
We’re getting ready for the Spring Festival教案


We’re getting ready for the Spring Festival教案

we’re getting ready for the spring festival教案

module 2 spring festival

unit 1 we’re getting ready for the spring festival.


to understand the conversation about the sp ring festival

to recognize phrases and recognize short answers

to ta lk about the spring festival with given information


vocabulary—spring festival , ready, get ready for, learn, dragon, dragon dance, lantern, sweep

 structures--- what is lingling doing ?

                she’s getting ready for the spring festival.

                is your mother working?

                yes, she is. /no, she isn't.

教具: tape recorder, video, multimedia



show the lucky money. say: this is lucky money. we can get it at spring festival. teach spring festival. you know people are ver y busy before the spring festival. what do we often do?

student1: …… student2: …… student3: ……   student4: ……


show some pictures and say: look at the pictures. the people are very busy. they are getting ready for spring festival. teach get ready for. present the title of this lesson.

step3  look and say

look at the pictures and tell what are they doing?

picture1:   t: what is this? s: it's a……. teach dragon.

t: what are the boys doing? s: they are……dragon dance. teach learn.

show a lantern. t: what's this? s: it's a lantern. teach lantern.

look at picture2: t: what is she doing? s: she is maki ng lanterns.

look at picture3: t: what is she doi ng? s: she is……. teach sweep.

look at picture4: t: what is she doing? s: she is cooking.

look at picture5: t: what is she doing? s: she is clean.

step4 match and check. now please match the words with the pictures. check the answers. and then read together.


the spring festival is coming. people are getting ready for it. there is a dialogue between lingling,  tony and betty. 

1. listen and answer the question:

what is  lingling's father doing? (  he is working.)

2. work in groups of 3.

t: at first, you should say: i am tony. i am lingling. i'm betty. are you clear?

3. ask 2 groups to act it out. ask which group is better.

4. retell the dialogue with the key words and the pictures individually.

5.ask several students to  retell it.

step6 music bar

t: you have done a very good job. do you like music? let's go to the music bar to have a rest.3页,当前第1123

We’re getting ready for the Spring Festival教案

after that, can you answer this kind of questions?

is he /she/it ……?

yes, he /she/it is.

no, he /she/it isn’t.

are you /they/ we ……?

yes, you /they/ we are.

no, you /they/ we aren’t.

step6 activit y3

ask and answer in pairs .

step7 activity4

in pairs, ask and answer.  pay attention to the question form:

what is/are…doing?

step8 summary

vocabulary   spring festival, ready, get ready for, learn, dragon, dragon dance, lantern, swe ep

structures       what is lingling doing?

                she ’s getting ready for the spring festival.

                is your mother working?

                yes, she is. /no, she isn't.

step9 homework

exercises  for   module2   unit 1

i. choose the right answers

1.look! what are the boys           ?

a.  do        b.  does           c. doing

2.what       your father           ?

a.  is, doing   b.  are  doing   c. is,  do

3. they are getting ready             the festival.

a. to           b. for            c. of

4. are  the boys            lanterns?

a. make           b. playing         c. ma king

5. what                        over there?

a. is happening     b. is happened      c. happen

ii. spelling

1.my mother is           (打扫) the house now.

2.we have three          (餐) every day.

3.are the twains making            (  灯笼 )now?

4.what do we often do at the spring                   (节日).3页,当前第2123

We’re getting ready for the Spring Festival教案

5.they are            ( 学  )english.

6.we like watching a            (  龙 ) dance.

iii. change the sentences into english

1. 你在准备晚饭吗?


2. 孩子们正在学舞龙.

the children                             

3. 我叔叔在上班.

my uncle 

上一篇:外研版七年级下册Module 7 Unit 1教学设计 下一篇:A teaching plan for Unit 3,Module10