节日呢?
t: yes, it's christmas.(重复读)圣诞节。my favourite holiday ischristmas.(ppt显示句型) when's christmas? 圣诞节是什么时间呢?
t: right, it's on the 25th of december. it’s in the december.
t: what do you usually do at christmas?你通常在圣诞节做些什么事情呢?   what do peopleusually do at christmas? 人们通常在圣诞节做些什么呢?(稍停, 教读)they …
t:(ppt显示短语) maybe they buy christmas presents, have a big lunch, goto a party, sing and dance ...
t: you can ask and answer like this: what do people usually do atchristmas? they go to a party.
t: did you go to a party last christmas? 上个圣诞节你去聚会了么?(重复,慢读)
if you did, you may say: yes, i did. (重复) if you did not, you maysay: no, i didn’t.(重复)
t: (ppt显示句型) did you go to a party last christmas?
yes, i did. / no, i didn't.
t: now, you can ask your classmates like this. (ppt出句型)现在请你像这样与同伴练习问答。

1、 前言
t: (ppt出示图 上课情景和前言) boys and girls, look, the students are havingan english lesson. mr green is their english teacher. now pleaseread this passage, then answer my questions.请你听录音看文字,试着找出这些问题的答案。(ppt出示四个问题)
q1: what date is it?
q2: which festival is coming?
q3: how are the teachers and the students?
q4: what is mr green doing?
t: ok, now can you tell me: what date is it? (稍停顿,点出答案:it’s the18th of december.)
t: the second question: which festival is coming?(稍停顿,点出答案:christmas is coming.)
   christmas is coming. thatmeans: 圣诞节快要到了。(重复慢读)那么,“万圣节快要到了”用英语该如何表达呢?(稍停)对了,halloween iscoming. 同样的,“国庆节快要到了”又该怎么说呢?请你来试试看。(稍停)
t: good. 回答的很好。national day is coming.
t: well. the third question: how are the teachers and the students?(稍停顿,点出答案:they are getting very excited.)
t: the last question: what is mr green doing? (稍停顿,点出答案:he’stalking to his students about holidays.)
t: now can you read it by yourself? have a try.现在请你来试着读一读这部分吧。please.
2、 正文
t: ok. now we know mr green is talking to his students aboutholidays. 现在我们已经知道 mr green 正在和他的学生们谈论有关节日的话题。what holidays arethey talking about? 请看课文动画,看看能不能找出文中所提到的节日。ready? let’s go.(ppt动画一分钟。)
t: 你找到了么?来看看你的答案与老师的一致么?(ppt显示第一栏正确答案, 教读四个节日。注意口型示范。)
new year’s day
spring festival
mid-autumn festival
holiday when
new year’s day january
spring festival january or february
halloween october
mid-autumn festival september or october

t: when’s new year’s day?
t: yes, it’s in january.
t: when’s spring festival? (稍停) right, it’s in january orfebruary.
t: what about halloween? (稍停) good, halloween is in october.
t: when’s mid-autumn festival? (稍停) it’s in september oroctober.
t: are you right? 相信你也一定答对了吧。well, what do people usually do atthose holidays? 人们通常在以上节日中会做些什么呢?now please listen to it again, andthen answer my questions. 请仔细听对话,试着完成表格第三栏。(ppt)表格
holiday when what do people usually do?
new year’s day january go to parties
have a big lunch
spring festival january or february visit relatives andfriends
eat delicious food
halloween october dress up in costumes
go to parties
mid-autumn festival september or october eat moon cakes
play with lanterns4页,当前第21234
watch the moon
t:你完成的怎么样?让我们来看看正确答案。请跟我读这些词和词组delicious,relatives,dress up, mooncake, watch the moon 简单解释词义)relatives, that means members of yourfamily. 亲戚。delicious, that means very pleasant to taste orsmell.可口的,美味的。 dress up,装扮,for example: dress up in costumes,教读)
t: now work in pairs. make dialogues like this 现在,请仿照下面的例句做对话:a:when’s new year’s day?
b: it’s in january.
a: what do people usually do on new year’s day?
a: they go to parties and have a big lunch.
t: good. did david go to parties last year? david去年有没有去参加聚会呢?读正文1~6行,然后回答问题:did david go to parties lastyear?(稍停)
t: no, he didn’t. (ppt)he had a big lunch with his family lastyear. (点击出现句子,教have的过去式had.) (ppt显示have的三种时态进行比较,读例句。)
t: well. did su hai visit her relatives and friends last springfestival? 苏海去年春节有没有去拜访亲戚和朋友呢?读正文7~13行,然后回答问题
t: yes, she did.
t: did ben go to a party last halloween?ben去年万圣节有没有去参加聚会呢?读正文14~18行,然后回答问题
t: yes, he did.(ppt)he went to a party last halloween.went是go的过去式。
t: did yang ling watch the moon last mid-autumn festival?杨玲去年中秋节有没有去赏月呢?读正文19行至结束,然后回答问题
t: yes, she did.
t: good job.同学们回答的很好。(ppt)通过刚才这张表格,我们已经对课文有了比较详细的了解,现在,请你用自己的话,说一说每位同学都在哪些不同的节日里做了什么事for example: david had a big lunch with his family last new year’sday. it’s your turn. have a try.(参考答案:su hai visited her relativesand friends last spring festival. ben went to a party lasthalloween. yang ling watched the moon last mid-autumnfestival.)
t: ok. now let’s listen and repeat. (ppt,放录音请学生逐句跟读,注意其发音。)
t: please read it by yourself. 请你自己读一读课文。注意本课生词。(ppt)请跟我读 people,didn’t, had, relative, delicious, favourite,dress up,mooncake.
t: then work in groups. read the text by roles.请以小组为单位,进行角色分配,按角色共同完成课文的朗读。please.

t: ok. we have known a lot about the holidays. 我们已经了解了不少有关节日的知识,andnow mike is telling his sister helen what his friends did ondifferent holidays last year. 现在mike正在告诉helen他的朋友们都在去年的节日中做了什么。please join the dots.(ppt) let’s see if you havea good memory. 请你根据课文内容连线,看看你的记忆力好不好。
t: let’s check out the answer.你的答案正确么。(ppt出答案)
t: 同学们,这节课我们一起谈论了有关节日holidays的话题,希望你在课后能够认真复习,我们下次课再见。bye!
第三部分 说明
   在本课开头,教师通过freetalk,在闲谈中引入课文重难点,帮助学生学习了when's ...? it's in ... what do peopleusually do at/on...? they ... did you ... last...? yes, i did. /no, i didn't.减轻了课文学习负担。在教学过程中,利用多媒体教学课件辅助教学,使各个节日变的更为直观,学生们较喜欢此形式。本课对话,篇幅较长,涉及到的节日以及人物较多,学生在理解和学习课文的过程中有一定的难度。我们采用了分层教学的做法,在呈现课文内容之前,通过师生交谈,复习有关节日的知识,并教学、操练了本课的日常交际用语。处理课文时,理清课文思路,将本课内容逐步呈现,有效分解课文学习的难度,突出本课的重点与难点内容。4页,当前第41234
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