
Club Activities教案2


unit 3 club activities
lesson 2
1. speak     v. 讲,讲话
2. telephone n. 电话
3. april     n. 四月
4. may       n. 五月
5. talk  about  谈论
6. sign      v. 签字,签名
7. sign up 签约(参加工作,参加某一活动)
8. speech     n. 发言,演说
9. hall       n. 大厅
10. take place 发生
11. contest   n. 比赛,竞赛
  12. show      n. 演出,表演,展览
13. month     n. 月份
1. speak    
1)to utter words or articulate sounds with ordinary speech modulation; talk.
can your child speak yet? 你的孩子会说话了吗?
speak of angels, and you will hear their wings. 说到谁,谁就到。
2)to convey thoughts, opinions, or emotions orally.
their teachers are speaking. 他们的老师正在交谈。
i will speak to him about the matter. 我将和他谈谈这件事。
3)to use or to be able to use (a certain language) in speaking讲某种语言
we speak french. 我们说法语。
she can speak three languages. 她会说三种语言。
4)to deliver an address or a lecture: 演说: 作演讲或讲话:
he spoke before the united nation in new york. 他在纽约向联合国发表演说。
5)to act as spokesperson: 发言: 作为发言人发言:
she spoke for the entire staff in the meeting yesterday.
2. telephone
1)(u) way of talking to someone in another place by using electric wires or by radio
电话 (通讯方式)
    we told him the news by telephone.  我们通过电话告诉了他这个消息。
please answer the telephone. 请接电话。
the telephone directory gives people’s names, addresses, and telephone numbers.
telephone booth (美)电话亭; telephone box (英)公用电话间
you are wanted on the telephone. 请你去接电话。
2)(u)telephone set电话机
    i bought a new mobile phone. 我新买了一部手机。
    is this kind of telephone made in china? 这种手机是中国制造的吗?
v. 打电话 (phone)
telephone me tomorrow. 明天给我打电话。
we telephoned her greetings on her wedding day. 
知识拓展:tele + phone
tele-来自于希腊语的复合形式 tele-或 tel-的形式,意为“在远处,遥远地”。
而 -phone则来自希腊语 phone“声音,嗓音”。
3. april    
n. 四月(略作apr)
april fool在愚人节受愚弄之人 ,在愚人节开的玩笑;
april fools’ day愚人节(四月一日)
april shower 忽下忽停的春雨
4. may      
n. 五月;梅(姓氏, 女子名, mary的昵称)
we have a week’s holiday from may 1 to may 8 every year.
    shirly is going to be 22 in may. 五月份雪莉就将22岁了。
5. talk  about  谈论,议论,讨论
    let’s talk about something else. 我们谈点别的话题吧。
6. sign     
1)to put one’s name on a paper 在……签字,签名
    both parties have signed the contract! 双方已经在合同上签字了。
    i want all of you to sign.我要你们全都签字。
the firm signed on fifty more workers last week.
2)to communicate with a sign or by sign language: 打招呼;做手势
he signed me to be quiet. 他做手势要我安静。
the policeman signed (for)them to stop. 警察做手势叫他们停住。
1)something that suggests the presence or existence of a fact, condition, or quality. 标志: 显示事实、情况或性质在场或存在的某物,
    the sign by the road said ‘no parking’. 路边的牌子上写着“禁止停车”。
    traffic signs 交通标志
2) a conventional figure or device that stands for a word, a phrase, or an operation; a symbol, as in mathematics or in musical notation.
    符号: 用来代表一个词、短语或一个操作的习惯性图形或图案;数学或乐符中的符号,
    mathematical signs 数学符号(如+、-、×、÷)
3) 迹象;征兆;征候
    there are no signs of life about the house. 这房子没有有人住过的迹象。
    a sign of rain 下雨的预兆
7. sign up 签约(参加工作,参加某一活动)
8. speech    
1)(c) talk that one gives to a lot of people 发言,演说
    to make a speech 发表演说
that speech is still famous. 那个演说现在仍然很出名。
speech is learnt in the first years of life. 说话是人在一生中最初几年学会的。
a man of rapid [slow] speech 口齿流利[迟钝]的人
9. hall      
1)big room or building for meetings, concerts, etc. 大厅, 会堂, 礼堂,
    the children were in the school hall. 孩子们在学校的礼堂里。
hall is at six. 食堂六时开饭。
2)a corridor or passageway in a building. 过道,走廊
    hang your coat in the hall. 请把你的外套挂在门厅里。4页,当前第21234
10. take place 发生
11. contest  
n. (c)
1)a competition, especially one in which entrants perform separately and are rated by judges.
竞赛: 尤指参赛者各自献技并由评判员进行评判的比赛
    a beauty contest 选美比赛 folk song contest民歌比赛
close contest势均力敌的竞争(尤指竞选) a tug-of-war contest拔河
did you enter the contest? 你们参加比赛了吗?
the contest closes tomorrow. 比赛明天结束。
2)a struggle for superiority or victory between rivals.
    竞争: 竞争者之间为取得优势或胜利而进行的争夺
12. show     
n. public performance 演出,表演,展览
    there’s a new car on show at the garage. 汽车修理厂展览一辆新车。
    what tv shows do you usually watch? 你通常看什么样的电视节目?
1)to cause or allow to be seen; display. 露出,显示: 导致或允许被看见;展示
“show me your passport, please,” said the customs officer.
he showed me his pictures. 他把他的图画给我看。
can you show me any evidence for your statement?
anger showed in his face. 他脸上露出怒容。
2)to display for sale, in exhibition, or in competition:
    the young girl showed her most recent paintings.
3)to conduct; guide: 指引;带领:
the waitress showed them to the table. 女服务员将他们领到餐桌边。
mr。 wilson is leaving now. will you show him to the door?
4) to direct one’s attention to; point out:
the farmer showed them the biggest squash in the garden.
13. month    
n. one of the 12 divisions of a year as determined by a calendar, especially the gregorian calendar.
1. liu chang and li jun are talking on the telephone. 刘畅和李君正在打电话。
2. “ the english club is having a speech contest,” liu chang says.
3. say, speak, talk, tell的用法区别
1. talk是不及物动词,一般指随便漫谈。表示“同某人交谈”,要用talk to sb.或 talk with sb. 表示“谈论某事”,要用talk about sth.
e.g.: we talked about music all night.
look! they are talking happily.
2. tell 是及物动词,意思是“告诉,讲述”。表示“告诉某人某事”,要用 tell sb. sth.; 表示“告诉某人做某事”,要用 tell sb. to do sth. 表示“告诉某人不要做某事”,要用tell sb. not to do sth. 4页,当前第31234
e.g.: he is telling an interesting story.
he’s told me everything about it.
tell him not to make much noise.
3. say是及物动词,意思是“说”,强调说的内容.
e.g.: he said nothing.
he said that his friend was an engineer.
4. speak 用作及物动词时,其宾语一般是语言或词语之类的词;作不及物动词,意思是“说话”。在会议上正式发言也用speak。表示“同某人说话”,要用“speak to sb.”
e.g.: he speaks english very well.
he didn’t speak a word.
he spoke at the meeting.

上一篇:六年级英语毕业总复习练习五试题 下一篇:Unit4 Review and check(第三课时)