
牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案1


牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案1

7b unit 4 amazing things 导学案comic strip and welcome to the unit 【自学探究】(上课前预习一下课文,对你可有帮助啦,行动起来吧!)1. 预习本课的生词, 你会读吗?根据音标和规则试着读几遍吧,并理解他们的词义和词性, 把不会读的记下来_________________________________2. 你能用下面的句型造句吗?试一试!it takes about…     keep…open    there is no…without… (通过预习你一定理解了许多新知识吧,快来检测一下,听课就会有的放矢啦!)阅读课文,翻译下列词组  1.come on . ____________2.the light on the plane____________ 3.bright light___________4.at the same time____________ 5.walk on tiptoe ___________ 【教案】


7b unit 4 welcome to the unit


新授课 阅读课


1. introduce names of interesting facts and strange things, e.g. a giraffe has seven bones in its long neck.2. recognize and use adjectives to describe degree of feelings of likes and dislikes.

3. to introduce students to unusual phenomena and events.

4. to understand the concept of things that are unusual.5. to use adjectives to describe feelings and opinions.

教学重难点1.重点句型:fish sleep with their eyes open.     there  is no plant life without lightning 2. 识记有关amazing things的词汇和用形容词表达自己感觉。






个性化补充step one: lead-in and presentation.1.show a video of et, when you see et, how do you feel?(surprised, amazing, strange…) 2.show a video of ufo,(present new word bright, light),how do you feel ?3.today, eddie and hobo met an amazing thing. they met a ufo. how will they feel? let’s try to find it out. 4.then let’s listen to the tape recorder of the text. and then try to answer my questions.listen to the recorder twice.questions: 1). what are eddie and hobo doing?         2). what did eddie think it is?         3). what did hobo think it is?         4). did eddie think it is a plane? why not?         5). do you think eddie is a clever dog?read the text as the role of eddie and hobo.act a short play with your partner. (ask two or three groups of students to do it.)discussion: do you believe there are ufos in the world?step tw  presentation actually there are lots of amazing things in the world. here are lots of surprising things. look at the six pictures one by one and present the new words and phrases at the same time. 8页,当前第112345678

牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案1

2.discussion:1). do you know if plants can grow without the lightning?2). do you know how long it takes to travel from the earth to the moon?  3). do you know if you can sneeze and open your eyes at the same time?4). do you know who is the tallest man in the world?5). do you know how the elephants walk?6). do you know if the fish close eyes, when it is sleeping?match the pictures with the letters and try to answer the questions one by one.explain some important language points. do some exercises.step three: extension(amazing animals)i know everyone of you like animals. some of you have pets in your family. there are also something amazing about animals. listen to my questions and can you find out which animal it is?1). do you know which animal can live up to 150 years old?2). do you know which animal has 3 eyelids on its each eyes and why?3). do you know which dog is the smallest?4). do you know which animal is as old as dinosaur?5). do you know which animal is as clever as people?6). do you know which animal can live for a month without having water?7). do you know which animal is the biggest in the world?8). do you know which animal is the most dangerous in the sea?9). do you know which animal has the longest neck?step four. practisenow let’s talk about amazing animals with the following patten .a:---do you know if … ? (do you know that/which..?)b:--- oh, really? maybe it’s…a:---isn’t that interesting? (amazing, funny, great, interesting, strange, wonderful, surprising, cool…)b:---yes, it is. do you know which…?a:--- ….ask the students to prepare the dialogue and act it out.step five: consolidation---an investigationhave the students act as a journalist and interview any five students in your class: what amazing things do you know?how do you feel?write down their answers on the paper,then give a report for that in front of the class.step six: homeworkgive a report about the amazig things you read in the book and how you feel next class,such as: a book about goldfish/can only remember things for three seconds/funny.a book about ghosts/…/…a book about the tallest man/…/…a book about sanwiches/…/告诉学生世界上充满了令人吃惊的事物,通过一个短片,启发学生开动脑筋,回答问题。利用图片进行生词教学通过问题设置复习新知总结归纳通过听对话找到问题的答案。学生模仿对话人物进行表演。了解一些不同寻常的事情,并通过思考来回答这些问题。通过练习来巩固所学知识运用所学知识来回答问题,运用所学的短语来组织语言通过编对话,使用形容词来表达自己的感觉和见解。8页,当前第212345678

牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案1


1.       背诵本课的单词与词组 2.       完成《同步导学》上本课时的作业 3.       预习reading,完成预习作业


7a unit4 comic strip& welcome come on    the light on the plane           it takes... to... unusual things   keep… open            there is no plant life without lightning. walk on tiptoe


 【当堂巩固】( 经过学习,你一定更好地掌握了本课内容吧?来试试你的身手吧!)一.根据中文提示写出单词。1.can you hear the _________ (奇怪的) noise?2._________   (大象)walk on tiptoe.3._________  (没有) water ,we can’t live.4.what an _________ (有趣的) story it is! 5.he is showing me a book about some _________ (不寻常的) things  二、句型转换:1. it takes about three days to travel from the earth to the moon by rocket. (对划线部分提问 )______________________________________________________________2. elephants walk on tiptoe.( 对划线部分提问 )_________________________________________________________________3. it’s very hot .don’t close the door(改为同义句 )it’s very hot. please_______ the door._______4. if there is no air , we can’ t live.( 改为同义句)__________air, we can’ t live.5. the bag is filled with books.( 改为同义句)the bag________  _______  ______ books三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1. 它只是飞机上的灯。it’s_______ the_______  _______ the plane.2. 没有阳光、水、和空气就没有生命。there is _______ _______ _______  _______ ,water  and air.3. 我们总是同时上学。we often go to school _______ _______ _______ _______4. 美国有一个人身高2.72米。a man _______ _______ _______ is 2.72 meters _______   5.她喜欢穿奇装异服。she likes to _______ _______  _______          四、选择题(   ) 1. are you _____ in these _____story books.a. interested, interesting         b. interested, interested. c. interesting, interested         d. interesting, interesting(   ) 2. there is  ______"m" in the word moon      a. an   b. the   c. a   d./(   ) 3. fish sleep _____ their eyes ______.      a. with, open   b. without, open   c. with, close   d. with, closed8页,当前第312345678

牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案1

(   ) 4. she wanted _____ a new pencil-box.      a. to buy   b. buys    c. buy    d. bought(   ) 5. --isn't that a funny thing?           --____ i like it very much.      a. yes, it is       b. yes, it isn’t.      c. no, it isn’t.     d. no, it is.reading(ⅰ)【自学探究】(上课前预习一下课文,对你可有帮助啦,行动起来吧!)1. 学习本课的新词汇, 理解他们的词义和词性,根据音标和规则试着读读,把不会读的记下来_____________________________________________________2. 跟着磁带朗读课文,多读几遍,要流利哦。3. 预习课文,回答问题 how many people are there in the story? who are they? ______________________________  do the children go to the park again?  ____________________________________(通过预习你一定理解了许多新知识吧,快来检测一下,听课就会有的放矢啦!)a:词组翻译1. 像往常一样_____________      2. 转身______________  3. 感到害怕_____________4. 在……的路上___________      5. 找出______________  6. 自言自语_____________7. 对做某事感到惊讶________     8. 玩得高兴__________________9. 受到惊吓________________     10. 第二天___________________【教案】


7b unit 4 reading ⅰ


新授课  阅读课

教学目标1 to introduce the style of the ghost story -to identify specific meaning by scanning the text.2 to predict meanings of specific words from the context

3 to summarize key points of a story by sequencing statements4. to identify key events and infer general meaning

教学重难点1.规则动词+ed 后的读音     2. 不规则动词过去式的变化






个性化补充step 1 lead inask a question: which kind of story do you like best?love storyfunny storyexciting storyghost storystep 2 presentationgive the students three minutes to go through the text, and let them try to find the next questions.1.what did millie and amy hear in the park when they sat under the tree?2.what made the noise?3.at last, who found the ghost? and in fact, what was it?after checking the answers to the three questions, the teacher lets the students read again and find out the answers to the following questions.1.why were millie and amy frightened?2.when they heard the whisper, what did they do?3.where did andy find the “ghost”? how did he find it?8页,当前第412345678

牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案1

4.why were millie and amy surprised at last?5.where did they take the cat?6.do you think there are ghosts in the real life?reorder the following sentences millie said.1.we left the park quickly.2.andy found a little cat in the bushes.3.we talked under a big tree in the park.4.suddenly, we heard a whisper.5.then we heard another whisper.6.andy went to the park.7.i told andy about the noise.step3 practicemillie and amy ran to andy for help. andy is asking some questions about the “ghost”. would you please practice in groups of three and make up a dialogue among the three.ask students to fill in the blanks in part b2, then read the conversation together. let some students speak out their answers and check it. the important points are as following :a.   run awayeg) when they heard the strange noise, they ran away quickly.b.  sound like a ghostc.  the animal centerstep 4 homework通过问题引导学生思考故事的种类,为进入下一环节打下伏笔。先让学生带着这三个问题快速浏览文章,尽快的找到问题的答案。三个问题分属文章的三大段,有一定的代表性。引导学生在第一次阅读的基础上,再次细致的阅读课文,了解课文的细节内容。对学生适时进行德育教育把文中millie的话进行摘抄,让学生按照事情发展的顺序来进行排序,进一步了解学生对课文的掌握情况。根据课文内容进行拓展,训练学生运用语言的能力。根据课文,让学生完成书上练习,检查学生前面学习的效果。然后简单讲解一下里面的知识点。通过思考教师提出的问题了解故事的种类。浏览全文,找到问题的答案。细节阅读,了解事情发生的时间、地点、事由等。按照事情发生的前后顺序进行排序。三人一组根据教师提示来编对话。独立完成练习,运用和巩固本节课所学知识。


1.       通读全文,找出文中重点短语。 2.       完成《同步导学》上相关联系。


                      unit 4   reading 1 love story           1.what did millie and amy hear in the park when they sat under the tree? funny story          2.what made the noise?exciting story        3.at last, who found the ghost? and in fact, what was it?ghost story     


【当堂巩固】一、用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. is there_______   (something ) in the bushes?2. september 10th is an _______   (usual ) day . it’s _______   (teacher) day.3. i don’t like the _______   (noise) street.8页,当前第512345678

牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案1

4. the students are going to learn something about _______   (amaze) things.5. i was_______   (frighten) when i heard the whisper.6. they are listening to the teacher _______  (careful).   二、写出下列句子的同义句1. this bike is tom’s.  this is ______ ______.  this bike ______ ______ ______.2. the following day we went to the park.  ______ ______ ______ we went to the park.3. girls are afraid of snakes.  girls ______ ______ ______ snakes.4. how dangerous the snake is!  ______ ______ ______ ______ it is!5. thank you for your help.  thank you ______ ______ ______.6.we should take care of the baby.  we should ______ ______ the baby.三、翻译句子1.树上没有什么异常之物。(nothing unusual)___________________________2.我每天早上花半个小时读英语。(it takes...)___________________________3.现在我不再害怕动物了。我想了解它们的更多知识。(not...any nore, learn more about)___________________________4.他睡觉时,总是让窗户开着。(keep...open )___________________________reading(ⅱ) 【自学探究】a:预习单词并能不看书拼写出来。1.明亮的            2.旅行              3.大象              4.植物                 5.没有              6.奇怪的            7.不寻常的          8.感到恐惧的           9.仔细地            10.声音,响声       11.搜寻             12.虚弱              b:根据课文内容填空。one s______ morning, millie and amy h_______ a whisper from the b_______ in the park. they were f_______. they l_______ carefully and heard the s_______ noise again. they r________ away. then they t_______ andy e_______. andy f______ a little cat in the bushes. he put it into a b_______. at last, millie and amy were s______. they took it to the animal c_______. they were not a_____ any more.【教案】


7b unit 4 reading 2


新授课  8页,当前第612345678

牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案1

教学目标1.to summarize key points of a story by sequencing statements 2.to identify key events and infer general meaning 3.to do the exercises correctly and read the text fluently

教学重难点1. 一般过去式的变化 2. 重点词语的用法

教学方法讲授法  练习法





个性化补充step 1 revisionreview the text through the questions:1.are you afraid of the ghost? who heard the whisper?2.what do millie and amy love to do in the park?3.why were they frightened?4.whom did they run into on their way?

step2 presentationask the students to fill in the blanks according to the text.on their way, they ____ _____andy.millie ____andy everything. andy ____ ____the park, _____beside the tree, he _____a whisper____the bush, he ____carefully. he ______a little cat, it ______a whisper.he _____the little cat ______a box.he ______the little cat_____ millie and amythey ______ the ‘ghost’.they ______the little cat ____the animal center. millie and amy _____ _____the park again.retelling competitionwent to, stood beside, listened carefully,         heard the whisper, looked behind and heard another, searched carefully, said to,            found, put into, opened and showedlanguage points:1. as usualeg), last sunday, mr wang went fishing as usual.2.       distinguish ‘whisper, sound, noise, andvoice’   whisper   v.&n.eg) xiao wang whispered something in xiao ming’s ear.mary spoke in a whisper.sound  n.&v.  eg) can you hear the sound of the piano?it sounds great.noise  n.  eg) don’t make any noises in the classroom.voice  n. eg) ms wu has a sweet and soft voice.3.frightened & afraidbe frightenedeg) don’t be frightened.a frightened girl is crying.be afraid (that )   be afraid of sth eg) she is afraid of snakes.be afraid to do stheg) i am afraid to jump into the water.4. on one’s way to a placeon their way to place5. say to oneself6. take care of =look after7. not ….any more =not ……any longer= no longereg) i am not afraid of tigers any more. =i am not afraid of tigers any longer. =i am no longer afraid of tigers.step 3 practicetranslation:a. 他像往常一样去上学。b.我听到有人低声说话,但一转身,什么也没看见。c. 听到奇怪的声响,我很害怕。e. 请多告诉我一点关于你们学校的事情。f. 在照片里,她站在妈妈的旁边.g. 当他仔细搜索了自己的房间后,他对自己说:“我找不到它了.”8页,当前第712345678

牛津7B Unit 4 Amazing things导学案1

step 4 homeworkread the passage.recite the new words.finish the exercise.通过问题设置带领学生回忆所学文章,并为下面的字词句学习打下伏笔。通过课文改编的一个缺词填空来引导学生注意一般过去式的形式变化。通过给出关键词让学生复述课文,一方面帮助他们梳理思路,二来引导他们学会使用过去式。对本课中出现的重点短语进行详细讲解,并通过举例让学生能清楚理解并会用。通过汉译英练习了解学生掌握情况。布置家庭作业组织语言回答与课文相关问题。根据短文填空,并能通过观察发现所填词的规律。用所给的提示词来复述课文,注意一般过去时的使用。认真聆听老师的讲解,并能举一反三。用本节课所学内容来翻译句子,注意短语和时态的正确使用。8页,当前第812345678
上一篇:Unit 11 What time do you go to school? 教案 下一篇:Unit 8 I’d like some noodles.