
Unit8 From hobby to career知识点整理


Unit8  From hobby to career知识点整理

unit8  from hobby to career知识点整理


1. shoot  射 (过去式: shot,  v-ing: shooting)

2. host (v.) 主持   (n.) 主持人,主人,东道主

he jiong is a host of happy camp in hntv.  何炅是湖南电视台《快乐大本营》的一名主持人。

jack will host the programme tonight. 杰克将要主持今晚的节目。

3. knowledge (不可数n.) 知识

4. actually (adv.) 事实上 ——  actual (adj.)    actually = in fact

5. decide (v.) 决定 —— decision (n.)

decide to do sth. : “决定去做……”    make a decision : “作决定”

he decided to go on holiday to hainan with his parents. 他决定和他父母去海南度假。

after having a discussion, i finally made a decision.  讨论过后,我最终做出决定。

6. train (v.) 训练  (n.) 火车

  train sb. / sth.          train to do sth.

i will go to beijing by train.

his job is training these dogs.

she is training to be a volunteer.    她正在接受志愿者培训。

7. lively (adj.) 生动的     类似:lovely, friendly

8. grow up  长大    grow——grew (过去式)

9. i am proud of my tv programme – it has lasted for more than 50 years!

be proud of…  “为……而感到自豪” 

my brother is a good teacher, and my parents are proud of him.


lily won the english competition last year. her parents were proud of her.


10. more and more + n.   越来越多……

    more and more + adj. / adv.   越来越……

more and more children are getting fat.

english is becoming more and more important.

11. once i learnt a little about them, i soon wanted to find out more and more.

find,find out,look for都与“找”有关,但侧重点不同。

(1) i’m looking for my pen.  (意为“寻找”,强调找的动作 )

(2) he can’t find his watch.  (意为“找到、发现、感到”,强调找的结果)

(3) please find out the answer to the question. (意为“查明、发现、了解”,指经过认真观察、调查或研究把某事、某物查出来、搞清楚)





when he opened the door, he saw the bird.   当他打开门时,他看到了这只鸟。

      从句                                  主句

等同于:he saw the bird when he opened the door.


Unit8  From hobby to career知识点整理

1. 从句的动作和主句动作同时发生,意为“当……时;在……的时候”,例如:

  he liked playing basketball when he was young.  他年轻的时候,就喜欢打篮球。

 2. 从句的动作发生在主句动作之前,例如:

  when you get there, please tell lucy to call me back. 你到那后,请告诉露西给我回电话。

  come here to find me when you finish you homework.你做完作业后,来这儿找我。

3. 我们也可用after, before, until等连词引导时间状语从句。如:

after simon does his homework, he listens to music.西蒙做完家庭作业后,他就去听音乐。

before mary went to bed, she drank some milk. 玛丽在睡觉之前,喝了些牛奶。


— i want to know when mr. brown will arrive.     — when he ______, i will tell you.

a. will arrive               b. arrived              c. arrives             d. arrive

【used to的用法】

used to意为“曾经;以前”,用来谈论过去常常做某事。其句型的变化形式如下:

句型变化 used to

陈述句 (主语+ used to do) lily used to learn to play the piano at school.


否定句 (主语+ did not + use to do) lily didn't use to learn to play the piano at school.


一般疑问句 (did+主语+use to do) did lily use to learn to play the piano at school?


特殊疑问句 (what + did+主语+use to do) what did lily use to do at school?



 be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事                        be used to do sth.  被用来做某事 (表示被动)

eg: she is used to taking a walk after dinner. 她习惯晚饭后散步。

 knives are used to cut things. 刀被用来切东西。2页,当前第212

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