
新目标七年级下册Unit2Where is the post office?导学案


新目标七年级下册Unit2Where is the post office?导学案

七年级下unit2 where is the post office?


单元主题:ask for and give directions.  询问方位,以及给出方位。




主要句型和交际用语:(1)where’s the park?

(2)it’s on center street.

(3)the supermarket is across from the bank.

(4)the pay phone is next to the post office.

(5)the library is between the video arcade and the supermarket.

(6)is there a pay phone in the neighborhood?

(7)it’s down the bridge street on the left.


post office,is there …?,bank,near,here,center,street,bridge,hotel,video,arcade,supermarket,pay,pay phone,park,across,across from,next to,between,avenue,down,neighborhood,right,left,quiet,big,dirty,busy,false,welcome,garden,district,turn,off,enjoy,walk,take a walk,through,will,see,house,begin,beginning,tour,come,get,money,buy

1. across  介词“横过”

be careful when you walk across the busy street.


the duck wants to swim across the river.


2. across from  介词词组“在…对过”

the bank is across from kfc.  银行在肯德基的对面。

the restaurant is across from the national library.


3. next to  “在…旁边”

the supermarket is next to the flower shop.


the small garden is next to our school.

4. on  “在…”

the supermarket is on fifth avenue.


the pay phone is on bridge street.


5. between  介词“在两者之间”

the post office is between the library and the cinema.


the pay phone is between the supermarket and the bank on center street.


6. down  介词“沿着;顺着”

the library is down this street on the right.


go down this street, you’ll find the bank.


7. on the left/ right  “在左边/右边”


8. is there…?

is there是there be句型的一般疑问句,表示“某处有某物吗?”

e.g.  is there a post office near here?


is there a supermarket in your neighborhood?


are there many shops in this district?



1. when you want to post a letter, you can go to a   p_____  o________.

2. you can borrow a book from a l______. 3. i put my money in the b_____

4. on sunday , we often take a walk in the ______(公园)with our daughter.12页,当前第1123456789101112

新目标七年级下册Unit2Where is the post office?导学案

5. they often buy  food and drinks in a  s______. 6. there is a _____(桥)over the river.

7. i like the flowers in the g______ (花园)very much. 8.is there a hotel in the n_______?

二. 用所给的词的正确形式填空。

1. the post office is on _____(eight) street.   2. this is the ______(begin) of the garden tour.

3. do you know where our english teacher _____(live)? 4. there is a small market in my _____(neighbor)  . 5.. if you are _____(饿), you can buy some food in the _____(超市)。

6. the park is a good place to ____  ______(玩得开心)。

7. walk _____(过) a bridge , then go _____(穿过)a park . we can see a lake.

8. you must pass three one-way ______(street), then you can see a tall white house ____(带有)_____ many trees around it.


1. my school is across _____the market.  a  in  b  from  c  after  d  on

2. the garden is next __-__ the video arcade.  a  to  b  on  c  for  d at

3. we all live in that hotel .it is _____the market ____the bank.

a from,  to  b between,  and   c . in, on  d at, out

4. is there a food shop ____ the neighborhood?  a  on  b in  c  at  d under

5. ____. where is my watch? a sorry  b i am sorry  c excuse me  d hello

6. when you want to go to the hotel ,you can go straight and ____left.

a  turning   b to turn  c  turns  d  turn

7.this term we are going to have fun _____and _____english.

a  to learn , to speak  b learning , speaking  c learning, to speak  d to learn, speaking

8. when you leave the supermarket , don’t forget to pay _____the things you buy.

a  for  b  at  c on  d in

9.thank you very much . --_______  a you are welcome.   b  you are right

c you are ok        d  that’s right.

10. be careful when you walk _____the street. a  through  b across  c into  d from

11. “____”means “have fun”.  a have a good time    b play computer

c have good time     d listen  interesting

12.look at those _____.they want to ____ the farm.

a  visit, visit  b visitors, visit  c visiters, visiting  d visits, visitor

13. i am very ___now , i must go to the food shop to buy a big cake. a  appy  b hungry c sad

14.when can you ____there?  a  get to  b arrive  c  getting  d to get12页,当前第2123456789101112

新目标七年级下册Unit2Where is the post office?导学案

15. there _____ two maps and a picture on the wall. a is  b are  c have  d has

16. is the shop new or ____? a clean  b old  c big  d  busy

17. you have to ____ your mother ____the housework.

a  help , do  b  helps , doing  c help, does   d helps, to

18.look! the lady ___the right is ______australia.  a on, from b from, from, c on , in d to , to

19. jack is very ____ with his homework every day.  a angry  b interested  c busy  d tiring

20.the students are busy _____their homework.  a do  b to do  c doing  d does


学习目标: section a 1a-2c

1. 课前预习section a 的词汇。

post office   library   hotel  restaurant  bank supermarket  street   pay phone   park

2. 学会用句型来讯问地点。

a: excuse me, where’s the park?

b: it’s on centre street.

a: is there a hotel in the neighborhood?

b: yes. there is. just go straight and turn left. it’s down bridge street on the right. it’s next to a supermarket.

a: thank you very much.

b: you’re welcome.


part1: 词汇预习达标( 教材p108词汇表查看sectiona(p7-p9)的词汇)

一、 根据提示完成单词。

1. a: where’s the_________? (邮局)

b: it’s on the centre.

2. let’s go to the_________.(图书馆)

3. we stayed in a_________.(旅馆)

4. we had a meal in a_________.(餐馆)

5. i need to go to the_________.(银行)

6. lily works in the_________.(超市)

7. the bank is just on the_________.(街道)

8. a: how much is the_________?(投币式付费电话)

b: sorry, i don’t know.

9. we went for a walk in the_________.(公园)

二、 拓展学案:

1. 把下列单词和意思配对。(连线)

across from           在•••后面

on                  在•••前面

next to               在•••上

in front of             在•••中间

behind                在•••对面

between               靠近


   一、听 section a(1b)

   1. listen and circle the places in 1a you hear.12页,当前第3123456789101112

新目标七年级下册Unit2Where is the post office?导学案

post office   library   hotel  restaurant  bank supermarket  street   pay phone   park

2. listen and answer the question.

(1) where’s the bank?

(2) where’s the library?

(3) is the hotel on the centre?

(4) is the park across from the supermarket?

三、 听section a (2a, 2b)

1. listen and match the sentences with the picture.

2. listen and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

next to  in front of  between  behind  across from   on

(1.) the library is_________ the restaurant and the supermarket.

(2.) the park is_________ the bank.

(3.) the supermarket is_________ fifth avenue.

(4.) the pay phone is_________ the post office.

(5.) the restaurant is_________ the post office.

(6.) the hotel is _________the library.

四、 听录音,模仿。口语过关。

1. 听音模仿。

2. 集体三次。

3. 个体训练。

4. 群体朗读。

5. 个别朗读。

6. 分角色朗读。


学习目标:section a 3a-4

1.课前复习section a的词汇。

2. section a 的语言知识及其综合运用。


1. 完成section a对话背诵和表演训练。

2. 自主整理section a所学内容并能运用。


   1. we stayed in a_________.(旅馆)

  2. the park is_________ the bank.(在•••对面)

3. the library is_________ the restaurant and the supermarket.(在•••中间)

4 a: where’s the_________? (邮局)

b: it’s on the centre street.

5. the hotel is _________the library.(在•••前面)

二、根据section a 3a 的内容,回答下列问题。

    1. where’s the hotel?

    2. is the hotel down bridge street?

3. is the hotel next to the park?


a. you’re welcome   b. turn   c. centre street  

d. thank you very much  e. next to  f. go straight  g. park

a: where’s the post office?

b: it’s on the_________.

a: is there a ________in the neighborhood?

b. yes, there is. just ________ and ______ right. it’s _________ a library.



sectiona 训练


1、 my aunt lives ___ the twelfth floor.

a.in   b.on   c.of    d.for

2、take the third turning ___ the left.

   a.on   b.in    c.to    d.at

3、the shop is ___ fifth avenue.

   a.in   b.between.   c.turning   d.on12页,当前第4123456789101112

新目标七年级下册Unit2Where is the post office?导学案


4、according to the picture, the supermarket is ___ the park.

   a.across; from   b.next to  c.between   d.among

5、___!can you tell me the way to the post office?

   a.ok    b.hello   c.excuse   d.sorry

6、the pay phone is ___ the bank ___ the shop.

   a.across; from   b.between; and    c.from; to     d.in; on

7、she wants to call the police. is there a ___ near here.?

   a.library    b.restaurant    c.bank    d.pay phone

8、there’s s big bridge ___ the river.

   a.over      b.under     c.on     d.in

9、joan sits between you and ___ in the classroom.

   a.i       b.me      c.my     d.mine

10、does jimmy sit ___ your right?

   a.on      b.in       c.at      d.of


1、the post office is behind the factory.(画线部分提问)

   ___ ___ the post office?

2、 there is a bank near the hotel.(画线部分提问)

___ ___ the hotel?

3、i sit behind tom.(改为同义句)

   tom ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.

4、can you tell me the way to the post office?(改为同义句)

can you tell me ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ the post office?

can you tell me ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ the post office?

5、go straight along the road .(改为否定句)

   ___ ___ straight along the road.


1、 请问,去图书馆的路怎么走?

excuse me, ___ ___ ___ ___ to the library?

2、 公用电话的对面有家超市吗?

is ___ a supermarket ___ ___ the pay phone?

3、 邮局在超市和我家之间。

the ___ ___ ___ ___ the supermarket ___ my house.



   ——___ ___ the hotel?

   ——it’s ___ the school.



   ——___ the nearest shop?

   ——it’s ___ ___ ___.


a:excuse me, ___  is plant park?

b:go ___ this street,then ___ left at the second turning.

a:is it far ___ here?

b:it’s about half an hour’s walk.

a:can i ___ a bus?

b:yes,the no.5 ___ will take you there.after you get off,you can see plant park ___ your left.

a:thannks a lot.

b:___ welcome.


(一) 复习:

词汇: post office;library;hotel;restaurant;bank;supermarket;street;pay phone;park;12页,当前第5123456789101112

新目标七年级下册Unit2Where is the post office?导学案

avenue;center;bridge;near;across from;next  to;between;in front of;behind;on;

turn left  turn right;clean;new;quite;big;dirty;small;busy;old.

句子: is there a ```?   yes ,there is.no,there isn’t.

where’s the ```?   it’s ```.

(二) 自学案:

词汇: welcome ;    garden;   district ;   enjoy;    walk;   through;  beginning ; with.

短语: welcome to ;   turn left ;   take a walk ;   across from ;   next to ;             the beginning of ;

part i


a : excuse me. is there a hospital in the neighborhood /-----  .

b : yes,there is . just go strsaight and turn left. it’s ------

a : thank you very much .

b : you”er welcome.

part ii


clean -- a clean park     quiet -- a quiet streeet   new -- a new hotel

dirty --  a dirty park     busy -- a busy street   old -- an old hotel

match the words with the pictures

part iii


(一) 列出听力中重要的短语和词汇

come over  watch a video  on the corner 

off  fifth  avenue  there’s ----   across from the supermarket

(二) 简单提问和判断正误

what is michael doing ?

there is an old hotel on the corner .(yes on)

there is a big supermarket on the street.( yes on)

michal’s house is across from the supermarket . (yes on)


where is michal’s house ?

how to find the house ?


(三)  听并写出重要的句子并翻译

a. it’s a quiet street off ifth avenue . there is a new hotel on the street .

our house is across from the supermarket .


1. 欢迎来到花园小区。

2. 这是花园之旅的开始。

3. 散步穿过公园。

 section b


1.read carefully and draw a route according to the material.      2.answer the questions :

where is the park ? (it’s …..)

is it a new hotel?

what  about  the  small  house?

is the end of the garden tour ?

3.reapeat 3a ,and then write down it.



1. is this __________ interesting book?

a. the  b. a c. an

2. he sits between li ping _________ wang hai.

a. and b. but c. or

3. -________ is your book? –it is on the desk.

a. what b. how c. where

4. the shop is on the __________ avenue.

a. five b. fifth  c. two

5. the old man can ___________ through the park.12页,当前第6123456789101112

新目标七年级下册Unit2Where is the post office?导学案

a. walks b. take walk c. take a walk

6. the week is the __________ of this term.

a. begin b. beginning c. begins

7. the park is a good place _________.

a. have fun b. has a fun c. to have fun

8. do you enjoy __________tv?

a. to watch b. watching c. seeing

9. i know you are ________ next week.

a. arrive b. arriving at c. arriving

10. i hope you __________.

a. to have a good time b. have a good time  c. to have fun


1. this is the ________ of the garden tour.

2. she ________ wear pants and a t-shirt.

3. mr smith is a short man ________ long hair.

4. _____ a walk through the park on center avenue.

5. turn right on ________ avenue.




welcome ;    garden;   district ;   enjoy;    walk;   through;  beginning ; with.


welcome to ;   turn left ;   take a walk ;   across from ;   next to ;             the beginning of ;

(一) 自学案

a. 用所给单词的正确形式填空:

1. you can enjoy the city’s quite streets and small ______.(park)

2. across from the street is _____(a) old hotel.

3. next to the park is a big house with an ____(interest) garden.

4. this is the ____(begin) of the garden tour.

5. there ____(be) five gardens in the park.

b. 翻译:

1. 这里有一个很大的公园。

2. 欢迎来到第五大道。

3. 紧挨着超市的是一个很大的图书馆。

4. 邮局正对面是一个很老的餐馆。

5. 在银行和旅馆的中间有一个公用电话。

c. 根据上一课时的问题答案为线索口述3a。

d. 3b

1.look at the picture and fill in the blanks for this tour guide.

2.write a tour guide .

is there … ?

where is …?

which is the way to …?

how can i get to …?

can you tell me the way to …?

1.excuse me.where’s the theatre?

2.is there a theatre near here?

3.can you tell me the way to the theatre?

4.which is the way to the theatre?

5.how can i get to the theatre?

6.can you help me find the theatre?



1. there’s a cinema next ____ the shop.

2. ____ the left side of the room, there’s a desk.

3. -i’m sorry i can’t help you. -_______________________________.

4. please come to the front and stand ____________ the class.


a: ________ _______, where is the nearest police station, please?

b: i’m _______, i don’t know. please ________ that man.

a: thank you _______ ________ _______. excuse me, where is the police station, please? 12页,当前第7123456789101112

新目标七年级下册Unit2Where is the post office?导学案

c: _______ over there, next ________ the post office.

a: thank you ________ _______.

c: not ________ _______.

3. 翻译:

1.excuse me. could/ can you tell me the way to the station?

2.excuse me. which is the way to the police station?

3.excuse me. which way shall i take to the zoo?

4.excuse me, where is the nearest post office?

5.excuse me. could/can you help me find the fruit shop?

6.excuse me. is there a hospital near here.



一. match the english words with the chinese words. 中英文词汇配对。

(    ) 1. post office         a. 图书馆

(    ) 2. pay phone         b. 中心街

(    ) 3. restaurant         c. 超市

(    ) 4. bridge street        d. 邮局

(    ) 5. supermarket         e. 银行

(    ) 6. library         f. 第五大道

(    ) 7. center street       g. 餐馆

(    ) 8. bank         h. 公园

(    ) 9. fifth avenue        i. 公用电话

(    ) 10. park         j. 大桥街

二. 单项选择

1. please look around. what can you see        your right?

a. in      b. on            c .at

2.—excuse me.        to get to the airport?

—take a taxi.

a. what     b. when           c. how

3. let jane        the art club. she likes drawing.

a. joining       b. join           c .joins

4. the park is across        the supermarket.

a .in        b. on             c. from

5. we can buy some        in the food market .

a. bread     b. baseballs           c. clothes

6.        there a bank along the street?12页,当前第8123456789101112

新目标七年级下册Unit2Where is the post office?导学案

a. is        b. are            c. am

7. the pay phone is        the post office and the library.

a .in        b. between           c .near

8. martin is sitting next        me. we are good friends.

a. to        b. on      c. around

9. —        there orange juice in the fridge?

—i don’t know.

a. am        b. are      c. is

10. my uncle will        beijing next sunday.

a. get      b. arrive in     c. arrive at

三. 句型转换

1. there are some cars on the street.

        there         cars on the street?

2. the video arcade is across from the bank.

        is the video arcade?

3. turn right and go straight along the bank street.

turn right        go straight          the bank street.

4. excuse me. how can i get to the post office?

excuse me.                 get the post office?

5. the english club is next to the library.

the english club is        the library.

四.fill in the blanks with the words in the box. 用方框中的介词或介词短语填空。

across from, behind, between, in front of, next to, near, on

    1. a: is there a pay phone __________ here?

b: yes, there is a pay phone __________ center street.

2. a: where’s xinghua park?

  b: it’s __________ hongqi supermarket and bank of china.

3. the restaurant is __________  __________ the post office.

4. the library is _________  __________ the pay phone.

5.      forest hotel is ________  ______  ____ the park.

6.      the pay phone is __________ the small supermarket.



    i work in a small shop. it's near an english   1  . every day, students come to 2 things.

in the morning, i get up  3  six and then have breakfast. i go to  4  by bike.12页,当前第9123456789101112

新目标七年级下册Unit2Where is the post office?导学案

  5   to the shop at about six forty. the shop   6  at seven. we sell things 7 food and drink. we have school things, too. so there  8  many people in our shop  9  morning to evening. i have  10  in the shop. at seven in the evening the shop is closed.

1、a.farm   b.factory    c.school    d.river

2、a.buy   b.sell    c.take     d.want

3、a.on    b.in     c.at      d.from

4、a.school   b.bed     c.class    d.work

5、a.go    b.get     c.stay     d.look  

6、a.opens  b.open    c.is opening   d.is opened

7、a.with   b.like     c.for     d.about

8、a.are   b.have    c.see     d.come

9、a.in    b.on     c.at      d.from

10、a.supper b.breakfast    c.milk     d.lunch 



    seumas is a very busy man. he is 60 and he has a lot of jobs. he is a postman(邮递员), a police officer, a taxi driver(司机), a school-bus driver, a boatman ,and a sales assistant, a cook and a milkman. also he and his wife, margaret, have a shop and a small hotel.

   seumas lives and works on an island (岛)near london. only 120 people are on the island but in summer 150 tourists(旅游者)come on seumas’s boat every day. so seumas gets up at six and makes breakfast for the people in the hotel. at eight, he drives the island’s children to school. at nine, he gives letters(信) to all the houses on the island. he also sends(送) milk to them. then he helps in the shop. he says., “margaret likes to be busy, too. we are busy and we don’t like watching tv in the shop.” he says. “i cook the dinner and margaret heips. at ten, we have some milk and them we go to bed. perhaps(可能) our life(生活)isn’t very interesting, but we like it.”

(    )1、how many jobs does seumas have?

      a. 12                   b. 10                     c. 8

(    ) 2、does his wife like to be busy?

      a. yes                  b. no                     c. i don’t know.12页,当前第10123456789101112

新目标七年级下册Unit2Where is the post office?导学案

(    )3、what time does he get up?

      a. at 6:30               b. at 7                    c. at 6

(    )4、what nationality(国籍)are they?

      a. american             b. british                  c. chinese

(    )5、which is right?

      a. seumas is busy but his wife isn’t. 

b. they don’t watch tv.

      c. their life is not exiting, but they like it.


    hello, boys and girls! i am a doctor. my name is peter brown. i am here to know something about your breakfast. please answer my questions. “do you have breakfast every day ?”“what do you have for breakfast?”

    “my name is helen. i have breakfast every day. i have some milk , hamburgers, potatoes. and some ice cream. so i am not hungry at school.”

    “my name is dick. i have no time to have breakfast. you know, i get up very late. i only have a little bread and a bag of milk on the way to school.”

    “my name is alice. i have very little food for breakfast every day. i don’t want to eat any food after i get up. i only drink some milk.”

    “i am jack. i like food very much. i eat a lot for breakfast. i have three glasses of milk, some potato chips, four hamburgers, two eggs and a bottle of orange juice.”

(    )6、where is peter brown? he is                .

      a. at home    b. at school      c. at a food shop     d. i don’t know

(    )7、             has ice cream for breakfast.

      a. helen     b. dick          c. alice            d. jack

(    )8、dick has        food at home for breakfast.

      a. some    b. a little          c. no             d. different12页,当前第11123456789101112

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