
Module 3 The Natural Elements


Module 3 The Natural Elements

unit 2 windy weather



第一课时,用的是我的老技术,简笔画,呵呵,把微风、大风和台风画出来,操练了…when there is a gentle wind/ a strong wind/ a typhoon.

第二课时,先在黑板上画三幅简笔画,请同学用when造说句子,然后写上9个形容词,fierce/ quickly/ immediate/ gentle/ light/ slight/ tight/ happy/ sudden,1st 请同学把它们改成副词,2nd 接下来温习:verb+adv.结构,让学生说“凶猛地叫”“快乐地玩”等verb phrases,3rd 变成过去时,4th 接龙讲故事,我先开了个头:yesterday, a dog barked fiercely.然后大家就会意地接下去了,如the man smiled gently. finally we played happily…

第三课时,总算到第三课时了,新课也总算要结束了!p46和p47内容分别是what may happen when there is a typhoon?和safety precautions for typhoons.语法上操练may和should,语用上则是猜测和建议。问:what can we visit in sheshan?说出了space observatory和bird aviary等,够了,然后就是课文,学习may的表达;随后我写了一个单词:lilliput,同学们面面相觑,不知道是什么意思,有个快手查了文曲星,说查不到!我就告诉他们,这是百年前英国作家swifter小说里的“小人国”!出示问题:what may happen when there is a strong wind? of course there is no typhoons in lilliput, or the country will fly out of the earth!呵呵。好家伙,好多人要说呢,什么people may fly into the sky when there is a strong wind. houses may fall down. people may go into palaces when …说了一阵子,我就问他们,what should lilliputians do when there is a strong wind?同学们又给出了一些建议,这么着,p47也就解决了。学得又快又好、量多,还有些乐趣。不亦快哉!

上一篇:英语七年级下人教新课标 Unit5教案 下一篇:Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?复习要点