
Li Ming Goes Home综合教案


Li Ming Goes Home综合教案

unit 8 li ming goes home

lesson 57 summer is here!

teaching content: 1. mastery words: will, scared, pool , toward

2. the words known: soccer, skip, already, yell

                3. some useful words

teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text

              2. remember the mastery words

              3.master the usage of some words and phrases

teaching aids: audiotape, pictures, flashcards and slide projector

type: dialogue

teaching procedure

class closing

1. greeting.

2. duty report.

3. sing “ the season song”

4. play “dress up” to review seasons and clothes.

5. play “ simon says”.

key concepts

enjoy, oneself, skip.

i like to________.

step 1.presentation

teacher: i like to wear blue jackets. i always wear my blue jackets .

i like to swim. i often go swimming.

i also like to skip.

step 2: practice


1) teacher: i like winter.

  students: i like winter.

teacher: i like summer.

students: i like summer..

teacher: fall.

2) teacher: i like to play soccer.

students: i like to play soccer.

teacher: i like to skip.

students: i like to skip.

teacher: ...

2 talk about the pictures.

 what does li ming like to do?

 what does jenny like to do ?

3. chain-practice.

teacher: i like summer. which season do you like best? why?

student 1: i like winter. because i like to ski on the ice. which season do you like best? why?

student 2: i like summer. because i like to swim. which season do you like best? why?

student 3: …

4. book closed! ask this question: can danny swim?

listen to the audiotape.

5. check the answer.

6.play the audiotape again as the students follow along in their student books.

7. practice in pairs,

8. present. ask for volunteers to present the dialogue.

9. make up a new dialogue.

class closing

1. finish off the activity book.

2. practice the dialogue in this lesson.

3.previrew lesson 58.

lesson 58 let’s go the park!

teaching content: 1. mastery words: into ,lie, sadly

2. the words known: airplane, dragon, better

                3. some useful sentences: i see a cloud that looks like a donut!

i like watching clouds better than flying kites! 

teaching objectives: 1. understand the meaning of the text

                  2. remember the mastery words4页,当前第11234

Li Ming Goes Home综合教案

                  3.master the usage of some words and phrases

teaching aids: audiotape, pictures, and slide projector

type: dialogue

teaching procedure

class opening

1. greeting.

2. duty report.

3. act out the dialogue in lesson 57.

key concepts

fly, lie.

sadly, better.

it looks like_________.

step 1 presentation

show the three pictures in this lesson. talk about the pictures.

picture 1

teacher: what is danny doing?

students: he is flying a kite. look! he run into the tree.

teacher: ( perform the action “run into”.) run into.

picture 2

teacher: what is danny doing now?

students: he is lying on the grass.

teacher: yes. he is looking at the clouds in the sky.

picture 3

teacher: what are danny and li ming doing?

students: they are talking about the clouds.

teacher: yes. look! this cloud looks like a plane. this looks like a dragon…

step 2 practice

1. drill.

1) teacher: lie.

students: lie.

teacher: i am lying.

students: i am lying.

teacher: he.

students: he.

teacher: he is lying.

students: he is lying.

teacher: he is lying on the grass.

students: he is lying on the grass.

teacher: danny is going to lie on the grass.

students: danny is going to lie on the grass.

2) teacher: it looks like a plane.

students: it looks like a plane.

teacher: rabbit.

students: it looks like a rabbit.

teacher: dragon.

students: it looks like a dragon.

teacher: a donut.

students: it looks like a donut.

teacher: i see a cloud that looks like a donut.

students: i see a cloud that looks like a donut.

3) teacher: i like watching clouds.

students: i like watching clouds.

teacher: i like watching clouds better than flying kites.

students: i like watching clouds better than flying kites.

2. work in small groups. ask your students to look around in the classroom. they can talk like this: look at that/ this. ( point to an object.) it looks like a ___.

encourage your students to be creative.

3. play the audiotape as the students follow along in their student books.

4. read aloud.

5. practice by themselves.

6. ask volunteers to retell the story.

class closing

1. finish off the activity book.

2. read the text.

3. preview lesson 59.

lesson 59  today, work, tomorrow. play



2.识别词汇及短语:exam, math, science, finish, everyday,cheat, page


i will write three exams.

everyone is going to be happy.

4. 了解本课中对话的意思。


class opening

1. greeting.

2. duty report.

3. sing “ stand up, sit down”4页,当前第21234

Li Ming Goes Home综合教案

4. retell the story in lesson 58.

5. play “ why? because_________.”

key concepts

exam, math, science.

finish, cheat.

step 1 presentation

teacher: ( holding an english/chinese/math/science book)

this is an english book. this is a chinese book.

this is a math book and  this is a science book.

we will have a math exam on friday. when will we have an english exam? are you doing well on the exam?

step 2 practice


teacher: math.

students: math.

teacher: we are going to have a math exam.

students: we are going to have a math exam.

teacher: are you going to do well on the exam?

students: are you going to do well on the exam?

teacher: are you good at math?

students: are you good at math?

2. books closed! ask: this question: why does danny want to sit beside jenny? listen to the audiotape.

3.check the answer.

4.play the audiotape again as the students follow along in their student books.

5. practice in groups.

6. present. ask for three volunteers to act out the dialogue.

7. make up a new dialogue.

class closing

1. finish off the activity book.

2. practice the sentences in this lesson.

3. preview lesson 60.

teaching plan for lesson 60 summer holiday

teaching content: lesson 60 summer holiday

teaching aims:

mastery words and phrases: sand, animal, pick, visit, aunt, uncle, ocean, deep

oral words and phrases: might, badminton, summertime,  sandal.

to go on practicing and consolidating“be going to and will”by using the words and phrases above; to cultivate the students’ abilities of using the language synthetically;

teaching important points: mastery words and phrases, cultivate the students’ abilities of using the language synthetically;

teaching difficult points: use the two forms of “be going to and will” freely and flexibly  to talk about something what will happen in future.

teaching procedure:

class opening:

1. greetings

2. duty report

3. oral practice by talking about “what are you going to do in the summer holiday?” to revise “be going to” and get ready for lesson 60.

new class:

step1. ask some questions like the following:

1. what will jenny do for the summer holiday?

2. what will danny do for the summer holiday?

3. what will li ming do for the summer holiday?

4. what will you do for the summer holiday?

go through the text quickly to find the answers to the questions.

step2. listen and repeat

before listening, scan the text and underline the words that they can not read correctly, then listen and repeat sentence by sentence, meanwhile line out the words and phrases that they can’t understand. they can solve the problems by themselves or in groups.4页,当前第31234

Li Ming Goes Home综合教案

step3. read the text to get ready to retell the text using the pivotal words and phrases from the text.

names what will you do for the summer holiday?

danny swim in the sea lie on the beach make the sand animal

jenny look at


li ming fly home see his father and mother visit his aunt and uncle play badminton and ping-pong

i … … … …

step4.let’s sing a summer song!

first go through the words of the song, solve the problems by themselves. i’ll help them if necessary. after that, listen to the song twice. and then learn to sing this song sentence by sentence.

class closing:

1. finish off the students’ activity book.

2. do excises ii and iii in students’ training step by step.

3. be able to retell the text fluently, especially encourage them to retell the text in their own words.

the class is over in the beautiful summer song!

上一篇:Do you want to go to a movie 下一篇:Lesson 8 What do you know?