
小学英语6B Module3句型(上海版牛津英语)


module three
unit 1 windy weather

what’s the weather like? (天气怎么样?)   it’s sunny.
1. 形容词和副词
形容词修饰名词  副词修饰动词
gentle gently  quick quickly   fierce fiercely   careful carefully  slight slightly
this is a ________girl.
the wind is _______.
at first , the wind blew _______,the clouds moved ________
2. a.  see sb doing sth   看见某人正在做某事
what can you see when there is a typhoon?
i can see people taking the flower pots into the flats.
b.  see sb do sth   看见某人做某事
       i can see the boy play football in the playground.
3. what may happen when there is a typhoon?
   big waves in the sea may sink ships and boats. 
(must  may   can  have to  should  would  will) + v原形

unit 2 sea water and rain water
1. if条件状语从句  主将从现(主句将来时,从句一般现在时)
if it rains tomorrow, we will not go to the park.
if there is no rain, we will have no water to drink..
2. what do we use water to do?
we use water to take a shower.
3. we must save water. don’t waste it. 
4. how can we save water?
we can save water by fixing a dripping tap.
we can save water by not playing water games.

    tall—taller—tallest       fast—faster—fastest
    large—larger—largest     nice—nicer—nicest
    busy—busier—busiest     early—earlier—earliest
•    再加-er    或-est
•     hot—hotter—hottest       big—bigger—biggest
•     delicious—more delicious—the most delicious
•     beautiful—more beautiful—the most beautiful
•     good (well)—better—best      
•     bad (badly)—worse— worst 2页,当前第112
•     many----more----most
•     little-----less----least

unit 3  forests and land
1. what do we get from the environment?
we get _______from______.
     wood        trees
     plastic        oil
     wool         sheep
     cotton        plants
     glass          sand
2. what can we use glass to make?
we can use glass to make bottles.
3. how does it feel? (感觉怎么样?)
it’s hard  ( hard  soft   smooth  rough)
what is it made of? (用什么做的?)         be made of…     用…做的
it’s made of  wood
what is it ?
it’s a  wooden desk.
 (woollen scarf   plastic cup   cotton blouse   glass bottle)

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