
7B Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town导学案


7B Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town导学案

课 题 7b unit2 welcome to the unit  

学 习

目 标 1. 了解并辨别不同的活动项目及其场所;


重 点

难 点 1区分how many和how much的搭配问题;

2初步了解none 的用法

3 like doing/ take sb. to/ we can do…




1.  去超市___________________ 6. 点一份比萨_________________

2. 多少钱_______________ 7. 打羽毛球______________

3. 多少钱_________________ 8. 喜欢看电影________________

4. 多少罐狗食_______________ 9. 喜爱吃中国食物______________

5. 带他们去购物中心___________ 10. 欢迎来到阳光镇_____________


 (    ) 1. my dream city has at least ________ floors and i live on the _________ floor.

        a. sixty, sixty      b. sixty, sixtieth     c. sixtieth, sixtieth     d. sixtieth, sixty

(    ) 2. _____ your father reading newspapers now?

        a. are      b. is    c. do     d. does

(    ) 3. kitty is ________ a letter and it ________ bill will not come to her party.

        a. looking; reads    b. looking at; reads    c. reading; says     d. reading; writes

(    ) 4. there is not ________ for us  ________.

        a. room enough; to live        b. enough room; to live in  

c. room enough; to live in      d. enough room; live

(    ) 5. millie is _______ english and doing more reading is _______ her study.

        a. good at; good for           b. good at; good at    

c. good for; good for          d. good for; good at

1.  who ________ the high jump last year? (win)

2. i’m so tired, so i ________ (go) to the cinema tonight.

3. now we are doing our best ________(learn) english well.

4. listen! how nice the music ________ (sound)! where ________ it ________ (come) from?

5. i have to go now. someone ________ (wait) for me at the school gate.

三、课后拓展:  x kb1. co m 7页,当前第11234567

7B Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town导学案

1. 我没有足够的钱买3听狗粮.

2. 为什么我们不点一块披萨呢?

3. 他喜欢打羽毛球.让我带他去体育中心打吧.

4. 碗柜里有多少食物?根本没有.

5. 那个男孩可能是吉姆.

课 题 7b unit 2 reading   

学 习

目 标 1、 读懂文章,了解阳光镇的基本状况。

2、 复习和拓展有关生活方式和活动的词汇


重 点

难 点 理解全文,学会谈自己的家乡

学   习   过  程



tell sb about sth              such a tall building

go walking                  most of us

by underground               be close to

have to do                    air pollution

want help with one’s homework        at night

there’s less air pollution in sunshine town than in other areas of beijing.

most of us live in places like this.

you can shop until 10 o’clock at night.

if so, you are in the right place!

you can choose any food you like in sunshine town.


a) people in nanjing can go shopping by ___________(地铁) soon.

b) there’s less air__________(污染) in the country than in the city.

c) children in poor________(地区) need help.

d) people in _________(西方的) countries celebrate christmas every year.

e) i can’t believe _______(如此) a young girl can swim so well.

f) jerry watches tv every night and he doesn’t go to bed _______(直到) eleven o’clock at night.

g) _________(当地) people usually know much about the traditions there.

h) my school is about three miles________(远) from my home.

i) most of us live in tall __________(楼房) today.

j) who____________(教) you english this year?



 it            him half an hour            to school on a bike every day.


they_______ ________ ________ go far if they need ________ ________ their _________.


if you don’t like ___________ __________ , there is __________ __________ in this shop too.7页,当前第21234567

7B Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town导学案


you can _____________________ to _____________________¬¬¬¬__________ on the internet.

课 题 7b unit 2  grammar 

学 习

目 标 1、 学习 how many 和how much 区别

2、 学习 名词所有格

3、 学习名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词区别

4、学习定冠词 the 的用法

重 点

难 点 教会学生能正确使用和区分以上四点

学   习   过  程


一、 一预习p31—p35,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译。

1. 多少牛肉                   2. 多少西红柿

3.  每样30就足够了            4. 十五条面包

5.  每样三公斤                 6. 其他什么东西

7.  多少包薯条                 8. 四大盒牛奶

9. 属于millie                   10. 是她的

11.地上到处都是       12.在amy铅笔盒隔壁

13. 付很少的钱       14. 为晚会准备食物和饮料




1. he wants to buy five kilos of oranges.


2. these things are twenty-one yuan.


3. we can see only one bird in the picture.


7B Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town导学案

4. there is only one knife on the table.


5. there are three big cartons of milk in the fridge.



1. 你好朋友去年去过故宫博物馆几次?仅一、二次。


2. 你用这些钱能在星星大卖场买几个纪念品?一个都买不到。


3. 你舅舅是一个建筑工,他每天在市中心建造许多大楼。


4. 这些火腿多少钱一公斤?我对此不了解。


7B Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town导学案


课 题 7b unit 2  integrated skills & study skills 

学 习

目 标 1. 进行阅读和听力训练,能从海报中找到具体信息。

2. 对中国故宫博物馆有更多的了解

重 点

难 点  听力练习中,主要信息的获得



  学    习   过  程



1. one of the british students

2. works of art

3. chinese paintings,

4. there are lots of fun and interesting things to see

5. don’t miss the great show.

6. would you like to go to the palace museum tomorrow?

7.  what time shall we meet in the morning?

8.  we shall be there at 9 a.m. to enjoy a full day there.



1) there are a lot of _______________ (艺术品) in the palace museum.

2) hurry up, please. we can’t _________________.(错过展览)

3) at weekends, we usually have ___________________(很多有趣的事情要做)。

4) many foreigners are now interested in _________________.(中国画)

5) that boy always ___________(犯错误),so his mother is very angry with him.



6) 你愿意明天和我一起去看国画展览吗?


        2) 明天上午我们在学校大门口碰头怎么样?

          shall we ___________________________________________________________?

        3) 为什么不带你弟弟一起去呢?

          why don’t you ___________________________________?

        4) 可别错过最后一班车啦。

          don’t_______ the ________ bus.

        5) 我们什么时候见面?

          when _________________________________?


capital          street         friendly       cupboard       second

twentieth        underground   like           western        theatre

exchange        barbecue      wonderful      coke          pollution7页,当前第51234567

7B Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town导学案

building         hospital       bicycle    


课 题 7b unit 2  main task & checkout 

学 习

目 标 1. 掌握并熟练运用本部分中规定的词汇、词组、和句型。

2.复习和学习不同的地点及活动,通过谈论家乡,帮助学生联系到地点方位,为下一单元finding your way的教学做铺垫。

重 点

难 点 1. 掌握好本课四会单词、词组和句型。

2. 如何在实际中灵活运用本课单词、词组和句型介绍自己的家乡。

3. 写作技巧。

   学   习   过  程

一、 预习检测:新 课标 第一网


1﹑污染不多                       2﹑许多不同的大楼

3﹑带…参观…                     4﹑种蔬菜

5﹑在花园外                      6﹑在一个青少年活动中心

7﹑进城                         8﹑骑自行车

9﹑一个居住的好地方             10﹑什么种类的房子

11﹑什么有趣的地方            12. 从这儿骑车去青少年活动中心花了你多少时间

13﹑附近的朋友                 14﹑在公共汽车站附近



1.our children go to the __________ (本地的) school.

2.have you ever been to any __________ (西方的) countries.

3.there are no potatoes on the shelf, and there are __________ eggs. (没有)

4.i like to go to the __________ (年轻人) centre with my friends.

5. my school is about three miles________(远) from my home.

6.now we are doing our best ________(learn) english well.

7.listen! how nice the music ________ (sound)!

8.i have to go now. someone ________ (wait) for me at the school gate.

9.when ________ the meeting ________ (begin)? in half an hour.

10. my idea is quite different from________________(she).

三、课后拓展:  x k b1.co m


1. 我想带这些来自英国的交换留学生去参观我们的新学校.


7B Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town导学案

2. 每个星期六晚上我们都试着去不同的中国餐馆享受中国菜.


3.在这个镇上没有许多的污染, 因为人们不能开车进入镇中心.




二、写作:根据p40页b2所列问题以四.“my home town”为题写一篇短文:

上一篇:Unit 6 It’s raining! 下一篇:Healthy Food