
Module 6 The Olympic adventure (外研七下)


Module 6 The Olympic adventure (外研七下)

 module 6 the olympic adventure

海宁市湖塘初中 陈旭炯 查晓英一、教材内容分析本模块话题是“体育运动”。内容为学生所熟悉,结合学校体育活动的开展及中国XX年奥运会的准备,便于开展课堂活动。要求学生了解奥运,了解不同国家和地区的体育运动,并且根据自己的知识与喜好做一张与体育有关的招贴画,掌握用形容词和副词来表达观点及形容词的比较级和副词的用法。二、学情分析通过初一上学期和本学期前五个模块,尤其是本学期module 5的学习,学生已基本储备运用形容词、副词的原级及形容词比较级来进行口、笔头表述的知识。而且本模块的话题既符合学生的认知水平,又与学生的生活、兴趣等相一致,因此,教学中教师应随时随地以学生已有知识和课本为出发点,灵活利用各种素材组织教学内容和过程,充分调动学生的积极性。三、教学目标1、语言知识目标




olympic, adventure, more, dangerous, gymnastic, ski, popular, exciting, tiring, unpopular, boring, relax, relaxing, safe, neighbourhood, committee, arrive, late, back, however, slowly, loudly, clearly, visitor, need, quickly, well, badly, carelessly, better, hard, cassette, player, vocabulary, carefully, quietly, continue, until


be good at, take around, more…than…







能辨别表示运动的词语以及表达观点的形容词和副词; 能听懂用所学的形容词比较级和副词所做的口头表述,询问及其回应的听力材料。
























各民族都有自己民族特色的体育活动,各国都有自己的优势项目。体育运动是民族团结的纽带。5、情感态度目标 通过学习描述体育运动,提高对体育和英语的学习兴趣,养成爱好体育运动的习惯。参加各种英语活动,克服困难,在新环境中进一步树立准确的语言学习观。6、任务

能够制作招贴画和设计奥运新项目等,介绍体育招贴画、奥运新项目的内容以及自己选择这些体育项目、这样设计的理由。 7页,当前第11234567

Module 6 The Olympic adventure (外研七下)










能够运用所学句型结构描述体育运动。三个环节如下: pre-task:学生联系生活实际,激活背景知识。 task–cycle:通过整个模块的听说读写的训练,强化对“体育运动”的表达能力,为完成任务做好铺垫。 post-task:达成任务,展示成果,反馈学习情况。



 period 1: vocabulary and listening and pronunciation

 period 2: reading and vocabulary and writing 4

period 3: speaking and writing 5 and around the world and module task

period 4: language practice

注意:教学时应根据学生的学习水平、生活实际水平、接受程度及课堂出现的临时状况进行运用、调整及筛选。七、教学设计period 1: vocabulary and listening and pronunciationteaching aims and demands:1. language knowledge:key vocabulary and phrases: olympic, adventure, more, dangerous, gymnastic, basketball, cycling, table tennis, ski, popular, exciting, tiring, unpopular, boring, relax, relaxing, safe, be good atkey structure: be good at, more … than … (重点)2. listening skill: to understand conversations about sports. (难点)3. affection and attitudes: we should love sports.learning strategies:bottom–up approach; listening to the tape; watch a video; do some exercises.teaching aids: multi-media (tape recorder, video, ohp, handouts)teaching procedures:step 1 warming-up1. ask the students: what is the olympic flag? what do the five rings mean? what is the motto of the olympic games?2. show a program—the exciting moment, and then ask some questions.step 2 learning1. show the pictures to teach the adjectives. (1) talk about the song and some pictures. what do you think of …? (2) give the ss the words and let them circle the adjectives.happy swim ticket in olympic fast sport world easy strong run and america expensive jump badminton bad basketball plan stadium(3) match the opposites with each other: dangerous-safe, difficult-easy, exciting-boring, (un) popular, relaxing-tiring.(4) let the ss try to find some more opposites. tall - short …2. revise and learn the names of some sports.(1) guessing: what kind of sports is it?7页,当前第21234567

Module 6 The Olympic adventure (外研七下)

(2) look at the signs and write down the sports.               (3) design a sign and write down the name of the sport.(4) listen and number the sports as you hear them.3. learn to describe these olympic sports using the adjectives and their opposites. (1) show some pictures and then ask the students: which sport is difficult / easy / dangerous / safe / exciting / boring?(2) match the sentences with the pictures.(3) listen and repeat the sentences in activities 2 & 3.(4) show the students some more pictures and let them try to answer the question: which one is more …? using the structure “… is more … than …”.(5) help the students to summarize: a is more adj. (多音节词) than b. step 3 listening and reading1. let the students listen to the tape of activity 4 and check the sentences true or false.● chinese people are good at gymnastics.● table tennis is more popular than gymnastics.● running is more interesting than basketball.● cycling is more dangerous than skiing.● daming likes both running and basketball.2. let the students listen again and tick for betty and daming.




table tennis





3. let the students read and try to finish the conversation.  betty:      chinese people are very good at gymnastics. do you like gymnastics, daming?                         daming:  yes, i do. but chinese people are good at table tennis, too, and table tennis is ______ ______than gymnastics. betty:      i love gymnastics. i think it’s ______ ______ than table tennis. what olympic sports do you like? daming:  basketball is my favourite sport, but i also like running. betty:      oh no, running is _____ boring _____basketball. i also like cycling. cycling is _____ relaxing _____ running. daming:  no, it isn’t. i think cycling is _____ tiring _____ running. and do you like skiing?                                           betty:      yes, i do .but it’s _____ dangerous _____ running and cycling.7页,当前第31234567

Module 6 The Olympic adventure (外研七下)

step 4 speakingask the students to choose an olympic sport he / she wants to join in best and tell us why if he / she wants to be a volunteer in olympic games.i want to join in ________. it is my favourite olympic sport. because it is _______ than ______, and it’s _________________.step 5 homework1. read the conversation as fluently as possible.2. write a short composition: “my favourite olympic sport”. why do you like it? about 50 words.period 2: vocabulary and reading and writing 4teaching aims and demands:1. language knowledge:new words and phrases: neighbourhood, committee, arrive, late, back, however, slowly, loudly, clearly, visitor, need, quickly, well, badly, carelessly, better, hard, take around, cassette, player, vocabulary, carefully, quietly, continue, untilcomparative forms & the usage of adverbskey structures: it is difficult to do …, take … around, more … than … (重点)2. reading skill: to understand stories about the olympic games.3. affection and attitudes: we should love sports and wish the beijing olympic games successful.learning strategies:communicative approach.teaching aids: multi-media (tape recorder, video, ohp, handouts)teaching procedures:step 1 leading in1. ask the students: which country will hold the olympic games? what’s the olympic mascot?2. talk about the olympic mascots for and some of the latest olympic games especially moscow 1980, seoul 1988 & beijing to lead in the topic of this lesson “english for the olympic games”.step 2 introduction and discussion1. tell the students the background: on july 13th, , beijing succeeded in bidding for the olympic games. it was exciting news for chinese people. as a person in beijing—the city to hold such a great game, everyone was excited. so from then on, the rush to learn english was aroused. today, more and more people, young or old, begin to learn english. dongsi—the location of beijing olympic committee has become a hot place to learn english.2. let the students to discuss: (1) what has been done and what is being done to prepare the beijing olympic games?(2) what would you like to do for beijing olympic games?step 3 skimming and scanning1. ask the ss to look at the 2 pictures and tell me what they can see.2. the ss read the passage as quickly as they can and choose a photo for it.3. ask the ss to read the passage to find out the people who are learning english and how they are learning.4. the ss read after the tape and choose the better answers to the seven questions.7页,当前第41234567

Module 6 The Olympic adventure (外研七下)

5. read in groups and fill in the blanks.step 4 learning1. find out the pair adverbs with opposite meanings and read the adverbs.2. learn some language points and write the answers to the questions in activity2.step 5 retellingthe ss try to retell the reading passage looking at three pictures and some information.step 6 saying and reporting1. ask the ss to try to say something about themselves using the adverbs they learned.◇i get to school …◇the teacher speaks to us …◇we need to learn english …◇we need to speak english …◇i work …◇i check my vocabulary at home …◇i listen to my lessons …2. work in groups of four to discuss: how should we learn english for ? ask some groups to talk about their reports.step 7 homework1. read the passage after class.2. write a short composition beginning with “if we want to be volunteers in beijing olympic games. from now on we should …”period 3: speaking & writing 5 & around the world & module taskteaching aims and demands:1. speaking skill: talk about the sports one likes using comparative forms.2. writing skill: to combine sentences using “too” or “also”. improve the students’ writing abilities.3. to summarize and consolidate “more … than …” and the new vocabulary.4. affection and attitudes: we should love sports.learning strategies:top-down and interactive approach and do some exercises.teaching aids: multi-media (tape recorder, video, ohp, handouts)teaching procedures:step 1 revision1. help the ss revise & know some names of the olympic sports.2. ask the ss to compare the olympic sports using the structure “… is more … than …” looking at some pictures.step 2 speaking1. guess the sports the teacher likes.2. the ss ask their partners and then make reports.○what sports do you like?  what do you think of it?○what sports don’t you like?  what do you think of it?

your partner

(          )


doesn’t like



my partner ________ likes ________. it is ________.he / she doesn’t like ________. it is ________.step 3 writing1. let the ss choose for themselves.popular  exciting  difficult  tiring  cheap  dangerousi like ______ (running / skiing). ______ is more ______ than ______.i like ______ (basketball / cycling). ______ is more ______ than ______.i like ______ (table tennis / gymnastics). ______ is more ______ than ______.2. let the ss try to write for themselves and their friends.7页,当前第51234567

Module 6 The Olympic adventure (外研七下)

i like ______. ______ is more ______ than ______.my friend ______ likes ______. he thinks it is ______ than ______.3. give the ss two examples to make sure they can join 2 sentences with too or also.step 4 pair workask the ss to use the following words to make a similar dialogue.words: basketball cycling gymnastic running skiing table tennis…                        popular  exciting  relaxing  easy  safe…  a: do you like running or cycling? b: i like cycling.a: why?b: because cycling is more relaxing than running.a: yes, and i think cycling is more exciting, too.step 5 module taskask the ss to make a poster like this.step 6 group workfour students are in a group. each group has got a handout about one of the mascots of the beijing olympic games. ask the ss to suppose: if they are the mascots, how to introduce themselves and their favourite olympic sports and why they like them. give the ss some sentence patterns.◆my name is ________.◆i’m ________.◆i stand for the _____ olympic ring.◆i’m ____________.◆my favourite olympic sport is ________. because it is _________ than _______.◆i mean ______________.step 7 homework1. do the self-assessment on page 111.2. make an olympic sport poster.period 4: language practicekey structures: a be + more + adj. than b (重点)teaching aims and demands:1. to summarize and consolidate grammar focus (comparative forms & the usage of adverbs).2. to summarize and consolidate expressions and vocabulary.learning strategies:formal instruction and task-based approach and interactive practice.teaching aids: multi-media (video, ohp, handout)teaching procedures:step 1 acting and guessing1. guessing game: you act, i guess.work in pairs. one student acts the sport after having a look at the picture. the other one who can’t see the picture tries to guess what sport it is by watching the actions.2. help the ss make a word map about olympic games.   step 2 discussion and summary1. discuss the questions with the ss.● are sports good for us?yes, everyone needs to do sports because they keep the body strong and healthy.● which sport is the best?running is easy, safe and good. but some people think it is boring and they like team sports. basketball and table tennis are popular. play sport that you like.● is there anything you must not do?don’t try to do something too quickly or carelessly. some sports can be dangerous. if you are not strong, gymnastics can be bad for you. skiing can be dangerous. you need lessons first.7页,当前第61234567

Module 6 The Olympic adventure (外研七下)

2. focus the students’ attention: how to compare…● running is cheaper and safer than diving.● swimming is easier than gymnastics.● table tennis is more popular than judo.adverbs vs. adjectives■ don’t try to do something too quickly or carelessly.■ running is easy, safe and good.step 3 written practiceshow the ss two groups of pictures. divide them into two groups according to their favors to have a competition.1. do activity 1 & 2 on page 36.2. do ex. 2 on page 108 in the wb and then let the ss to find out the pair words with opposite meanings.step 4 oral practice1. divide the ss into two groups (boys and girls) to act the dialogue (activity 4 on page 33). 2. let the ss learn to compare the sports as the following. a: what sports do you like?b: i like swimming and table tennis.a: why do you like them?b: i like them because they are more relaxing than running.a: do you like gymnastics?b: no, i don’t. i don’t like gymnastics or judo.a: why?b: because they are more dangerous than table tennis. step 5 suggestions and design1. let the ss look at the following and then give their suggestions to helen and martin. what sports should they take?□ helen doesn’t like eating, so kateis a very thin girl. she is weak and she often has a cold.□ martin loves eating. he is always eating something. but he is too fat now. he usually feels tired.2. design a new olympic sport according to the following questions:   ☆ what’s it like?   ☆ how do people play it ?   ☆ do you like it?   ☆ why do you like it? step 6 homework1. make up a dialogue about sports with your partner.2. finish the exercises in the wb.7页,当前第71234567
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