
What does he look like教案


What does he look like教案


              revision of unit 7

stepⅰ. teaching aims and demands

1. knowledge objects

        learn to describe people’s appearance and draw pictures according to the description.

learn to describe your favorite person.

2. ability objects

       train the students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

       train the students’ communicative competence.

3. moral skill

        we mustn’t judge people by appearance. 

ⅱ.teaching key point

  review the key vocabulary and the target language of this unit.

  describe people’s appearance.

ⅲ. teaching difficulties

    train students’ listening, reading, writing and speaking skills.

train students’ communicative competence.

describe people’s appearance.

 ⅳ.teaching methods

talking method.



ⅵ.teaching procedures


greet the class as usual and check the homework.

stepⅱ describe people’s appearance

    1 you’re to describe someone in the class. ask your classmates to guess who you’re describing.

    2 the teacher gives a sample description of someone in the class and asks the class to guess who the student is. for example, the teacher says, she has long straight hair. she is medium height and she is thin.

3 students are only allowed to ask yes/no questions, such as is it han mei? is it zhang jing? until they can guess.

    4 ask different students to describe a person in the class while their classmates guess who it is.

step ⅲ review target language

     ask and answer in pairs, use these sentences.

      what does he look like?

      he’s tall.

      he’s short and he has straight hair.

      do you know david?

      no. what does he look like?

 stepⅳ  review vocabulary

        review the key words of this unit then have a dictation.

stepⅴ  summary

        summary the information we’ve reviewed in this class.

 stepⅵ  homework

         review the target language and the key words of this unit.2页,当前第112

What does he look like教案

               blackboard design

       unit 7 what does he look like?

     what does he look like?

      he’s tall.

      he’s short and he has straight hair.

      do you know david?

no. what does he look like?

上一篇:Module 4 The natural elements 下一篇:外研版初一英语上册Module 1 Unit 3教学设计