
7BUnit 4 Amazing things单元教学案


7BUnit 4 Amazing things单元教学案

7bunit 4 amazing things单元教学案

7b unit 4 amazing things第一课时教学案

【教学目标】1. 知识目标:让学生掌握以下词汇和句子, travel, plant, without, strange, at the same time, plant life, without lightning

  <1>it takes about three days to travel from earth to the moon by spaceship.

               <2> fish sleep with their eyes open.

               <3> you cannot sneeze and keep your eyes open at the same time.

               <4 >there is no plant life without lightning.

        2. 能力目标:提高学生听和说的能力


【预习导学】key points:

words:  yesterday, bright, travel, earth, moon, elephant, plant, without, strange

expressions: bright light, from earth to the moon, a man in the usa, at the same time, plant life, without lightning


1. it’s just a plane

               2. it is only the light on the plane

 3. it takes about three days to travel from earth to the moon by spaceship.

               4. fish sleep with their eyes open.

               5. you cannot sneeze and keep your eyes open at the same time.

               6. there is no plant life without lightning.

翻译词组:1.明亮的______          2.旅行______

3.植物______            4.陌生的______

5.从地球到月球______    6.同时______





1. be full of = be filled with(装满,充满)

e.g. the desk is full of books = the desk is filled books.

举一反三:the bag is filled with apples = the bag is ____ ____ apples.

2. it takes/took sb + 时间+ to do sth; 主语(人)+spend/spends/spent+时间/金钱 +on+名词/ (in)+doing; 主语(物)+cost/costs (sb)+钱;主语+pay/pays/paid+(钱)+for sth.31页,当前第112345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031

7BUnit 4 Amazing things单元教学案

e.g. it takes half an hour to work out the maths problem.

   i spent ten yuan on the book = i spent ten yuan buying the book.

   the book cost me ten yuan.

   my friend paid 100 yuang for the meal.   

举一反三: <1> it ______ me one hour ______ (finish) my home work.

<2> the writer ______ one year ______ (write) the book..

           <3> the bag _____ me ten dollars.

           <4> i have ______ for the meal.

3. 2.72 meters tall(作表语,不能当定语)/2.72---meter---tall(作定语,不能作表语)

e.g. yao ming is 2.26 meters tall.

   this is an eight—year—old boy.

举一反三:<1>the man in the usa is ______.(2.72 meters tall/2.72---meter---tall)

<2>he is a ______ man.. (2.72 meters tall/2.72---meter---tall)

4. with sth+adj.

dogs sleep with their eyes closed.

举一反三:<1> the boy sleep with his eyes ______(opening/open/opened)

5. keep sb/sth doing/+adj.

e.g. the boy likes keeping watching tv.

   please keep the door closed, it is cold outside.

举一反三:<1> the boss kept his workers ______(do)these work day and night.

<2>when we play the game, we should keep our eyes ______ (close).



1.come on __________             2.飞机的光__________

3. walk on tiptoe__________          4.同时__________

5.眼睛睁着睡觉 __________         6.travel from the earth to the moon__________

7. 2.3米高 __________              8.让眼睛闭着 __________


a: hey, hobo. look _____ that.

b: what is ______ ?

a: it’s ______ ufo.

b: come on, eddie. it’s ______ a plane.

a: ______ , it’s a ______.look at ______ bright ______.

b: it’s only the light on the ______.

a: it isn’t a plane, it’s ______ small.



1. elephants walk on tiptoe. (对划线部分提问) 

________ _______ elephants walk?

2. there isn’t any plant life without lightning.(同义句)

 there _____ _____ plant life without lightning.

3. animal center will look after animals well. (同义句)

animal center will ________ _______ ________ _______ animals.

4. they had a big house in the country last year. (同义句)

 the big house in the countryside ________ _______ ________ last year.31页,当前第212345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031

7BUnit 4 Amazing things单元教学案

5. there is something interesting about animals in the book. (一般疑问句)

 _______ there _________ interesting about animals in the book?

6. they didn’t talk in class any more.(同义句) 

they _______ _______ _______ in class.


1. thank you for _______(write )to me.   

2. look! the cats _______(climb) the tree.

3. andy is crazy about _______ (dance).  

4. it ______(take) us 3 hours _______ (finish) the work yesterday.

5. he always practises ________(speak) english in or out of class.

6. what ________ (happen) to you just now? 

7. it’s interesting ________ (look) after the baby.

8. the thief tried _______(run) away but the policemen _______ (catch) them in the end.

9. suddenly i ________(hear) a strange noise outside last night.

10. mr. wu ________ (begin) to study english when he ________ (be) 7 years old.



in winter, the thick clothes can ________ us ________.


he likes ________ _________ windows ________.


i ________  ________ _________ yesterday.


elephants walk on _________.


i cannot finish the job ________ _______ ________..


 it takes all of us 30 minutes _______ _______ ________ _______.


i am ________ ________ computer games.

7b unit 4 amazing things第二课时教学案

【教学目标】1.知识目标:让学生掌握一些重要的词汇和句子如:usual, hear, bush, unusual, frightened, anybody, nobody, carefully, noise, happen, everything, search, himself, weak, later as usual, turn around, something unusual, listen carefully, run away quickly, on one’s way to... search carefully, say to oneself, in the bushes, make a sound like... put...into... take...to... the animal centre, take care of, have a great time, soft noise, the next sunday, sound like

 1) they love to chat there.

 2) they turned around but could not see anything unusual.

3)he was now sure the sound came from the bushes.

4)they were not afraid any more.      

        2. 能力目标:培养学生读的能力。

        3. 情感目标:让学生去热爱大自然


翻译短语:1.像平常一样________        2.自言自语________

3.照顾________              4.玩的很高兴_______

5.接着的星期天________      6.在去...的路上________31页,当前第312345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031

7BUnit 4 Amazing things单元教学案





1. what did andy do after hearing about that?


2. did he find out the amazing thing at last? what was it?



1.hear(see/watch) sb do/doing         listen(听)/hear(听见,表示结果)

e.g. in the village i often hear a girl sing.

   listen, can you hear someone smiling in the next room?

举一反三:<1> in the morning we often hear birds ______(sing).

<2> ______(listen/hear),the boy is crying.

2. frightened/frightening

frightened 用来形容人,frightening用来形容物

                 e.g. the boy is frightened now.

                     the tiger is very frightening.

举一反三:<1>the little girl feel ______ to see the ______ lion.

3. noise( 噪音,不悦耳的声音)/voice(嗓音)/sound(声音)

e.g. in countries, there is little noise.

   the bird has a beautiful voice.

   suddenly i heard a surprising sound.

举一反三:<1>in busy cities, there is often a lot of ______

            <2>the girl’s ______ is very sweet.

            <3>we all know that light travels faster than ______.



1.where did millie and amy go one sunday morning?


2.when they sat under a tree, what did they hear from the bushes there?


3.did they tell andy about what they heard in the park?



1. hear a whisper from the bushes behind the tree __________________31页,当前第412345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031

7BUnit 4 Amazing things单元教学案

2. search the bushes for sth. carefully _____________________________

3. couldn’t see anything unusual __________________________________

4. 自言自语 ___________________  

5. 快速跑开 ___________________

6. 告诉我每件事情 _____________

7. 第二个星期天 ________________



1. don’t make any n_______. dad is sleeping.

2. he is f_______ of heights.

3. she spoke to me in a w_______.

4. do you like to do something u________?

5. he is ill, so he feels very w______.

6. can you take c_______ of yourself when your mother is away?

7. they are s________ the woods for a lost child.


1. as __________ (usually) he got up at six this morning.

2. please listen to the teacher ___________ (careful).

3. they run away __________ (quick).

4. tell me what _________ (happen) to you on your way here.

5. andy ________ (find) a little cat in the bushes that day.

6. there _________ (be) a party tomorrow evening.

7. suddenly i __________(hear) a strange noise outside last night.

8. why not ________ (ask) your english teacher?


1. fish sleep with their eyes _________.

  a. open        b. opened       c. closed      d. close

2. everybody is __________ in the _______ story.

a. interesting  interested           b. interested   interesting

  c. interested   interested          d. interesting   interesting

3. the trip is _______. we have great ________.

  a. fun, funny      b. funny,  funny      c. fun, fun    d. funny, fun

4. on their way __________, they were very happy.

   a. to home       b. home         c. to the home.

5. please be _________ of the dog. look after your sister ________.

  a. carefully, carefully    b. careful, carefully   c. carefully,  careful

6. the little cat __________ a sound _________ a whisper.

  a. made, like     b. make, like    c. makes, as

7. please help me ________ my english.

  a. with         b. in             c. on31页,当前第512345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031

7BUnit 4 Amazing things单元教学案

8. _________ a bag on the back, the boy got on the bus.

  a. has         b with       c. there are     d. be

9. --- will you come to the party next sunday?

  --- ________. i will be on business in shanghai by then.

a. i think so.            b. i’d like to.   

c. i’m afraid so          d. i’m afraid not

10. he is hungry now because he came to school ________ breakfast.

  a. with      b. not eat      c. not have     d. without

11. i have ________ to tell you.

  a. anything important         b. something important

  c. important something        d. everything important

7b unit 4 amazing things第三课时教学案


soft, last: soft noise,  be afraid of /to do sth, look after, look up, come from the top of the big tree, told sb everything, help sb do sth/to do sth/ with sth, hear another whisper, the next sunday, sound like

1. they were frightened and ran away quickly.

                     2. why did the little cat sound like a ghost?

       3.andy put the little cat into a bag.

4. i told andy about the strange sound.    

       2. 能力目标:提高学生阅读的能里

       3. 情感目标: 让学生去热爱大自然



1.害怕做某事________       2.往上看________

3.来自_________            4.帮助某人(做)某事________

5.听起来像________         6.告诉某人某事________


1. 他们和害怕迅速的跑开了.________________________________________

2. 为什么小猫的声音听起来像鬼.____________________________________

3. 我告诉安迪关于这个奇怪的声音.__________________________________   


1. look after sb/sth well= take good care of sb/sth

e.g. parents should take good care of their children.

   we should look after the cat well because it is very weak.

举一反三:<1> when we grow up ,we can look after ourselves well= when we grow up, we can ___ ___ ___ ___ ourselves.31页,当前第612345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031

7BUnit 4 Amazing things单元教学案

2. sound+adj/sound like+n.

e.g. her voice sounds sweet.

why did the little cat sound like a ghost?

举一反三:<1>the song ______ very beautiful

<2> it ______ (sounds/sounds like) a ghost.

3. help sb do/to do/with sth

e.g. my parents often help me do some reading

tom often helps me with my maths problems.

举一反三:<1> our english teacher often helps us ____ our homework.

<2> the students often help the old man ______ (clean)his house.



1.usual( 反义词) __________         2.frighten(形容词)__________

3. care(副词)  __________          4.strange(名词)__________

5. with(反义词) __________         6.noisy(名词)   __________

7. follow(形容词) __________       8.strong(反义词) __________


1. 人类没有水和空气不能活。

people cannot live ______ water ______ air.

2. 他们听到从门后面传来一声很低的声音。

they ______ a ______ behind the door.

3. 他们转过身来,发现了一条蛇。他们很害怕。

they ______ ______ and ______ a snake. they ______ ______.

4. 动物中心的人会好好照顾这只猫。

people in the ______ _____ can ______ _____ ______ ______ the cat.



1.iwas very ____ (frighten)when they talked about the ghost in the park.

2.his son can take care of ____(he)when he is out.

3.______(late)that day they took the little animal to the animal centre,

4.can you tell me the ___(amaze ) thing  ?

5.he was very angry ,and he left without (say)___goodbye to us.

6.you mustn't lend (借)it to ___(somebody)

7.most of ____(plant)need air, water and sunshine.

8.she went to school early as____(usually)

9.xiao mei always works hard and____(care)at her lessons.

10.the ____(follow)sunday they went to sunshine park again.

11.may is the ____(five )month of a year.

12.there____(be)a sports meeting in our school last week.

13.mr green _____(write)a letter to his friend in london last night.

14.her father ____(put )on his coat and went out.

15.some large dinosaurs _____(weigh)over 100.000 kilograms.

16.what ___you ____(eat)for breakfast this morning?

17.i usually ____(get )up at six, but i ____(get)up at five last sunday.


1.be quiet, please, i want to tell you _____

a. something interesting  b. nothing important

c. important anything     d. interesting something 31页,当前第712345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031

7BUnit 4 Amazing things单元教学案

2.i_____a sound from the behind of the tree, but i cannot _______what it is.

a. heard; find        b. hear; found  

c. listened; find      d. listen; found

3.______his way home ,he bought us some ice-cream.

a. in    b ,by    c .on   d. with

4.yesterday i ____tom in the street.

a .meet    b .run into   c. meat   d ran into

5.we are all surprised _____ him playing the piano in the school.

a. see   b to see   c seeing   d sees

6.when there is danger, he will run ____at once.

a. away   b into   c. around   d for

7b unit 4 amazing things第四课时教学案





words:  crazy, kick, stone, can, dislike, few, practice, even, early, bark, hard-working

phrases: be crazy about    be fond of   wake up   bark at

sentences: she plays with him and walks him every day.

     she eats very few of them..

     he barks at anyone who wakes him up before 11o’clock..






  1. from li yang c      english , we can learn lots of spoken english .

  2. he often plays football . he is f      of it .

  3. his father likes vegetables. he d       meat .

  4. don’t b      at anyone , it’s not polite .

  5. he likes studying , he is a h          student .

  6. daniel h      basketball because he always loses .

  7. don’t throw the        (石头) . it’s dangerous .

  8. don’t k      everything . it’s bad for your feet .


1.be crazy about 意为“为……而着迷”,后接名词、代词或动名词。


1)这个年轻人对音乐很着迷。the young man                  music.

2)这个男孩着迷于玩电脑游戏。the boy                         computer games.31页,当前第812345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031

7BUnit 4 Amazing things单元教学案

2.be fond of 相当于like意为“喜欢,爱好”,后接名词、代词或动名词。

举一反三:汤姆爱好足球。tom                           .

  3.hate 意为“讨厌;憎恶;不喜欢”,讨厌的程度要比dislike要大。dislike后接名词或动名词作宾语,而hate后可接名词、动名词,也可以用不定式作宾语。


    1)他不喜欢卡通片。he           cartoon.

    2) 他讨厌每天吃同样的食物。he                 the same food every day.

    3) 我讨厌迟到。i                            .

  4.love 意为“热爱;喜欢”后接名词、代词、动名词和不定式。love比like的语气强,而且带有感情色彩,语气较强。love 后接带to的不定式和动名词的用法与like相同。即love∕like + n.∕v-ing∕to do sth.


    1)我喜欢我的猫,她每天都和我一起玩。i      my cat. she plays with me every day.

    2)米莉喜欢米饭。millie         rice.

5.bark at 意为“(狗)对……叫”后接名词或代词。


  hobo         at anyone who he sees strangers .

6.wake up 意为“醒过来,叫醒”,当后面所跟的宾语为代词时,只能放到其之间。

  即“wake + 代词 + up”

举一反三:把我叫醒  wake            

  当后面所跟的宾语为名词时,既可以放到up的后面,也可以放到wake up之间。

即“wake + 名词 + up”∕“wake up + 名词”

举一反三:把jim叫醒 wake               ∕wake             


a. 将下列短语译成中文

1.be fond of the gost story                 2.wake sb. up              

3.be crazy about singers                    4.bark at sb.               31页,当前第912345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031

7BUnit 4 Amazing things单元教学案

5.a very hard-working farmer                6.hate dancing             

b. 选用方框中所给单词或词组的适当形式填空。

love , be fond of , like , dislike , hate , wake up ,be crazy about

1.his cousin             computer games. he often plays computer games all day without going to school.

2.eddie           hobo. he plays with him and walks him every day.

3.eddie           ufos, so he often reads books about them.

4.jill             oranges. they are her favourite fruit.

5.daniel             doing homework because he is lazy.

6.hobo           playing with eddie because he knows nothing .

7.every morning eddie              early .


a. 选择填空。

(    )1.does he like             ?

        a. practise singing           b. practising singing

        c. practise to sing           d. practising sing

(    )2.please don’t                 early tomorrow morning.

        a. wake him up   b. wake up him   c. wake he up   d. wake up he

(    )3.each of us          have two           of juice.

        a. can ; can     b. can ; cans    c. cans ; can   d. cans ; cans

(    )4.        students are here, are they?

        a. few           b. a few         c. little       d. a little31页,当前第1012345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031

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(    )5.i         this book. it’s too boring.

       a. like          b. unlike         c. dislike        d. am not like

 (   )6.let’s practise         balls.

       a. kick          b. kicks          c. to kick        d. kicking



zhao aijia              about computers. whenever she is free, she     

2. 我经常醒的晚,但今天我妹妹很早就把我叫醒了。

   i often             late. but today, my sister              early.

3. 我爱祖国,我爱我家。

   i            our motherland. and i           my family.

4. 桑迪爱好音乐,所以她每天都听音乐。

   sandy                  music, so she listens to it every day.

5. 你真的喜欢游泳吗?

   do you                              ? 


 1.i don’t like math because it’s too difficult. (写出同义句)

   i          math because it’s too difficult.

 2.jimmy works hard. (写出同义句)

   jimmy is                    boy.

 3.simon is crazy about football.

   simon                     football very much.

7b unit 4 amazing things第五课时教学案



1. 知识目标:

让学生掌握本部分出现的单词:guide, introduce, pity, die, frog, poisonous;让学生了解并掌握含有实意动词的一般过去式的构成及用法;让学生掌握住动词过去式的变化规则;31页,当前第1112345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031

上一篇:Unit 4. Electricity2 下一篇:Module 4 The natural elements