
六年级英语Seasonal changes教案


module 2 changes
unit 6 seasonal changes
the second period
talking about and writing about school life and preferences in different seasons

language focus:
using the simple present tense to express simple truth
e.g. many flowers grow in the garden .
using connectives to give reason
e.g. not many students like playing in the playground because it is very hot.
using connectives to link similar ideas
e.g. many students like having ice cream and soft drinks after lunch

learning procedure
before class
i.put the chinese into english:
1. 拍一些照片______________     2. 蝴蝶四处飞舞 ____________
3. 有空调的______________       4. 在食堂____________
5. 保暖 ______________          6. 种花______________
ii.choose the suitable word to fill in the blanks
1.you       wear school uniform in school.( must ,need)
2.more students have to stay in the hall      it is raining.(because , why)
3.look, there are plenty of _______.( butterflys, butterflies) in the garden.
4.we can see many people          (swimming, to swim) in the river.
5.they love          ( grow , planting)trees around their houses.

in class
pre-task preparation
encourage the ss to list summer activities they usually do on the board .
while-task procedure
(1) play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.
(2)ask questions :
   e.g. what can you see in the garden?
       why don’t many students play in the playground ?
       where do many students like studying?
       what do many students like having after lunch?
(3) select individual ss to read out a paragraph each.
(4) work in pairs and practise the dialogues in ask ask answer. select pairs to say a dialogue.
post-task activties
1.play the casssette for the rhymes. the students listen and repeat.
2.ss read and try to recite the rhymes

after class
i.complete the following sentences with the proper words.
1. all the students must wear summer uniforms in september,_______ (early/late) october, late april. may ,june and july)
2. we ________(mustn’t / needn’t) eat anything in class.
3. in summer , there are _______ (more/less) flowers in the garden.
4. i always have bread________(for /to) breakfast..

ii.choose the best answer.
1.in summer , the days are______ than the nights.2页,当前第112
a. long     b. longer    c. short     d. shorts.
2.in summer ,students like _____ in the library . it is _________.
a.studying,  air conditioner        b.study ,  air conditioner 
c.studying ,  air- conditioned       d. study ,  air- conditioned
3.students must wear summer uniforms _______september, early october, late april, may and june .
a. on      b.in       c.at       d. to
4.you can see many  kites ______ in the sky .
a. fly      b. to fly    c.flies       d.flying
5.______ students like running because it helps them keep warm in winter.
a.more     b.less    c.not many   d.fewer
6.you  should  keep  your  room _______.
a.cleanly   b.clean    c.cleaning    d.to clean
7.there are many _______ between shanghai and taibei.
a.different   b.difference  c differences  .d.differently
8.let’s ______ to the zoo tomorrow.
a. go       b.to go     c.will go      d.going
9.everybody must ______ the teacher carefully at class
a.listen to   b.listen s to  c.listening to  d.listened to
10.mr. black wears a t-shirt and _____ trousers.
a./         b.a        c .a  pair      d.a pair of
iii..write at least five sentences on the topic of “my favourite season”
                            my favourite season

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