
Where’s the post office


Where’s the post office

unit 2 where’s the post office

1. 在邮局/图书馆/宾馆/饭店/公园          in the post office/library/hotel/restaurant/park

2. 在警察局/电视台 

at the police station / tv station

3. 在一条繁忙的大街上  on a busy street

4. 在…附近  

near here = around here = in the neighborhood

5. 在……对面  across from

6. 在…旁边 next to

7. 在…前边 in front of

8. 在…之间 between … and …

9. 直走 go / walk straight

10. 沿…直走  go/walk straight along/down/up

11. 在(你的)左边 on the / your left

12. 右转  turn right

13. 享受城市美好的街道 enjoy the city’s quiet streets

14. 散步  take / have a walk= walk

15. 步行穿过公园 take a walk / go through the park 

16. 一座带着有趣花园的小房子 a small house with an interesting garden

17. 在花园之旅的开始 at the beginning of the garden tour

18. 一个好玩的地方 a good place to have fun

19. 打的  take a taxi

20. 路过你右边的一家银行 pass a bank on your right

21. 旅途愉快  have a good trip

22. 忙于做某事 be busy doing sth


1.there be句型 1). there be + 人 / 物 + 地点,意为__________________.

2). 辨析there be与have:

__________ a ruler on the desk.

they _______ a pencil.

______ your friend ______ a new pen pal?

3). there be就近原则,be动词由紧跟的名词单复数决定;

4). there be sb. doing sth. , 意为“__________”

1). __ there a pen and two books on the table?  a. is  b. are  c. am  d. be

2). is there a big supermarket on this street? __.  a. yes, there be.  b. no, there are.  c. yes, there is.  d. yes, there isn’t.

3). there are some people in the room. (疑)  ______ there ______ people in the room?

4). there are many apples on the apple tree.  _____ _____ on the apple tree?

5). there are some children ________ (play) on the playground.

2. 各“家”各异:house为“房屋,住宅”,;home为“家”,指一个人出生或居住的地方;family为“家庭,家庭成员”,与居住的房子无关。当family指家庭时,视为—_____数;当family指家庭成员时,视为_______数。

用house, home, family填空:

1). here is a _______ photo.

2). there are three _______ near the river. 

3).  they often stay at _______ on sundays.

4). my _____ all _ _____(like) watching football game.

5). welcome to my _______.

4. 不一样的“喜爱”:

1)enjoy doing sth= like doing 喜欢做某事

2)enjoy oneself = have a good time = have fun;

1). all the children _________ watching tv.          a. enjoy  b. likes  c. enjoys  d. love4页,当前第11234

Where’s the post office

2). they __ themselves together every day. 

a. like  b. love  c. enjoy  d. likes

3). my friend __ to tell jokes. 

a. like  b. love  c. enjoys  d. loves

4). do you enjoy ___? 

a. swim b. swimming c. swimming d. to swim

5. 不可随意“穿过”:across, through , pass

○a横过马路:           过桥:



1). when the traffic light is green, you can walk _______ the road.

2). they often walk ________ the garden.

3). you can cross the bridge. = you can walk _______ the bridge.


arrive in /at…= get to … , arrive / get there

1). when will your uncle ______?

2). how can we ______  there?

3). i usually ______ to school at 7 a.m.

4). we’ll _______ in hong kong soon.

test of unit 2

i. choose:

(   )1. is david __ left?  a. at your  b. on your  c. in your  d. on you

(   )2. let me __ you the way __ the hotel.  

a.  to tell, of  b. tell, to  c. to tell, to  d. tell, for

(   )3. we really enjoy__ with other young people .a. work b. to work c. works d. working

(   ) 4. please __ during the tour.  a. have a fun  b. have funs  c. have funny  d. have fun

(   )5. the supermarket is __ the hotel. a. across from  b. across to c. cross from d. across in

(   )6. ____, where is the post office?  a. sorry  b. excuse me  c. i’m sorry  d. excuse us

(   )7. ____ there any parks near here? 

a. is  b. are  c. have  d. has

(  )8.xiao ming’s father___shanghai next sunday.  a. arrives in  b. is a rriving at c. is arriving in  d. is arriving to

(    )9. ____ right and it’s the __ of the garden tour.  a. turn, begining b. take, beginning  c. turn, beginning  d. on the, beginning

(   )10.what’s your father busy __? 

a. to do  b. doing  c. does  d. do

ii. 音标单词:

1. we’re ________ [ə'raɪvɪŋ] at jinan ________ ['ɛəpɔ:t] next wednesday. 

2. if you’re ________ ['hʌŋgrɪ], you can buy some food in the ________ ['sju:pə,mɑ:kit]. 

3. is there a ________ ['restərɔnt] on the ______ ['kwaɪət] street. 

4. where’s the shopping ________ ['sentə]? just go ________ [streit] and turn right. 

5. it’s the ________ [bɪ'gɪnɪŋ] of the garden ________ [tuə].4页,当前第21234

Where’s the post office

iii. 词形填空:(1)find, buy, tell, be, go

 do you want _______  books or dictionaries? there _______  a bookshop near here. if you go to the shop, let me _______  you where it is. just _______ straight and turn left. it’s in front of the clothes shop. you can _______ it there.

(2) when ______ your mother ______ (get) up every morning?  can your father ______ (speak) fr ench well?  ______ they ______ (have) english classes every day?  lucy _________ (not do) her homework at school.  my little brother enjoys ________ (watch) tv very much.   we all have fun _________ (learn) english in class.  i think the library is a good place ________ (read).  i like _______ (swim) very much, but i’d like ________ (play) football this afternoon.  david wants me ________ (help) him _______ (study) chinese.

iv. sentences:

1. lu cy sits on susan’s left and george’s right. = lucy sits _______ susan _______ george.

2. there is some water in the glass. (否)  there ______ _______ water in the glass.

3. the bank is next to the shop.  ______ ______ the bank?

4. _______is a_______ phone______the _______ _______.这条繁忙的街道上有一个公用电话。

5. i __ ____ i can ______ in the _______ ______ a beautiful _______. 我希望住在一个有美丽花园的房子里。

6. we often_______ an english song ______ the _______ ______ class. 在开始上课的时候我们经常唱首英文歌。

7. i wish you ______ a _____ ______.旅途愉快。

8. _______ _______ the _______ is a _______ _______. 图书馆对面有一家邮局。

9. who _______ ______ the _______? we _____. 谁住在这儿附近?我们住在这儿附近。

10. 我们学校是个学习的好地方。our school is a ________ ________ _________ __________ .

11. 他总是穿过公园散步,看他正在散步呢。

he always ________ a ________ _________ the park , look! he’s _______ now.

iv. 任务型阅读:

a : (1) exc use me, could you tell me the way to the mall, please?

b : yes. go (2) ___ guangming road and take the first turning on the left. go across the bridge. go straight to guanghua road. then (3) 向左转。go along the street and take the second turning on the right. the mall is on your right. (4) it’s between the police station and the shoe factory. it’ll (5) take you about forty minutes to get there (6) on foot.

a : thanks a lot. by the  way, is there a bus to the mall?

b : yes, you can (7) ___ the no. 8 bus. it’ll take you right there.

a : thank you very much.  b : you’re (8) __.

1处词组汉语为 ____________  2处填一个合适的介词 _________  4页,当前第31234

Where’s the post office

3处译成英语 _____________________ 

4处译成汉语 ________________________________________ 

5处take的意思是 ____ a. 乘坐 b. 花费 c. 拿走  

6处的汉语为 ________ 

7处填一个合适的动词 ________ 

8处填一个合适的词 __________

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