
Unit 6 pets 第四课时(Pages94~97)


Unit 6 pets 第四课时(pages94~97)

unit 6 pets (第四课时)  pages94~97



     to learn new vocabulary to talk about pets

don’t frighten the dog.

please take the dog for a walk.

you should not(ought not to) feed your dog at the table.

you mustn’t give them too much food.

       to use the modals ‘must’, ‘ought to’ and ‘should’ to talk about duties and responsibilities.

       to use positive and negative imperatives when giving orders and inst ructions.


     二.教学重点难点

       to use positive and negative imperatives when giving orde rs and instructions.

       to organize and understand how to use imperatives appropriately.

       to use the modals ‘must’, ‘ought to’ and ‘should’ to talk about duties and responsibilities.








part a

teaching procedures

1.       talk to studen ts about the purpose of instructions. give them a few examples using classroom situations. write some instructions on the board. then ask them  about the situations when we use them. ask stronger classes to create a list of different instruction s and then write the different situat ions as titles above it, e.g.,


       sit down.

       open the door.

       be quiet.

       stop talking.

       work with a partner.

       please close the window.

on the bus

       don’t push.

       stand clear of the door.


1. imperative sentences do not normally include a subject, because the subject ‘you’ is implied. however, a noun or pronoun can sometimes be used to identify the person receiving an order or instruction, e.g., the speaker wants to attract mary’s attention and so he/she says, ‘mary, don’t push.’ / ‘don’t push, mary.’. make sure students understand the imperative form and avoid the common mistake of placing a pronoun in front of the imperative.

2 go through the explanations and grammar table on page 94 to clarify the rules for using  imperatives when giving positive and negative instructions.3页,当前第1123

Unit 6 pets 第四课时(pages94~97)

3. ask students to study the pictures in part a 1. check their understanding of the situations presented in the pictures. for weaker classes, review the verbs in the box before students start  working on matching the sentences.

4 ask less able students t o work in pairs to select the correct word to fill in each gap, then match the pictures with the instructions. when they have finished, ask them to read each instruction to their partner.

5 explain the rubric in part a2, making sure students understand the exercise. students rearrange the words to make positive and negative instructions.

6 ask students to read out the instructions they formed.

part b        teaching procedures

1 talk about situations involving duty and obligation. try to link them to the context of the beijing sunshine secondary school students who are talking about looking after pets. it is useful to  point out to students that we can use these modals to give instructions.

2 go through the examples on page 95& 96, referring to the degrees of necessity. explain the use of ‘ought to’ and ‘should’, which have more or less the same meaning. ‘ought to’ is a bit stronger and tends to be used more widely when talking about laws or regulations imported from the outside, while ‘should’ implies personal opinions and, therefore, is less strong.

ask students for sample sentences and write them on the board.

3 ask through the examples of negative sentences. write some samp le sentences on the board.

4. explain to students that ‘must’ is the strongest word , expressing the sense that something is a absolutely necessary .

5. in part b1,the beijing sunshine secondary school students give instructions about looking after pets. each point of the notes on the left describes the degree of necessity for the instructi on next to it on the right.

r ead the notes to the class . then divide the class into pa irs and ask students to complete the instruction  on the right. encourage students to check the example sentence on pages 95 and 96 to identify the correct modal word to fit each instruction .

6. use class feedback to identify any misunderstanding ,as they involve the use of neg ative forms.

extension activity

depending on the general ability of your class, this could be done at the end of this section to consolidate students’ understanding .elicit statements from students using different modals to talk about a situation ,e.g.,

a new student is joining the class  .ask what instructions can you give the new student? e.g.,3页,当前第2123

Unit 6 pets 第四课时(pages94~97)

you must arrive at school at 8.10 in the morning.

you ought to walk slowly on the stairs .

you should hand in your homework to the monitor.

the class has to choose a class monitor .ask 

what are his/her duties?e.g.,

he /she must collect the exercise books .

he/she should make sure that students follow the schoo l rules.

7. ask students to read the four letters in part b2 carefully. make sure that they understand the messages well. ask them remember and to check the words in th eir dictionaries.

8. in part b3, students can read some of the answers which give advice to   the writer of each letter. students check answer s with a partner.

9. divide the class into groups of four .one group comes to the front of the class and each member reads one letter at a time .

a representative from another group responds by reading his/her advice. you could turn this into a competition. if the sentence is correct ,the group wins a point .if not ,the chance goes to the next group. students correct their own sentence.

we use ‘should’and ‘should not/shouldn’t’to give advice and to

 tell people what is the best or right thing to do.’ought to’and

 ‘ought not to/oughtn’t to’have similar meanings.

( 但 前者隐含了个人的观点,因此语气稍弱;后者语气稍强,常用于指


      we use ‘must’ to tell people that it is neces sary or very important to do something.we use ‘must  not/mustn’t’to tell people that it is necessary or very important not to do something.


1.‘must’ 的三种用法:


needn’t.(如果表示 受客观情况所逼,不得不做某事,常用‘ have to’.)


_______ i finish my homework today?no,you____ __./yes,you_____.

你不得不呆在家 ,因为天在下雪.

you _______  _______stay at home becau se it is______.

    (2)must not/mustn’t表示“ 不允许”.

你千万别玩火.you ______  ______  _______  fire.


when the traffic lights are  red,you ______  ______  the road.

    (3)表示肯定的揣测,“ 准是,肯定是”,否定式为‘can’t’.


who’s that man?it ______  ______ our headmaster.

it ______  _______him. he has gone to beijing.

extension activity 

ask more able students to come up with their own advice to the pet owners .tell them to choose two things you should  (not)ought (not) to do when you own a pet. they then write sentences givi ng instructions. ask students to read out their advice to the class.3页,当前第3123

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