
shops and markets教案


shops and markets教案

unit 3 shops and markets

一. 本周教学内容:

    module 4 unit 3 shops and markets




anything 任何事(物)   check 格子,方格  collar衣领  jeans牛仔裤   kid小孩   neck领圈,领口  medium中等的  v-neck v字型领  spot点子;斑点 

stripe条纹,长条   sweater 运动衫;针织套衫



1. go to the shop去商店

2. would you like to come?你想来吗?

3. many different shops许多不同的商店

4. buy a lot of things买很多东西

5. a pair of jeans一条牛仔裤

6. come with me和我来

7. buy your brother a new watch=buy a new watch for your brother.给你哥买块表

8. a pair of shoes一双鞋

9. shopping list购物清单

10. computer game电脑游戏

11. jeans with yellow belt 黄色腰带的牛仔裤

12. agree with you 同意你的看法

13. prefer the one with the white collar更喜欢带白领的那个

14. a dress with blue spots一条带蓝点的连衣裙

15. a sweater with short sleeves短袖毛衣

16. a t –shirt with v- neck  v领t恤衫

17. a pair of trousers with checks (stripes)带格(条)的裤子

18. in my size我的尺码

19. changing rooms试衣间

20. over there那边

21. take turns按次序

22. ask for your size 要你的尺码

23. each of 每个

24. try it on试穿

25. get together for dinner聚在一起吃饭

26. on new year’s day在新年

27. give us some red packets给我们一些红包

28. thousands of people上千的人

29. give some suggestions for给我们一些建议

30. get there到那



1. i’m going to the shops today.今天我打算去商店。

2. would you like to come?你想来吗?

3. i need to buy a new watch for your brother.我需要为你哥哥买一块新手表。

4. i also need to buy a pair of shoes.我也需要买双鞋。

5. which shops does mrs wang need to go to ?王女士需要去哪个商店?

6. which shop will we go to buy the jeans?我们上哪个商店去买牛仔裤?

7. will we go to super shoes?我们去不去超级鞋店?

8. do you prefer the t-shirt with v-neck or the one with round neck?你更喜欢v领的还是圆领的t恤衫?

9. would you like to try it on?你想试试吗?

10. do you have it in my size.你有我这个尺码的吗?




  1. 构成  主+动词(动词单三)+其他

  2. 陈述句  he watches   tv every day.

            they go to supermarket every week.

  3.否定句  he doesn’t watch tv every day.

            they don’t go to supermarket every week.

  4. 一般疑问句 does he watch tv every day?

                do they go to the supermarket every week?3页,当前第1123

shops and markets教案

  5. 提问 what does he do every day?

   what do they do every week?

  6. 标志词:every week/on sundays



1. with表带有  the sweater with long sleeves.

                  the dress with blue spots.

2. with 表示与某人一致 agree with you

3. with 表示与……一起  come with me



1. “which shops are you going to , mum?” asked alice.


▲mum, mom比mother更口语化,mum大都用于英语口语,而mom大都用于美国口语。

(1)mum, this is my friend, li lei.妈妈,这是我的朋友李雷。

(2)mum and dad were not at home.妈妈和爸爸都不在家。



2. i’m going to many different shops.我要去许多不同的商店。

▲different 不同的,差异的,分离的。different作形容词,被它形容的名词常用复数形式;它的反义词same作形容词时,前面一般有定冠词the,被形容的名词用单数。

(1)i have lived in four different houses in this city.我已在本市4所不同的房子里居住过。

(2)are you all in the same school? 你们都在同一所学校吗?


(1)there’s not much difference in price between the two computers.这两种计算机价格没多大差别。

(2)there are many differences between the two languages.这两种语言有许多不同之处。


3. yes, i agree with you .是的,我同意。

▲agree with 是指出自主观愿望的“赞成”、“同意”,既可接表人的名词(代词),也可接表物的名词(代词)或表动作的动名词:

(1)i agree with what they are doing.我赞同他们所干的事情。

(2)i agree with what you said.我赞同你所说的。

(3)i don’t agree with a single word that you have said.你所说的每句话我都不赞成。

注:agree to 是指“接受,认可”常常指并非出于主观愿望的“同意”,尤其不乐意或争论之后的同意。

(1)he wants me to give up my job when we’re married, but i could never agree to that.他要我结婚后放弃我的工作,但我绝不会同意。

(2)the headmaster agreed to the request for a half-term holiday.


agree on 指两方或多方就某事取得一致意见或达成协议,因为主语必须指双方或多方,或者涉及到另一方:

(1)you and i agree on this point.你和我在这一点上意见是一致的。

(2)we agreed on a date for next meeting.我们就下次会议的日期达成协议。


4. i prefer the ones with the blue belt.我喜欢蓝带的牛仔裤。


(1)“which shirt do you prefer?” “this one.”“您喜欢哪件衬衫?”“这一件。”3页,当前第2123

shops and markets教案

(2)i don’t have a pen. can you lend me one? 我没有带钢笔,你能借我一支吗?


    b. 当one带有定冠词时,(the one),它所替代的就是带定冠词的名词。

    he is the one who heard you calling.他就是听到你叫的那个人。


5. would you like to come?

    (1)would you like =do you want

    (2)would you like /do you want +名词/to do


6. i’m going to many different shops

    ▲different +名词复数 different shops

the same + 名词单数 the same shop.


7. i need a new pair of jeans

    ▲a pair of 表示“一对”,“一双”

a pair of shoes (trousers/ jeans)

two pairs of shoes


8. i need to buy a new watch for your brother

    ▲buy sb sth=buy sth for sb

=i need to buy your brother a new watch


9. i also need to buy a pair of shoes.

    also 也放于be 动词后行为动词前,too放于句尾表示“也”,用于肯定句。either放于句尾用于否定句,as well“也”放于句尾。

=i need to buy a pair of shoes, too,

=i need to buy a pair of shoes as well.


10. will we go to super shoes ?

将来时的一般疑问句,肯定回答yes 主+will.

否定回答 no 主+ won’t.


11. i don’t agree with you .

agree on sth 同意某事

agree with sb 同意某人意见


12. would you like to try them on.

try+ n.+ on

try on +n.

try +pron.+ on

上一篇:A teaching plan for Unit 3,Module10 下一篇:Unit 6 It’s raining!